The IStReS database, which gathers publications from 2000 onward relating to the field of Iberian Studies, has reached the benchmark of 1,000 documents. These documents include books, book chapters, and articles in scientific journals.
Of these 1,000+ documents, a vast majority deal with Iberian literatures, although many are also devoted to visual and performative arts. The relationship between Spain and Portugal is the topic of almost one third of the publications included in IStReS, although the database also includes comparisons between Catalan and Spanish cultures as well as comparisons of Galician and Portuguese cultures, among others. The corpus of documents included in the database also demonstrates a clear focus on contemporary Iberian Studies, as almost half of the publications devote themselves to 20th century literature and culture.
The IStReS database, as well as the “Who is Who” section (which currently includes more than 30 scholars from both sides of the Atlantic) is continuously in progress and new documents are added regularly. If you have suggestions of possible publications for the database, or names of scholars who have contributed to the field of Iberian Studies, you can send them to us through the “contact” form, or by emailing