Areas of expertise: Catalan Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Fantastic Literature – Popular Music
Alfons Gregori is the Head of the Centre for Catalan Studies at the Institute for Romance Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), where he also completed his PhD dissertation in Comparative Literature. He specializes in Fantastic Literature, Popular Music, Catalan poetry, and in the translation of Spanish and Catalan literatures into Polish. Dr. Gregori has co-edited a book series in Polish on “minor literatures” of the Romance Europe (UAM, 2012; 2015; 2017). He is also a member of the research group Grupo de Estudios sobre lo Fantástico (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and is part of the working team for two research grants: Lo fantástico en la cultura española contemporánea (1955-2017): narrativa, teatro, cine, TV, cómic y radio (FFI2017-84402-P) and La literatura de segon grau: les relacions hipertextuals en la literatura catalana des del Modernisme fins el 1939 (FFI2017-86542-P).
Gregori’s comparative approaches to Fantastic literature and politically engaged fiction written by Spanish and Catalan authors have greatly added to the field of Iberian Studies. His major contributions include the book La dimensión política de lo irreal: el componente ideológico en la narrativa fantástica española y catalana (2015) and articles such as “La invisibilitat com a matèria política: Vermell de Cadmi de Margarida Aritzeta i Los invisibles de José María Merino”, “Monstruositat, religió i fantàstic: el monstre-jueu i del monstre-déu a les literatures espanyola i catalana” (2016), “Álvaro Cunqueiro y Joan Perucho: Periferias centrípetas de lo fantástico” (2009), or “Just Popping?: Anti-homophobic Elements in Spanish and Catalan Contemporary Popular Music” (2006).
More information:, Researchgate
Alfons Gregori’s publications in the IStReS database: