Areas of interest: Portuguese Studies – Spanish Studies – Early Modern literature – Philosophy – Quixote – Chivalric romance
Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo is lecturer at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; previously he was researcher at the Universidade do Porto. From 2012 to 2015, he lectured at the University of Dublin, in Ireland. Vargas Díaz Toledo has been involved in several research groups, including, but not limited to, the Seminar on Medieval and Renaissance Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and the Research Centre of the Faculty of Letters of the Universidade de Lisboa (CLEPUL), and SMELPS, from the Instituto de Filosofía da Universidade do Porto. He also leads the project Almoroul’s Universe:, an online database on 16th to 18th-century Portuguese chivalric literature. His more influential publications include: Amadís de Gaula y el nacimiento de los libros de caballerías (co-author, 2009), Os livros de cavalarias portugueses dos séculos XVI-XVIII (2012), and Diálogos, de Francisco de Moraes (ed.) (2017).
Aurelio Vargas Díaz Toledo has also extensively worked on the development and reception of Arthurian literature and humanistic dialogue in the Iberian Peninsula, in articles such as “Uma primeira aproximação do corpus dos Diálogos Portugueses dos séculos XVI-XVII” (2013) and “A matéria arturiana – literatura cavaleiresca portuguesa dos séculos XVI-XVII” (2013). The reception of Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote in Portugal has also been the focus of some of his works, such as Cervantes e Portugal: História, arte e literatura (2018) and “El entorno portugués de Cervantes” (2018). He is also preparing a book entitled Cervantes in Portugal: 16th to 18th centuries.
More information: Institutional website,
Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo’s publications in the IStReS database:
Dotras Bravo, Alexia, and Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo. 2011. ‘“Cartel de desafío e protestación cavalleresca de Don Quixote de la Mancha, Cavallero de la Triste Figura, en defensión de sus castellanos”’. Colóquio/Letras, no. Siglo de Oro: Relações Hispano-Portuguesas no Século XVII. Suplemento ao número 178 (December): 77–86.
Vargas Díaz-Toledo, Aurelio. 2007. ‘“Fastiginia” de Tomé Pinheiro da Veiga. Edición de los días 10 y 28 de junio de 1605: primer documento de la recepción del Quijote”’. Anales cervantinos, no. 39: 309–43.
———. 2011. ‘Presencia del Quijote en Portugal: noticia de un documento inédito’. In
Visiones y revisiones cervantinas: actas selectas del VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, edited by Christoph Strosetzki, 889–98. Centro de Estudios Cervantinos.
———. 2012a. ‘Análisis de un texto portugués sobre el Quijote: la Relaçam de tudo o que sucedeu no sítio e defensa da grande cidade de Praga’. Anales cervantinos, no. 44: 289–318.
———. 2012b. ‘Una desconocida continuación del Belianís de Grecia en portugués’. In
Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del Cincuentenario de la AIH, edited by Laura Silvestri, Loretta Frattale, and Matteo Lefèvre, III-Siglo de Oro:146–54. Roma: Bagatto Libri.
———. 2018a. ‘El entorno portugués de Cervantes’. In
Cervantes e Portugal: História, arte e literatura, edited by Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo and José Manuel Lucía Mejías, 135–62. Porto: Estratégias Criativas -Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
———. 2018b. ‘Rescate de una edición olvidada del Quijote’.
Hipogrifo. Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro 6 (1).
Vargas Díaz-Toledo, Aurelio, and José Manuel Lucía Mejías, eds. 2018.
Cervantes e Portugal: História, arte e literatura. Porto: Estratégias Criativas -Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.