José Miguel Sardica

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Political History – Cultural/Press History – Compared History

José Miguel Sardica is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Human Sciences and of the Institute for Political Sciences at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and is presently a member of the Board of the Scientific Society at the same university. Additionally, he is a member of the Directive Board of the Inter-University Doctoral Program in History. His general research interests include 19th and 20th century Portuguese and international history in fields such as politics, culture, and media.

Additionally, Prof. Sardica frequently publishes editorial pieces. He is a columnist and pundit at the Rádio Renascença and a regular guest on television and radio programs discussing historical and current issues concerning politics and citizenship. He also occasionally participates in interviews on debates regarding the Iberian Peninsula (Deutschland Funk, El Confidencial, SIC, etc.).

Professor Sardica has published numerous articles on 20th century Iberian political history and public opinion, Iberian cultural discourses (e.g. Iberianism, Hispanophilia or Hispanophobia), and Portuguese contemporary history. Some of his publications in this field include Ibéria. A Relação entre Portugal e Espanha no Século XX (2013), “Consenso, pacto e reforma na dinâmica política do liberalismo oitocentista português” (2016), “The Cultural Discourse of Contemporary Portuguese Iberianism” (2014), and “Portuguese Contemporary Revolutionarism: A Survey on Numbers and Roots” (2015).

More information: institutional website


José Miguel Sardica’s publications in the IStReS database:

Sardica, José Miguel. 2007. ‘Salazar e a imprensa portuguesa na Guerra Civil de Espanha’. In Guerra Civil de Espanha: Cruzando Fronteiras 70 Anos Depois, edited by Jorge Fazenda Lourenço and Inês Espada Vieira, 197–225. Lisbon: Universidade Católica Editora.
———. 2013. Ibéria. A Relação entre Portugal e Espanha no Século XX. Lisbon: Aletheia.
———. 2014. ‘The Cultural Discourse of Contemporary Portuguese Iberianism’. International Journal of Iberian Studies 27 (1): 55–70.
———. 2015. ‘Os amigos inimigos: Portugal e Espanha no século XX’. In Portugal e Espanha: Amores e Desamores. 900 anos de fronteira partilhada, edited by Artur Teodoro de Matos, João Paulo Oliveira e Costa, and Roberto Carneiro, 2:329–441. Lisbon: Círculo de Leitores.
———. 2017. ‘A Democracia e os seus descontentes no cenário de Portugal e Espanha’. Nova Cidadania, no. 61: 54–57.
———. 2018a. ‘A sombra do “outro”: a Guerra Civil de Espanha e o reforço do nacionalismo português hispanófobo’. Abriu: Textuality Studies on Brazil, Galicia and Portugal, no. 7.
———. 2018b. ‘Fronteira Inexpugnável. A Hispanofobia de Franco Nogueira entre o Estado Novo e a Democracia’. Revista de História das Ideias, no. 35.
———. 2019a. ‘A europeização da Península e os novos iberismos: Portugal e a Espanha, 1986–1996’. In Catalonia, Iberia and Europe, edited by David Duarte and Giangiacomo Vale, 175–204. Biblioteca Scientifica Europea 2. Roma: Aracne editrice.
———. 2019b. ‘Estudos Ibéricos e História Ibérica: passado, presente e futuro’. In Iberian Studies. Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines, edited by Teresa Pinheiro and Núria Codina Solà, 49–70. Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext 8. Berlin: Peter Lang.