Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Studies.
Jordi Cerdà Subirachs is an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is also the Coordinator of the Minor in Medieval Romance Cultures and Literatures and the Chair of the José Saramago of Instituto Camões at the UAB. He previously taught at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Areas of interest: Comparative Literature – World Literature – Hispanic Literatures – Basque Literature
Christian Claesson is Associate Professor of Hispanic Literature at the University of Lund (Sweden), and holds a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Harvard University (United States). He has extensively studied the post-crisis novel in Spain as well as the points of contact between the different literatures of Spain within the framework of the macro-project ‘World Literatures Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics’ (2016-2021).
Claesson is the editor of Narrativas precarias: crisis y subjetividad en la cultura española actual (Hoja de Lata, 2018) and España comparada: Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea (Comares, 2022). He is currently coordinating the volume Novela post-crisis en la España plurilingüe (fortcoming 2023).
Relevant publications in the field of Iberian Studies include: “One Country, Several Literatures: Towards a Comparative Understanding of Contemporary Literature in Spain” (2018), “Nongoa da Kirmen Uribe?: On the Belonging of a Basque-Language Writer” (2019) and “Introducción: España comparada” (2022).
More information: Institutional website. Research Portal.
Christian Claesson’s publications in the IStReS database:
Claesson, Christian. 2018. ‘One Country, Several Literatures: Towards a Comparative Understanding of Contemporary Literature in Spain’. In World Literatures: Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange., edited by Stefan Helgesson, Annika Mörte Alling, Yvonne Lindqvist, and Helena Wulff, I, 31–41. Stockholm: Stockolm University Press.
———. 2019. ‘Nongoa Da Kirmen Uribe? : On the Belonging of a Basque-Language Writer’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 96 (7): 763–80.
———, ed. 2022a. España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea. I. Constelaciones 3. Granada: Comares.
———. 2022b. ‘Introducción: España comparada’. In España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea, edited by Christian Claesson, I, IX–XXXV. Constelaciones 3. Granada: Comares.
———. 2022c. ‘Vernacular Resistance: Catalan, Basque, and Galician Opposition to Francoist Monolingualism’. In Vernaculars in an Age of World Literatures, edited by David Watson and Christina Kullberg, 51–80. Cosmopolitan–Vernacular Dynamics in World Literatures. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Areas of interest: Galician Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature
Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández is a Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma, Spain). He is the Coordinator of the Center for Studies on Surrealism of the Fundação Cupertino de Miranda (Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal) and the President of the Association of Spanish Lusitanians (Asociación de Lusitanistas del Estado Español, ALEE). He is also a member of the Institute of Portuguese Studies and the Institute of Studies on Modernism (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), and of the Center for Portuguese Literature (Universidade de Coimbra).
Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Translation Studies.
César Domínguez is an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he holds the Jean Monnet Chair. He received his BA from the Universitat de València, and his PhD from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. While studying at Brown University, he served as a graduate student in residence. Additionally, Domínguez is the director of the Graduate Program in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at USC and the Vice-President of SELGYC, Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada.