Pleibéricos begins the new year with a special session devoted to book series and journals specializing in Iberian Studies. In addition to presenting their series and journals, the invited speakers will also address the audience’s questions related to the publishing process. The session will be moderated by Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University) and H Rosi Song (Durham University) and will have following guest speakers:
Enric Bou, series editor ‘Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica’ (Ca’ Foscari); Antonio Cortijo Ocaña (editor eHumanista, Journal of Iberian Studies); Bob Davidson, series co-editor ‘Toronto Iberic’ (University of Toronto Press); Elia Domingo Barberá, responsible for manuscripts’ contracts Tirant Humanidades (Tirant lo Blanch); Esther Gimeno Ugalde (co-editor, International Journal of Iberian Studies); Susan Larson, series co-editor ‘Hispanic Urban Studies’ (Palgrave); Ellen Mayock (co-editor, Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature & Film), Santiago Pérez Isasi (co-editor, International Journal of Iberian Studies) and Niamh Thornton, series co-editor ‘Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures’ (Liverpool University Press), Steven L. Torres (co-editor, Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature & Film).
The session will be streamed live on YouTube.