Who’s who

María Rosa Álvarez Sellers

Areas of interest: Spanish studies – Portuguese studies – Theater – Gender Studies

María Rosa Álvarez Sellers is a Professor at the Universitat de València, where she teaches in the Department of Spanish Philology. She specializes in Spanish and Portuguese literature with a focus on Iberian theatre. Prof. Álvarez Sellers is particularly engaged with female performativity and theatricality.

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Montserrat Bacardí

A graduate in Catalan Philology (BA) and Hispanic Philology (PhD) from the Universitat de Barcelona, Montserrat Bacardí is a Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she is the PI of the Grup d’Estudi de la Traducció Catalana (GETCC) (Contemporary Catalan Translation Study Group). Her areas of expertise include Literary Translation from Spanish into Catalan, Catalan literature under Franco’s dictatorship, and Catalan exile in Latin America. To these topics she has devoted several critical works, such as El Quixot en català (2006, with Inma Estany), Diccionari de la literatura catalana (2008) (ed.), Catalans a Buenos Aires. Records de Fivaller Seras (2009), Una impossibilitat possible. Trenta anys de traducció als Països Catalans (1975-2005) (ed., 2010), Diccionari de la traducció catalana (dir.) (2011), La traducció catalana sota el franquisme (2012), Les traductores i la tradició (2013), Gràcia Bassa, poeta, periodista i traductora (2016), and Traducció i franquisme (ed., 2017).

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Silvia Bermúdez

Silvia Bermúdez is a Spanish and Portuguese Professor as well as a Feminist Studies Professor at the University of California Santa Barbara. Her specialization areas are Contemporary Spanish and Galician Literatures and Cultures, Transatlantic Studies, and Peruvian Poetry. Her subject focuses at UC Santa Barbara include Cultural Productions of the Iberian Peninsula, Perú, and Equatorial Guinea, Feminism, Women’s Studies, Poetic Discourses, and Politics.

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Maria Graciete Besse

Maria Graciete Besse, currently retired, is the former Director of Portuguese Studies and Assistant Director of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, France. Professor Graciete Besse also worked at the Institut Hispanique in Paris and frequently holded visiting lectures at many different universities throughout France and Portugal. In 2004 Maria Graciete Besse founded the Institute for Lusophone Studies at the CRIMIC (Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les mondes ibériques contemporains) of the Sorbonne, which she directed until 2016.

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Sandra Boto

Sandra Boto works as Assistant Researcher at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa desde setembro de 2020, desempenhando funções no Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição. Entre 2019 e 2020 foi Investigadora Auxiliar no CIAC/ Universidade do Algarve.She is also executive researcher for the Romanceiro project, a digital database that provides texts and information on Iberian romances from 1828 to 2010.

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Enric Bou

Enric Bou is a fulltime Professor at the Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy; prior to this he was the Chair of Hispanic Studies at Brown University. He received a fellowship from the Research Center for Contemporary History in Barcelona, and his PhD in Philosophy and Arts from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bou previously lectured at Wellesley College, the Universitat de Barcelona, and the Université de Poitiers. Between 2011 and 2012 he was holder of the UC3M-Santander Chair of Excellence at the Universidad Carlos III examining issues of multiplicity and heterogeneity in urban experiences, specifically in the Hispanic world.

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Isabel Araújo Branco

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Ibero-American Literature – Spanish Literature – Portuguese Literature – Translation Studies. Isabel Araújo Branco is an Assistant Professor (Profesora Auxiliar) in Spanish Studies, Literature and Translation, at the NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL). She works as a researcher at the CHAM – Centro de Humanidades (NOVA FCSH—UAc)…

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Tobias Brandenberger

Tobias Brandenberger is a Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen, Germany (Full Professor, Ibero-Romance and Ibero-American Literatures). In the past, Brandenberger served as a Professor in the Department of Iberian Literatures and Languages at the Universität Basel, Switzerland. His research focuses on literary gender studies, intermediality, and the cultural and literary relations between Spain and Portugal, as well as the imagology of these relations.

