Special issue of Ínsula – Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, 883-4, ed. Jon Kortazar.
Ínsula – Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas has published a double special issue, coordinated by Jon Kortazar, entitled “Harri eta berri: nuevos horizontes de la literatura vasca”. This issue offers an insight into the interconnections and mutual intereferences between Basque literature and other literary systems, inside and outside the Iberian Peninsula.
The issue opens with three articles by Isaac Lourido, Jordi Julià and José Manuel López Gaseni, devoted to the interactions between Basque, Catalan and Galician literatures; next three texts, by Jon Kortazar, Ángel Basanta and Luis García Jambrina, study the influence of Spanish literary prizes and encounters (such as the “Encuentros de Verines”) in the Basque literary system.
The next two articles, “Programa de Estudios ibéricos en Estados Unidos. Crisis y oportunidad” by David Laraway and “Los Estudios Ibéricos: una perspectiva portuguesa” by Santiago Pérez Isasi and Ângela Fernandes, specifically deal with the configuration of Iberian Studies in both sides of the Atlantic, with special attention given to the position of Basque Studies in this wider field.
The next section offers reflection on the internationalization and foreign reception of Basque authors and works. After a theoretical reflection by Garbiñe Iztueta, the cases of Bernardo Atxaga, Kirmen Uribe, Harkaitz Cano and Eider Rodriguez are presented in texts authored by David Colbert, Sally Perret, Aiora Sampedro and Paloma Rodríguez-Miñambres, respectively.
Finally the last three articles offer overviews of three aspects related with contemporary Basque literature: the representation of the Spanish Civil War; its relation with Gender Studies and women’s writing; and the interconnections with other Iberian literatures in the field of Children’s literature.
Jon Kortazar’s profile in the IStReS database