Joseba Gabilondo

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Basque Studies – Gender Studies – Transatlantic Studies.

Joseba Gabilondo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University. He has published several articles on Spanish and Basque nationalism, Atlantic studies, Iberian studies, intellectual discourse, postnationalism, masculinity, feminism, queer theory, globalization, and Hispanic/Hollywood cinema. He has published three books on Basque literature: Remnants of the Nation: Prolegomena to a Postnational History of Basque Literature (2006, in Basque), New York – Martutene: On the Utopia of Basque Postnationalism and the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization (2013, in Basque; National Essay Prize Euskadi), and Before Babel: A Cultural History of Basque Literatures (2016, in English). He has also published two books in Basque on globalization and contemporary politics: Globalizations and the New Middle Age: On the Return of Differences (2015, Unamuno Essay Prize) and On Populism: Global Sovereignty and Basque Independence (2017).

Joseba Gabilondo’s “Spanish Nationalist Excess: A Decolonial and Postnational Critique of Iberian Studies” (2014) demonstrates his knowledge on peripheral positions in the methodological and theoretical debates in the field of Iberian Studies. He has also written extensively on the idea of the Spanish identity and its Atlantic interconnections, exemplified in his publication Handbook to the Spanish Atlantic (2016).

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Joseba Gabilondo’s publications in the IStReS database:

Colmeiro, José, and Joseba Gabilondo. 2013. ‘Negotiating the Local and the Global: Andalusia, the Basque Country, and Galicia’. In A Companion to Spanish Cinema, edited by Jo Labanyi and Tatjiana Pavlovic, 98–110. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Gabilondo, Joseba. 2002. ‘Histéricos con casta: Masculinidad y hegemonía nacional en la España de fin de siglo. (Para una arqueología feminista, torcida, marxista, poscolonial y posnacional del noventayochismo)’. In Género y escritura: 1850-2000, edited by Barbara Zecchi and Raquel Medina, 120–61. Barcelona: Anthropos.

———. 2009. ‘Towards a Postnational History of Galician Literature: On Pardo Bazán’s Transnational and Translational Position’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, no. 86: 49–69.

———. 2011. ‘Masculine Masochism as Dominant Fiction in Minority Literatures in Spain:  An Analysis of Manuel Rivas’s Narrative’. Galicia 21,  Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies 21 (C): 78–103.

———. 2013. ‘Spanish Nationalist Excess: A Decolonial and Postnational Critique of Iberian Studies’. Prosopopeya – Revista de Crítica Contemporánea 8: 23–60.

———. 2016. ‘The Atlantic-Iberian Enlightenment: On the Imperial-Colonial and Morisco-Basque Mediations of the Spanish Enlightenment’. In A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, edited by César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín González, and Ellen Sapega, 2:364–99. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée.

———. 2019a. ‘Posimperialismo, estudios ibéricos y enfoques comparativo-sistémicos:  Pornografía neoliberal española, terrorismo antropológico-turístico y oasis vasco’. In Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos, 89–112. Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica 16. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari.

———. 2019b. ‘The Iberian Disavowal of Imperialism and Globalization from the XIXth to the XXIst Century’. In Catalonia, Iberia and Europe, edited by David Duarte and Giangiacomo Vale, 23–54. Biblioteca Scientifica Europea 2. Roma: Aracne editrice.