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Helena Buffery

Helena Buffery is currently Vice-Head of College (Research) and Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at University College of Cork, Ireland, having previously worked at the University of Birmingham. Her research and teaching interests include Hispanic theater and performance, translation studies, and Catalan studies. In the past she was the Vice-President of the International Federation of Catalan Associations and the President of the Anglo-Catalan Society.

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Juan Carlos Busto Cortina

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina is a Lecturer (Profesor Titular) of Romance Philology in the Department of Classical and Romance Philology at the University of Oviedo (Spain), where he implemented the study of Catalan and other minorized literatures from Spain. He is a member of the Seminary on Asturian Philology and the Seminary on Arabo-Romance Studies at the University of Oviedo. He founded the Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana and was Deputy Director of the Bibliographic Bulletin Aljamía.

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Ana Belén Cao Míguez

Areas of interest: Comparative Literature – History of Translation – Iberian Studies – Cultural Studies. Ana Belén Cao Míguez is an Assistant Lecturer (Professora Auxiliar) in Spanish Studies at the Department of Letters of the Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal), where she is currently coordinating the master’s degree in Portuguese and Spanish Languages Teaching.

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Arturo Casas

Arturo Casas is a Profesor Catedrático (Professor) of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He has a wide set of research interests including Aesthetics, Literary Theory, Literary History, and 20th century Galician and Spanish poetry. Additionally, he is a member of the Institute of Comparative Literature Margarida Losa (Universidade do Porto) and of the Grupo Intermedialidades, coordinated by Rosa Maria Martelo. He is also a member of EcoLab.gal, Laboratorio Galego de Ecocrítica, coordinated by César Domínguez.

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Jordi Cerdà Subirachs

Jordi Cerdà Subirachs is an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is also the Coordinator of the Minor in Medieval Romance Cultures and Literatures and the Chair of the José Saramago of Instituto Camões at the UAB. He previously taught at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

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Christian Claesson

Areas of interest: Comparative Literature – World Literature – Hispanic Literatures – Basque Literature

Christian Claesson is Associate Professor of Hispanic Literature at the University of Lund (Sweden), and holds a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Harvard University (United States). He has extensively studied the post-crisis novel in Spain as well as the points of contact between the different literatures of Spain within the framework of the macro-project ‘World Literatures Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics’ (2016-2021).

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Pere Comellas Casanova

Areas of Interest: Translation Studies – Iberian Studies – Comparative literature – Catalan literature – Portuguese literature – Galician literature

Pere Comellas Casanova (PhD Universitat de Barcelona) is a Lecturer in Portuguese Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona and a researcher member of GELA (Grup d’Estudis de Llengües Amenaçades, Threatened Languages Study Group).

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Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández

Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández is a Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma, Spain). He is the Coordinator of the Center for Studies on Surrealism of the Fundação Cupertino de Miranda (Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal) and the President of the Association of Spanish Lusitanians (Asociación de Lusitanistas del Estado Español, ALEE). He is also a member of the Institute of Portuguese Studies and the Institute of Studies on Modernism (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), and of the Center for Portuguese Literature (Universidade de Coimbra).

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Katiuscia Darici

Katiuscia Darici is Lecturer of Spanish Literature and Catalan Language and Literature at the University of Turin.
She holds a Ph.D. in Foreign Literatures and Literary Studies from the University of Verona and in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.She has taught Spanish literature at the universities of Mantua and Verona, and Catalan literature at the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice. She has co-edited the book Historieta o Cómic. Biografía de la narración gráfica en España (2017) and translated from Catalan to Italian the poetry book Fragili naufragi, by Nora Albert (2020).

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Xosé Manuel Dasilva

Xosé Manuel Dasilva is a Professor in the Department of Translation and Linguistics at the Universidade de Vigo, Spain. His main research areas include the analysis of Galicia, the Luso-Brazilian community, Comparative History, and Self-translation in the Iberian Peninsula.

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Luisa-Elena Delgado

Luisa-Elena Delgado is a Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Critical Theory and Gender Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Delgado’s research focuses on the formation of Spanish national identity in the contemporary democratic period; an interest developed, for instance in her monograph La nación singular: Fantasías de la normalidad democrática española (1996-2011) (2014). Her latest research explores emotions and affect in culture, and she recently edited the collection Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History (from the Eighteenth Century to the Present) (2016) alongside Pura Fernández and Jo Labanyi. A Spanish translation and update of that book (La cultura de las emociones) has been published by Cátedra (Madrid) in 2018.

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Conxita Domènech

Conxita Domènech is a Professor in Iberian Literatures and Cultures of Spanish Literature in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Wyoming, USA. Her main research fields include Catalan and Castilian theater from the Baroque period.

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César Domínguez

César Domínguez is an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he holds the Jean Monnet Chair. He received his BA from the Universitat de València, and his PhD from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. While studying at Brown University, he served as a graduate student in residence. Additionally, Domínguez is the director of the Graduate Program in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at USC and the Vice-President of SELGYC, Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada.

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Alexia Dotras Bravo

Alexia Dotras Bravo received her PhD in Spanish Philology from the Universidade de Vigo, Spain where she specialized in Salvador de Madariaga’s work on Cervantes. She is additionally a Universidade de Vigo M.A. graduate in Spanish Philology (2000) and Galician Philology (2002). Before joining the School of Education in Bragança, she worked at the Education University School in Vigo (Escola Universitaria de Maxisterio) and served as an assistant researcher at the Center of Portuguese Literature, Universidade de Coimbra. She also played an active role in several professional associations such as the Asociación de Cervantistas (treasurer) and the Asociación de Jóvenes Doctores en Hispanismo, BETA (Executive Member).

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Brad Epps

Brad Epps is a Professor of Spanish, Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Cambridge and Professorial Fellow at King’s College in Cambridge, UK. Previously, he was a Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures as well as a Professor and former Chair of the Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Harvard University for over two decades.

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Sebastiaan Faber 

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Trans-Atlantic Studies – Hispanism – Latin American Studies – Spanish Cinema – Spanish Civil War – Spanish Politics Sebastiaan Faber is Professor of Hispanic Studies at the Oberlin College. In 1995 he achieved his MA by the University of Amsterdam, with a thesis in Spanish Literature entitled Jaulas doradas y […]

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Ângela Fernandes

Ângela Fernandes is an Associate Professor (Professora Associada) in the Department of Romance Literatures at the Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.In 2009, she received her PhD in Literary Theory from the Universidade de Lisboa. In addition to lecturing at the university, she coordinates the research project “DIIA – Iberian and Iberian Dialogues”, which analyzes the relations between Iberian and Iberian American cultures and literatures.

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Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes

Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes is a Professor in the Department of Portuguese and Romance Languages and the former director of the Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos at the Universidade do Porto, Portugal. She was also the founder and director of the journal, Península: Revista de Estudos Ibéricos (2002-2008). Her main areas of study include “Siglo de Oro” Literature and Culture, Iberian Cultural History (Early Modern Age), and History of Religion and Religious Practices (15th-18th centuries).

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María Jesús Fernández García

María Jesús Fernández García is a Lecturer (Profesora Titular) of Galician and Portuguese Philology in the Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literatures at the Universidad de Extremadura (Spain). Her research interests focus on Portuguese language and literature in relation with other Iberian literatures and languages. Additionally, she has various writings on the theory of Imagology and its application to the Iberian Peninsula.

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Joseba Gabilondo

Joseba Gabilondo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University. He has published several articles on Spanish and Basque nationalism, Atlantic studies, Iberian studies, intellectual discourse, postnationalism, masculinity, feminism, queer theory, globalization, and Hispanic/Hollywood cinema.

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Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Esther Gimeno Ugalde is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria, and a member of the research group DIIA (Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos) at the University of Lisbon (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas). Between 2013 and 2018, Gimeno Ugalde was an Assistant Professor at Boston College, and held a previous appointment as the Max Kade post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University.

