The ‘Who is who’ section is growing: in the past few days, we have added profiles of scholars such as Silvia Bermúdez, Stewart King, Víctor Martínez-Gil, Mari Jose Olaziregi or Susana Rocha Relvas. We expect to keep adding new profiles in the following days and weeks.
The ‘Who is who’ section of IStReS aims at offering information on the most relevant scholars in the field of Iberian Studies, showing a list of areas of interest, a biobibliographical note, links to websites with more information and a list of publications included in the IStReS database.
At this early stage in the development of the website and the project, there are obviously many scholars still missing from the ‘Who is who’. We are open to receiving suggestions and comments, both on possible scholars to add to the ‘Who is who‘, and on publications related to Iberian Studies which are not included in the database yet.