Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Trans-Atlantic Studies – Hispanism – Latin American Studies – Spanish Cinema – Spanish Civil War – Spanish Politics
Sebastiaan Faber is Professor of Hispanic Studies at the Oberlin College. In 1995 he achieved his MA by the University of Amsterdam, with a thesis in Spanish Literature entitled Jaulas doradas y torres de marfil. La integración de los escritores españoles exiliados en México. In 1999 he gained his Ph.D. in Spanish and Spanish-American Literature, with a designated emphasis in Critical Theory, from the University of California; his final dissertation concerned Exile and Cultural Hegemony: Spanish Intellectuals in Mexico (1939-1975). He hold the Chair of Hispanic Studies at the Oberlin College from 2006 to 2010 and from 2016 to 2020.
Moreover, Sebastiaan Faber is the author of Exile and Cultural Hegemony: Spanish Intellectuals in Mexico, 1939-1975 (Vanderbilt University Press, 2002), Anglo-American Hispanists and the Spanish Civil War: Hispanophilia, Commitment, and Discipline (Palgrave, 2008), Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography (Vanderbilt University Press, 2018), and Exhuming Franco: Spain’s Second Transition (Vanderbilt, 2021), translated as Franco desenterrado. La segunda Transición española; he is co-editor of Contra el olvido. El exilio español en Estados Unidos (U de Alcalá, 2009), Transatlantic Studies: Latin America. Iberia, and Africa (Liverpool UP, 2019) and also of The Volunteer, a quarterly magazine published by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA). He regularly contributes to Spanish and U.S. media, including CTXT: Contexto y Acción, La Marea, FronteraD, The Nation, Foreign Affairs, Conversación sobre la Historia, Jacobin, and Public Books.
His main contributions to the field of Iberian Studies include publications such as ‘Economies of Prestige: The Place of Iberian Studies in the American University’ (2008), and ‘Beyond the Nation: Spanish Civil War Exile and the Problem of Iberian Cultural History’ (2017), in The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies.
More information: Institutional website; Personal Website
Sebastiaan Faber’s publications in the IStReS database:
Faber, Sebastiaan. 2008. ‘Economies of Prestige: The Place of Iberian Studies in the American University.’ Hispanic Research Journal 9 (1): 7–32.
———. 2017. ‘Beyond the Nation: Spanish Civil War Exile and the Problem of Iberian Cultural History.’ In The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies, edited by Javier Muñoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale, and Manuel Delgado, 427–38. London / New York: Routledge.
———. 2022. ‘Historia literaria y lógica burocrática.’ In España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea, edited by Christian Claesson, I, 17–32. Constelaciones 3. Granada: Comares.