Enric Bou

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Theory.

Enric Bou is a fulltime Professor at the Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy; prior to this he was the Chair of Hispanic Studies at Brown University. He received a fellowship from the Research Center for Contemporary History in Barcelona, and his PhD in Philosophy and Arts from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bou previously lectured at Wellesley College, the Universitat de Barcelona, and the Université de Poitiers. Between 2011 and 2012 he was holder of the UC3M-Santander Chair of Excellence at the Universidad Carlos III examining issues of multiplicity and heterogeneity in urban experiences, specifically in the Hispanic world.

Bou has made many substantial contributions to the field of Iberian Studies, including recent publications such as “Fachadas e intransigencia: una imagen de Catalunya en la literatura española del siglo XX” (2003), “On Rivers and Maps. Iberian Approaches to Comparatism” (2010) or Iberismos (2023). His book Invention of Space. City, Travel and Literature (2013) offers a groundbreaking application of the “spatial turn” of the Humanities and Literary Studies to the field of Spanish and Catalan cultures.

More information: Institutional website


Enric Bou’s publications in the IStReS database:

Bou, Enric. 2003. ‘Fachadas e intransigencia: una imagen de Catalunya en la literatura española del siglo XX’. In Cataluña-España: relaciones políticas y culturales, edited by Xavier Antich, Ángel Castiñeira, and Joaquim Colominas, 249–70. Barcelona: Icaria. https://www.academia.edu/31411940/_Fachadas_e_intransigencia_una_imagen_de_Catalunya_en_la_literatura_espa%C3%B1ola_del_siglo_XX_.

———. 2010. ‘On Rivers and Maps. Iberian Approaches to Comparatism’. In New Spain, New Literatures, edited by Luis Martín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini, 1st ed. Hispanic Issues, v. 37. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University Press. https://iris.unive.it/retrieve/handle/10278/28053/24466/BouRivers%26MapsComparatism.pdf.

———. 2015. The Invention of Space: City, Travel and Literature. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.

———. 2019. ‘Iberian Nearby Experiences: (In)Utility and Lightness (of Being and Things)’. In Iberian Studies. Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines, edited by Teresa Pinheiro and Núria Codina Solà, 207–32. Estudios Hispánicos En El Contexto Global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik Im Globalen Kontext 8. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Bou, Enric, and Ángel Otero-Blanco. 2016. ‘The Essay’. In A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, edited by César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín González, and Ellen Sapega, 2:284–92. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée. https://www.academia.edu/29317283/A_Comparative_History_of_Literatures_in_the_Iberian_Peninsula_Vol._2.

Bou, Enric, and Heike Scharm Cannon. 2016. ‘Writing of the Self. Iberian Diary Writing’. In A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, edited by César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín González, and Ellen Sapega, 2:256–67. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée. https://www.academia.edu/29317283/A_Comparative_History_of_Literatures_in_the_Iberian_Peninsula_Vol._2.