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Alfons Gregori

Alfons Gregori is the Head of the Centre for Catalan Studies at the Institute for Romance Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), where he also completed his PhD dissertation in Comparative Literature. He specializes in Fantastic Literature, Popular Music, Catalan poetry, and in the translation of Spanish and Catalan literatures into Polish. Dr. Gregori has co-edited a book series in Polish on “minor literatures” of the Romance Europe (UAM, 2012; 2015; 2017).

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Leslie Harkema

Areas of interest: Spanish Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Translation Studies. Leslie Harkema is Associate Professor and Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Division, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the Baylor University. She specializes in modern and contemporary Spanish and Iberian literature […]

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Thomas Harrington

Professor Thomas S. Harrington teaches at the Department of Language and Cultural Studies at Trinity College (Hartford, CT), USA. He specializes in Iberian Cultures and Literatures, and Iberian Diasporas in the Americas with a focus on Catalan diaspora.

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Kirsty Hooper

Kirsty Hooper is the Head of the Hispanic Studies Department at the University of Warwick, England. Prior to working at the University of Warwick, Hooper taught at the University of Liverpool for eight years. Her research mainly focuses on Spanish, Anglo-Spanish, and Galician cultural history since 1800, and the use of digital technologies for humanities research.

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Stewart King

Stewart King is a Senior Lecturer in the Spanish and Latin American Studies Program at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) and received his PhD from La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia). He is also a researcher member of Mujeres y Novela Criminal en España 1975-2010 (MUNCE).

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Jon Kortazar

Jon Kortazar is a Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy in the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. A renowned scholar in the field of Basque Studies, he has published several articles, books and special issues related to Basque literature, such as Euskal literatura XX. mendean [Basque literature in the 20th century] (2000) or Autonomía e ideología. Tensiones en el campo cultural vasco (2016). He is also the coordinator of a history of contemporary Basque literature, in five volumes, and director of the research group LAIDA – Literatura eta identitatea.

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António Apolinário Lourenço

António Apolinário Lourenço is a Senior Lecturer (Professor Associado) at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, where he also coordinates the Hispanic Studies section, and is a member of the Executive Commission of the Center of Portuguese Literature. He has extensive publications on Spanish and Portuguese literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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Ana Luna Alonso

Ana Luna Alonso is a Professor of Translation Studies at Universidade de Vigo, where she has taught since 1995. Alonso specializes in Galician literature, paying special attention to translation of Galician works and literary reception in the Galician context in works such as Traducción de una cultura emergente: La literatura gallega contemporánea en el exterior (co-author, 2012) and Literaturas extranjeras y desarrollo cultural: Hacia un cambio de paradigma en la traducción literaria gallega (Relaciones literarias en el ámbito Hispánico) (co-author, 2015).

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Gabriel Magalhães

Gabriel Magalhães is a an Assistant Professor (Professor Auxiliar) in the Department of Portuguese and Spanish Literature at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal and was previously a visiting Professor at the University of Salamanca, Spain (1996-2002). At the University of Beira Interior, he was the director of the Undergraduate Program in Portuguese and Spanish Studies. He is also a member of the editorial board of Suroeste – Revista de literaturas ibéricas.

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Elizabete Manterola

Elizabete Manterola is a Lecturer at the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, from which she graduated with a PhD thesis on the translations of Basque writer Bernardo Atxaga. She has created and currently leads the online Basque Literature in translation catalogue ELI (Euskal Literatura Itzuliaren Katalogoa) which gathers information on modern works of Basque literature translated into other languages. Manterola has also coordinated various editions of the program “El escritor y sus traductores”, promoted by EIZE, the Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of Basque Language, and the Etxepare Basque Institute.

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Víctor Martínez-Gil

Víctor Martínez-Gil is a Catalan Philology Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. He previously taught Catalan at the Universitat de Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. One of the most relevant specialists in Catalan-Portuguese literary and cultural relations, he has also translated renowned Portuguese authors such as Mário de Sá-Carneiro, José Saramago, and Herberto Helder.

