Enric Bou

Enric Bou

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Theory.

Enric Bou is a fulltime Professor at the Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy; prior to this he was the Chair of Hispanic Studies at Brown University. He received a fellowship from the Research Center for Contemporary History in Barcelona, and his PhD in Philosophy and Arts from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bou previously lectured at Wellesley College, the Universitat de Barcelona, and the Université de Poitiers. Between 2011 and 2012 he was holder of the UC3M-Santander Chair of Excellence at the Universidad Carlos III examining issues of multiplicity and heterogeneity in urban experiences, specifically in the Hispanic world.


Tobias Brandenberger

Tobias Brandenberger

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Gender Studies

Tobias Brandenberger is a Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen, Germany (Full Professor, Ibero-Romance and Ibero-American Literatures). In the past, Brandenberger served as a Professor in the Department of Iberian Literatures and Languages at the Universität Basel, Switzerland. His research focuses on literary gender studies, intermediality, and the cultural and literary relations between Spain and Portugal, as well as the imagology of these relations.

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina

Areas of Interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Asturian Literature – Hispano-Islamic Literature – Oral Folk Literature – Comparative Literature

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina is a Lecturer (Profesor Titular) of Romance Philology in the Department of Classical and Romance Philology at the University of Oviedo (Spain), where he implemented the study of Catalan and other minorized literatures from Spain. He is a member of the Seminary on Asturian Philology and the Seminary on Arabo-Romance Studies at the University of Oviedo. He founded the Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana and was Deputy Director of the Bibliographic Bulletin Aljamía.


Ana Belén Cao Míguez

Ana Belén Cao Míguez

Areas of interest: Comparative Literature – History of Translation – Iberian Studies – Cultural Studies

Ana Belén Cao Míguez is an Assistant Lecturer (Professora Auxiliar) in Spanish Studies at the Department of Letters of the Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal), where she is currently coordinating the master’s degree in Portuguese and Spanish Languages Teaching. She holds a BA degree in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Salamanca and in Portuguese Philology from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. After attending the doctoral programme in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, she obtained her PhD in Comparative Literature Studies (Estudos Literários Comparados) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a thesis supervised by Maria Fernanda de Abreu.

Her contributions within the field of Iberian Studies include the publication of several articles and book chapters, most of them focused on the external history of translation between Portuguese and Spanish languages, such as “Theoretical Contact Zones between Translation Studies and Iberian Studies” (2021) and “La traducción de narrativa portuguesa en el siglo XIX” (2020). In addition, Cao Míguez has translated literary works by Mário Cláudio and António José da Silva into Spanish. She is the co-editor of a book on Iberian languages (Ao encontro das línguas ibéricas II, 2020), and she has been also involved in two research projects funded by European Union: RELIPES – Relações Linguísticas e Literárias entre Portugal e Espanha desde os Inícios do Século XIX até à Actualidade (2006-2007) and Q. Theatre – Theatrical Recreations of Don Quixote in Europe (2017-2019).

More information: Institutional website, Institutional repository.


Ana Belén Cao Míguez‘s publications in the IStReS database:

Cao Míguez, Ana Belén. 2007. ‘Diálogos Marginales – Paratextos de la literatura portuguesa traducida al español en el siglo XIX’. In Actas do Congresso RELIPES III – Universidade da Beira Interior – 18, 19, 20 de Abril de 2007, edited by Gabriel Magalhães, 135–52. Salamanca: Celya.

———. 2008. ‘Al margen. Hacia un estudio de la literatura portuguesa traducida al español en el siglo XIX’. In Perfiles de la traducción hispano-portuguesa, edited by Xosé Manuel Dasilva, II:13–58. Vigo: Academia del Hispanismo.

———. 2011. ‘Galgar a muralha. A literatura espanhola traduzida para português no século XIX’. In Traducir en la frontera. Actas IV congreso de la AIETI, edited by Susana Cruces Colado, Maribel del Pozo Triviño, Ana Luna Alonso, and Alberto Álvarez Lugrís, 245–57. Granada: Atrio.

———. 2012a. ‘El turista comprometido. Portugal rehabilitado por los hermanos Giner de los Ríos’. In Imagologías Ibéricas: construyendo la imagen del otro peninsular, edited by Luísa Leal and María Jesús Fernández García, 293–315. Mérida: Gabinete de iniciativas transfronterizas, Gobierno de Extremadura. https://www.academia.edu/33147941/Imagolog%C3%ADas_Ib%C3%A9ricas_construyendo_la_imagen_del_otro_peninsular.

———. 2012b. ‘Para un estudio de las relaciones literarias entre Portugal y España: algunas perspectivas históricas’. In Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del Cincuentenario de la AIH, edited by Laura Silvestri, Loretta Frattale, and Matteo Lefèvre, V-Moderna y Contemporánea:26–33. Roma: Bagatto Libri. https://cvc.cervantes.es/literatura/aih/pdf/17/aih_17_5_005.pdf.

———. 2020. ‘La traducción de narrativa portuguesa en el siglo XIX’. In Diccionario histórico la traducción en España (online), edited by Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute. http://phte.upf.edu/hte/siglo-xix/cao/.

———. 2021a. ‘José de Urcullu, mediador cultural ibérico / José de Urcullu, Iberian Cultural Mediator’. Revista de Estudos Literários. Revista do Centro de Literatura Portuguesa da Universidade de Coimbra 11-Estudos Ibéricos: Diálogos Plurais: 341–71. https://doi.org/10.14195/2183-847X_11_13.

———. 2021b. ‘Theoretical Contact Zones between Translation Studies and Iberian Studies’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:71–90. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Arturo Casas

Arturo Casas

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Galician Studies – Literary Theory – Literary History – Comparative Literature.

Arturo Casas is a Profesor Catedrático (Professor) of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He has a wide set of research interests including Aesthetics, Literary Theory, Literary History, and 20th century Galician and Spanish poetry. Additionally, he is a member of the Institute of Comparative Literature Margarida Losa (Universidade do Porto) and of the Grupo Intermedialidades, coordinated by Rosa Maria Martelo. He is also a member of EcoLab.gal, Laboratorio Galego de Ecocrítica, coordinated by César Domínguez. (more…)