Susana Rocha Relvas

Areas of interest: Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature

Susana Rocha Relvas is a Researcher at CEFi Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto, Lisbon). She obtained her MA at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon, with a dissertation on António Sardinha e suas relações culturais com Espanha, recolha, transcrição e análise da correspondência espanhola e hispano-americana (1998), and her PhD at the same university with a dissertation on O Pensamento de Leonardo Coimbra: afinidades e convergências no espaço ibérico e ibero-americano (2009). Her main lines of research include Culture and Religion, Comparative Literature, Iberian Studies (including transatlantic relations), History of Intellectuals and History of Ideas, libertarian movements and pedagogical innovations in the Ibero and Ibero-American space.

Susana Rocha Relva’s contributions to the field of Iberian Studies include publications such as “Valle-Inclán y Portugal” (2007), “Teixeira de Pascoaes e Carlos Sabat Ercasty: uma amizade espiritual”. (Estudo e edição de correspondência inédita)” (2008) or “Leonardo Coimbra e Ortega y Gasset: entre a Razão Experimental e a Razão Vital” (2012). She has recently designed and officially presented the Project: Iberian and Latin-American Network of House Museums, Foundations and Archives of Writers and Artists (2017). She is also an active member of APLC, AIH, RIIR, ASPHS and ACIS – Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies where she is executive member and Communications Officer. She organized the 2016 ACIS Conference in Porto and co-edited the Conference Proceedings, Iberian Interconnections (2016).
More information:, Researchgate


Susana Rocha Relva’s publications in the IStReS database:

Relvas, Susana Rocha. 2003. ‘António Sardinha e o mundo hispânico: Diálogo com mulheres sul-americanas’. In Mulher, cultura e sociedade na América Latina, edited by Maria Fernanda de Abreu, 4:61–84. Lisbon: Colibrí.

———. 2005. ‘A ação cultural de Leonardo Coimbra no espaço ibérico e ibero-americano: A “solidariedade étnica” que a todos congrega’. In Leonardo Coimbra. O Tribuno e o Filósofo, 71–74. Porto / Felgueiras: Universidade Católica do Porto / Câmara Municipal de Felgueiras.

———. 2007. ‘Valle-Inclán y Portugal’. Anales de la literatura española contemporánea (ALEC) 32 (3): 133–55.

———. 2012. ‘Leonardo Coimbra e Ortega y Gasset: entre a Razão Experimental e a Razão Vital’. Nova Águia – Revista de Cultura para o Século XXI, no. 10 (September): 52–65.

———. 2016. ‘O Pan-hispanismo de António Sadrinha: génese, receção e influência da sua obra’. In Iberian Interconnections – ACIS Conference Proceedings 2016, edited by Susana Rocha Relvas, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas, and María Gómez Bedoya, 256–69. Porto: Universidade Católica do Porto.

———. 2017. ‘Leonardo Coimbra y el pensamiento español: Teoría y Praxis de una dialéctica Ibérica y universal / Theory and Praxis of an Iberian and universal dialectics’. Bajo Palabra, no. 17: 545–62.

———. 2018a. ‘Crónica de un diálogo inacabado: Ortega y Gasset y Leonardo Coimbra: afinidades y divergencias del pensamiento ibérico en la década de los veinte’. In Presença de Ortega y Gasset em Portugal e no Brasil, edited by Antonio Braz Teixeira, Gonzalo del Puerto, and Renato Epifânio, 211–18. Lisboa: Movimento Internacional Lusófono, Instituto Cervantes, DG Edições.

———. 2018b. ‘Mirrors, Reflections and Shadows: Dialogue and Silence in Portuguese–Galician Cultural Relations in the 1920s.’ In New Journeys in Iberian Studies. A (Trans-)National and (Trans-)Regional Exploration, edited by Mark Gant, Paco Ruzzante, and Anneliese Hatton. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

———. 2019a. ‘Diálogo ibérico en torno a Don Quijote: Miguel de Unamuno y el movimiento cultural de la Renascença Portuguesa’. Edited by Christoph Strosetzki. Perspectivas actuales del hispanismo mundial. Literatura – Cultura – Lengua 2 (8): 443–56.

———. 2019b. ‘Portuguese-Catalan Intellectual Networks in the Inter-War Period: Interconnections between Noucentisme and Renascença Portuguesa’. In Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Culture, History and Socioeconomic Change, edited by Mark Gant, 233–63. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Relvas, Susana Rocha, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas, and María Gómez Bedoya, eds. 2016. Iberian Interconnections – ACIS Conference Proceedings 2016. Porto: Universidade Católica do Porto.