Who’s who

Carlos Pazos-Justo

Carlos Pazos-Justo is a Lecturer (Professor Auxiliar) in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Estudos Espanhóis e Hispano-Americanos) at the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. He is an external member of the research group GALABRA at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and a member of research group GALABRA-UMinho, at CEHUM-UMinho (Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho), where he is also a researcher of the group NETCult (Group for Transcultural Studies).

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Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro

Areas of interest: Spanish Literature – Portuguese Literature – Early Modern Spanish Literature – Comparative Studies – Iberian Studies  Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro is Catedrática (Full Professor) of Spanish Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research encompasses the poetry of Siglo de Oro, with an emphasis on Francisco de la Torre, Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Francisco […]

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Santiago Pérez Isasi

Santiago Pérez Isasi works as Principal Researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon, where he currently develops his research on “A digital meta-history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: methodological exploration and prototype”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Between 2015 and 2020 he was also the PI of the project ‘Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1868-1936). He is the co-author of De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930) (2018, with Antonio Sáez Delgado) and co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (2013, with Ângela Fernandes) and Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos (2019, with Cristina MArtínez Tejero). With Esther Gimeno Ugalde, he is also co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and coordinator of the Iberian Studies Reference Site.

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Teresa Pinheiro

Teresa Pinheiro is a Professor for Iberian Studies at the Institute for European Studies of Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany. She graduated from the Universität zu Köln and the Universidade de Lisboa with degrees in German and Portuguese Studies and received her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at the Universität Paderborn, Germany in 2002. Her research fields include emigration, representations of collective identity, and the politics of memory in the Iberian Peninsula. She is Reviews Editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies and is currently working in a digital project on the Second Spanish Republic.

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Aude Plagnard

Aude Plagnard obtained a PhD in Spanish literature from the Sorbonne University in Paris and is currently Maîtresse de conférences in Comparative Literature at Université Paul-Valéry in Montpellier. She holds a Lucienne Domergue fellowship at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study […]

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