Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – History and Sociology of Contemporary Spanish Literature – Digital Humanities – Gender Studies – Comparative Literature
Rosario Mascato Rey is “Profesora contratada interina” (interim Lecturer) at the Department of Languages and Literatures in the Universidade da Coruña. She is the Principal Investigator of the SilverageLab (Spanish Silver Age Literature Across Borders) devoted to the study of networks involved in the diffusion of Spanish literature around the world from 1900 to 1940. She is also a member of the research group HISPANIA (Grupo de Investigación en Lengua, Literatura y Cultura Hispánica). Her areas of interest range from Gender Studies and Digital Humanities, to Comparative Literature and History and Sociology of Contemporary Literature.
In the field of Iberian Studies, Mascato’s work has primarily focused on the relations and exchanges between Spanish, Portuguese and Galician literatures and cultures as well as on the reception and translation of Valle-Inclán’s work in Portugal, and the image of Portugal image in Valle-Inclán’s work. Rosario Mascato’s research on Iberian Studies include articles such as “Portugal en Valle-Inclán: Panorámica de una biblioteca” (2010), “Relaciones culturales entre España y Portugal. A propósito de Valle-Inclán en La Gaceta Literaria e Ilustração” (2011), “Corpus e metodologia para o estudo das relações culturais ibéricas: O caso galego-português n’O Commercio do Porto (1927-1936)” (co-authored with Carlos Pazos-Justo, 2015), or “Said Armesto y el proceso para la creación de la Cátedra de Literatura Galaico-portuguesa en la Universidad Central de Madrid (1909-1914)” (2015). She is also the author of Valle-Inclán lusófilo: Documentos (1900-1936) (2012, Portuguese edition published in 2013).
More information: Institutional website, Researchgate, Silveragelab (project)
Rosario Mascato Rey’s publications in the IStReS database: