With the aim of promoting Catalan research at Chemnitz Iberian Studies, the Chair of Cultural and Social Change, in partnership with the Institut Ramon Llull, invites applications for a PhD Scholarship in Catalan Studies.
The scholarship starts on 15 April 2021 and is tenable for up to three years. With an allowance of 20,000 euros per year it covers living expenses in Chemnitz for the duration of the research and supports full dedication to the doctoral thesis.
Application Requirements:
- Completion of a study programme which entitles the holder to take up a doctorate at the Faculty of Humanities of Chemnitz University of Technology (Master, Staatsexamen, Magister or equivalent) preferentially from a university outside the Catalan-speaking area.
- Proficiency in Catalan and German.
- The candidates should apply with a doctoral project in Catalan Studies, preferably in one of the main research areas of the Chair of Cultural and Social Change: Cultural Studies, Memory Studies, Migration, Social Movements, Democ-ratisation Processes, Nationalism, and Urban Studies.
- The scholarship holder must submit the PhD thesis to the Faculty of Humanities of Technical University of Chemnitz.
- The doctoral project should meet the criteria of scientific quality and should be completed within three years.
Application Deadline
20 March 2021