The Call For Papers is now open for the International Conference “Encounters, Rights, and Sovereignty in the Iberian empires, 15th-19th centuries”, which will take place at the University of Evora (Portugal), on the 24th and 25th of May 2018.
Focused on the colonial encounters fostered by the Iberian empire-building processes and on the strategies developed to regulate the rights and lives of native and colonial populations, this conference welcomes proposals that privilege the comparisons and interactions between the Portuguese and Spanish colonizing dynamics, in a timeframe spanning from the early stages of the Iberian colonization to the first outbreaks of independence.
Panel and paper proposals are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Proposals must be sent via the University of Évora event platform, before the 10th of February 2018.
More information in the full CFP (pdf).
For enquiries, please contact us at: