Pleibéricos is designed as series of events in which books on Iberian Studies will be presented online. The first event of the series will take place on Thursday 25 June at 7pm (CET) through this Youtube channel.
Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.
You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or on in the blog, where all the events will be anounced.
These are the books that will be presented on June 25 from 7pm (CET):
- A Taste of Barcelona: The History of Catalan Cooking and Eating (Rowman & Littlefield 2019)
Authors: H. Rosi Song and Anna Riera - Tras las huellas del terrorismo en Euskadi. Justicia restaurativa. Convivencia y reconciliación (Dykinson, 2019)
Editors: Annabel Martín and María Pilar Rodríguez - Sexualidades Disidentes: un acercamiento fílmico desde la prostitución y la pornografía (Dykinson, 2019)
Author: Txetxu Aguado - Women in Iberian Filmic Cultures. A Feminist Approach to the Cinemas of Portugal and Spain (Intellect Books, 2020)
Editors: Elena Cordero Hoyo and Begoña Soto Vázquez - Being Portuguese in Spanish: Reimagining Early Modern Iberian Literature, 1580-1640 (Purdue UP, 2020)
Author: Jonathan William Wade
The presentations will be held in Spanish.