In June 2023, the IStReS database has reached and surpassed 2500 references on Iberian Studies, including books, book chapters and journal articles. Among the latest publications added to the database are Enric Bou and Silvia Lunardi’s Iberismo(s), Esther Gimeno Ugalde’s article “Conceptualizaciones del espacio ibérico: posibles aportaciones para los Estudios de Traducción”, or a selection of Conceição Meireles Pereira and David Wacks’ publications.

The work of our latest collaborator in the project, Miriam de Sousa (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, FLUL) has been central in helping the database grow beyond this symbolic number of 2500 references.

The IStReS database is available through the project website, and also directly and freely through Zotero

The ISTRES – Iberian Studies Reference Site project ( offers several tools for researchers in the field of Iberian Studies. One of these tools, central to the project, is a database of scholarly publications after the year 2000 (inclusive), dealing with historic and cultural relations between at least two Iberian “cultural areas” (Spain and Portugal, Portugal and Galicia, etc.).

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