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Rosario Mascato Rey

Rosario Mascato Rey is “Profesora contratada interina” (interim Lecturer) at the Department of Languages and Literatures in the Universidade da Coruña. She is the Principal Investigator of the SilverageLab (Spanish Silver Age Literature Across Borders) devoted to the study of networks involved in the diffusion of Spanish literature around the world from 1900 to 1940. She is also a member of the research group HISPANIA (Grupo de Investigación en Lengua, Literatura y Cultura Hispánica).

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Sérgio Campos Matos

Sérgio Campos Matos is an Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Lisbon. His main research interests are social memory, historiography, nationalism and the relationship between Portugal and Spain from a cultural, social, and political historical perspective. He has authored or co-authored papers in these research area for the Diccionario político y social del mundo iberoamericano, ed. by J. Fernández Sebastián (Madrid, 2009) and The Contested Nation, ed. by S. Berger and C. Lorenz (London, 2008).

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Robert Patrick Newcomb

Robert Patrick Newcomb is an Associate Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies at the University of California, Davis, United States. Additionally, he is the founder and co-director of the UC Comparative Iberian Studies Working Group. He received his BA, MA, and PhD from Brown University.

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Miguel Filipe Mochila

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies, Hispanic Studies, Transatlantic Studies, Modernism, Modernity

Miguel Filipe Mochila is a Lecturer of Portuguese at the University of Puerto Rico, under a protocol with Instituto Camões I. P. (Portugal). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Évora, […]

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Xaquín Núñez Sabarís

Xaquín Núñez Sabarís is an Associated Professor (Professor Associado) in the Department of Romance Studies of the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. He works on his research at the Center for Humanities Studies in that same university, as well as in the research group “Identidade(s) e Intermedialidade(s)”. He is also a member of the research group studying the works of Valle-Inclán at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. His research deals with contemporary Spanish (micro-)narrative, theatre and intermediality, as well as with the pedagogy of literature in a multilingual context.

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Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas

Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas is a Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He obtained his PhD from the European University Institute (Florence), and between 2012 and 2017, he also taught at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Núñez Seixas specializes in 19th and 20th century national and regional identities in Spain and Europe, in such publications as Entre Ginebra y Berlín. La cuestión de las minorías nacionales y la política internacional en Europa (1914-1939) (2001) or Movimientos nacionalistas en Europa. Siglo XX (1998, 2nd. ed. 2004).

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Mari Jose Olaziregi

Mari Jose Olaziregi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies at the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and previously served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno Center for Basque Studies. She has also been a Guest Professor at the University of Konstanz, Germany (2010), Koldo Mitxelena Visiting Chair Professor at the University of Chicago (2016) and Bernardo Atxaga Visiting Chair at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (2014 and 2015). She has served as the editor of the Basque Literature in Translation Series at the Center for Basque Studies since 2003, and is the director of the Basque Literature portal.

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Carlos Pazos-Justo

Carlos Pazos-Justo is a Lecturer (Professor Auxiliar) in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Estudos Espanhóis e Hispano-Americanos) at the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. He is an external member of the research group GALABRA at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and a member of research group GALABRA-UMinho, at CEHUM-UMinho (Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho), where he is also a researcher of the group NETCult (Group for Transcultural Studies).

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Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro

Areas of interest: Spanish Literature – Portuguese Literature – Early Modern Spanish Literature – Comparative Studies – Iberian Studies  Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro is Catedrática (Full Professor) of Spanish Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research encompasses the poetry of Siglo de Oro, with an emphasis on Francisco de la Torre, Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Francisco […]

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Santiago Pérez Isasi

Santiago Pérez Isasi works as Principal Researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon, where he currently develops his research on “A digital meta-history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: methodological exploration and prototype”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Between 2015 and 2020 he was also the PI of the project ‘Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1868-1936). He is the co-author of De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930) (2018, with Antonio Sáez Delgado) and co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (2013, with Ângela Fernandes) and Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos (2019, with Cristina MArtínez Tejero). With Esther Gimeno Ugalde, he is also co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and coordinator of the Iberian Studies Reference Site.

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