Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro

Areas of interest: Spanish Literature – Portuguese Literature – Early Modern Spanish Literature – Comparative Studies – Iberian Studies 

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro is Catedrática (Full Professor) of Spanish Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research encompasses the poetry of Siglo de Oro, with an emphasis on Francisco de la Torre, Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Francisco de Medrano and Hernando de Acuña. Her studies focus on the poetic genres like odes, eclogues and sonnets. Prof. Pérez-Abadín Barro is also interested in the poetry of Quevedo and de la Galatea and the Novelas ejemplares by Cervantes. 

Her current research focuses on comparing 16th century Spanish and Portuguese poetry. Her numerous contributions to the field of the Iberian Studies include publications such as ‘Tareas pendientes: la poesía hispano-lusa de los siglos XVI y XVII’ (2011), ‘Una atribución compartida: Camões y Hurtado de Mendoza’ (2019), ‘Historia y poética en un soneto hispano-portugués’ (2021), ‘Una atribución compartida: Camões y Hurtado de Mendoza’ (2019), ‘Mucho a la Majestad sagrada agrada: un soneto en eco en los cancioneros hispano-portugueses’ or Iberae fidicen lyrae : anotaciones de poética peninsular (2022).

More information: Institutional

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro’s publications in the IStReS database:

  • Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad. 2011. “Tareas pendientes: la poesía hispano-lusa de los siglos XVI y XVII.” Edad de Oro, no. XXX: 257–96.
  • ———. 2016. “A la margen del Tajo, en claro día: procesos de reescritura en un soneto de Camões.” In Actas do CEL. Filologia e Literatura, edited by Maurizio Perugi, 4:99–130. Lisbon/Genève: Colibrí.
  • ———. 2017a. “La oda hispano-portuguesa del siglo XVI: topoi morales.” Edited by Aude Plagnard and Jaime Galbarro García. e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes, no. 27-Special issue ‘Literatura áurea ibérica’.
  • ———. 2017b. “Quevedo en el repertorio luso-castellano: los sonetos.” Criticón, no. 131: 109–31.
  • ———. 2018a. “Fortitudo et sapientia: variaciones de un tópico en la oda peninsular (António Ferreira y Luis de León).” Edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro and Martha Blanco González. Criticón, no. 134-Special issue ‘Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII:  aproximaciones críticas’: 77–95.
  • ———. 2018b. “La oda estacional hispano-portuguesa: secuelas horacianas y conexiones vernáculas en ‘Eis nos torna a nascer.’” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95 (8): 931–55.
  • ———. 2019. “Una Atribución Compartida: Camões y Hurtado de Mendoza.” Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Society 24 (2): 162–90.
  • ———. 2021a. “Historia y poética en un soneto hispano-portugués.” In Entre Italia, Portugal y España: ensayos de recepción literaria, edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro, Rita Marnoto, David González Ramírez, and Martha Blanco González, 229–90. USC editora. Clave 3. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
  • ———. 2021b. “Mucho a la Majestad sagrada agrada: un soneto en eco en los cancioneros hispano-portugueses.” Neophilologus 105 (1): 39–56.
  • ———. 2022. Iberae fidicen lyrae : anotaciones de poética peninsular. Clásicos Hispánicos 30. Madrid – Frankfurt: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.
  • Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad, and Martha Blanco González, eds. 2018a. Special issue “Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII:  aproximaciones críticas”, Criticón. Vol. 134. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi.
  • ———. 2018b. “Textos y autores luso-castellanos de los siglos XVI y XVII.” Edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro and Martha Blanco González. Criticón, no. 134-Special issue ‘Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII:  aproximaciones críticas’: 5–34.
  • Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad, Rita Marnoto, David González Ramírez, and Martha Blanco González, eds. 2021. Entre Italia, Portugal y España: ensayos de recepción literaria. USC editora. Clave 3. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago Pérez Isasi

Santiago Pérez Isasi

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Santiago Pérez Isasi works as Principal Researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon, where he currently develops his research on “A digital meta-history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: methodological exploration and prototype”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Between 2015 and 2020 he was also the PI of the project ‘Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1868-1936). He is the co-author of De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930) (2018, with Antonio Sáez Delgado) and co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (2013, with Ângela Fernandes) and Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos (2019, with Cristina MArtínez Tejero). With Esther Gimeno Ugalde, he is also co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and coordinator of the Iberian Studies Reference Site.

Santiago Pérez Isasi’s main contributions to the field of Iberian Studies include several articles and book chapters on Iberian literary relations, as well as on the theoretical and methodological foundations of Iberian Studies as a field, such as “¿Hacia unos Estudios Ibéricos 2.0? Críticas, debates y caminos abiertos” (2020), “On the polysemic nature of Iberian Studies” (2019), “Nacionalismos políticos y renacimientos literarios: apuntes para una perspectiva ibérica” (2017) or “Cartografias do espaço cultural ibérico. Uma proposta de desenvolvimento digital” (2019).


Susana Rocha Relvas

Susana Rocha Relvas

Areas of interest: Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature

Susana Rocha Relvas is a Researcher at CEFi Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto, Lisbon). She obtained her MA at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon, with a dissertation on António Sardinha e suas relações culturais com Espanha, recolha, transcrição e análise da correspondência espanhola e hispano-americana (1998), and her PhD at the same university with a dissertation on O Pensamento de Leonardo Coimbra: afinidades e convergências no espaço ibérico e ibero-americano (2009). Her main lines of research include Culture and Religion, Comparative Literature, Iberian Studies (including transatlantic relations), History of Intellectuals and History of Ideas, libertarian movements and pedagogical innovations in the Ibero and Ibero-American space.

Juan Miguel Ribera Llopis

Juan Miguel Ribera Llopis

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Comparative Literature – Travel Literature

Juan Miguel Ribera Llopis is a Professor of the Catalan Philology Department at the Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain, specialized in Comparative Literature, History and Geography, and Languages of Urban Spaces. His interests include Catalan literature and culture, Iberian Studies and Travel Literature.


Antonio Sáez Delgado

Antonio Sáez Delgado

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Antonio Sáez Delgado (Universidade de Évora) is an Associate Professor (Professor Associado com agregação) in the Linguistics and Literature Department as well as the School of Social Studies at the Universidade de Évora, Portugal. He received his PhD in Hispanic Literature and Philology at the Universidad de Extremadura, Spain, in 1999. Sáez Delgado holds the Giovanni Pontiero Translation award from the Instituto Camões, Portugal and the Eduardo Lourenço Award from the Iberian Studies Center at the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. He additionally is a researching member of “DIIA – Iberian and Iberian Dialogues.”
