Who’s who

Stewart King

Stewart King is a Senior Lecturer in the Spanish and Latin American Studies Program at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) and received his PhD from La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia). He is also a researcher member of Mujeres y Novela Criminal en España 1975-2010 (MUNCE).

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Jon Kortazar

Jon Kortazar is a Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy in the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. A renowned scholar in the field of Basque Studies, he has published several articles, books and special issues related to Basque literature, such as Euskal literatura XX. mendean [Basque literature in the 20th century] (2000) or Autonomía e ideología. Tensiones en el campo cultural vasco (2016). He is also the coordinator of a history of contemporary Basque literature, in five volumes, and director of the research group LAIDA – Literatura eta identitatea.

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