Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández

Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández

Areas of interest: Galician Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature

Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández is a Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma, Spain). He is the Coordinator of the Center for Studies on Surrealism of the Fundação Cupertino de Miranda (Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal) and the President of the Association of Spanish Lusitanians (Asociación de Lusitanistas del Estado Español, ALEE). He is also a member of the Institute of Portuguese Studies and the Institute of Studies on Modernism (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), and of the Center for Portuguese Literature (Universidade de Coimbra).


Xosé Manuel Dasilva

Xosé Manuel Dasilva

Areas of interest: Hispanic Studies – Galician Studies – Portuguese Studies – Translation Studies.

Xosé Manuel Dasilva is a Professor in the Department of Translation and Linguistics at the Universidade de Vigo, Spain. His main research areas include the analysis of Galicia, the Luso-Brazilian community, Comparative History, and Self-translation in the Iberian Peninsula. (more…)

Conxita Domènech

Conxita Domènech

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Theatre Studies.

Conxita Domènech is a Professor in Iberian Literatures and Cultures of Spanish Literature in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Wyoming, USA. Her main research fields include Catalan and Castilian theater from the Baroque period.

Professor Domènech’s extensive contributions to the field of Iberian studies include publications such as “Los protegidos de Pedro Manrique: Moriscos y bandoleros en la Cataluña del Quijote” (2017), “‘…llenos de pies de piernas humanas’: Don Quijote y Sancho Panza entran en Cataluña” (2017), “La comedia del marqués de los Vélez: La representación de la guerra de secesión catalana” (2016), “Loa de la comedia de Montjuïc: Un diàleg bèl·lic entre Catalunya i Castella” (2016), “Lo Desengany: Una subversión grotesco-erótica de la comedia nueva castellana” (2013), and “La traducció castellana de la cançó catalana trobada a El pintor de su deshonra” (2011). Her recent book, La Guerra dels Segadors en comedias y en panfletos ibéricos: Una historia contada a dos voces (1640–1652) (2016), examines the representation of the Catalan Secession War in Castilian and Catalan plays and pamphlets. With Andrés Lema-Hincapié she is the co-editor of Indiscreet Fantasies: Iberian Queer Cinema (Bucknell UP, 2020).

More information: Institutional website


Conxita Domènech’s publications in the IStReS database:

Domènech, Conxita. 2010. ‘La traducció castellana de la cançó catalana trobada a “El pintor de su deshonra”’. Catalan Review, no. 24: 153–69.

———. 2013. ‘“Lo Desengany”: una subversión grotesco-erótica de la comedia nueva castellana’. Transitions. Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, no. 9: 51–70.

———. 2016a. ‘“La comedia del marqués de los Vélez”: La representación de la guerra de secesión catalana’. Bulletin of the Comediantes 68 (1): 65–84.

———. 2016b. La ‘Guerra dels Segadors’ en comedias y en panfletos ibéricos: Una historia contada a dos voces (1640–1652). Kassel: Reichenberger.

———. 2016c. ‘“Loa de la comedia de Montjuïc”: Un diàleg bèl·lic entre Catalunya i Castella’. Caplletra, no. 60: 15–29.

———. 2016d. ‘Natura i destrucció: Els plecs poètics de la “Guerra dels Segadors”’. Millars: Espai i història 40 (1): 17–38.

———. 2017a. ‘’…llenos de pies de piernas humanas’: Don Quijote y Sancho Panza entran en Cataluña’. In El Segundo Quijote (1615): Nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos después, edited by Conxita Domènech and Andrés Lema-Hincapié. Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.

———. 2017b. ‘Los protegidos de Pedro Manrique: Moriscos y bandoleros en la Cataluña del Quijote’. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 37 (2).

César Domínguez

César Domínguez

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Translation Studies.

César Domínguez is an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he holds the Jean Monnet Chair. He received his BA from the Universitat de València, and his PhD from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. While studying at Brown University, he served as a graduate student in residence. Additionally, Domínguez is the director of the Graduate Program in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at USC and the Vice-President of SELGYC, Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada.

Alexia Dotras Bravo

Alexia Dotras Bravo

Areas of interest: Spanish Studies – Portuguese Studies – Children’s Literature – Cervantes

Alexia Dotras Bravo received her PhD in Spanish Philology from the Universidade de Vigo, Spain where she specialized in Salvador de Madariaga’s work on Cervantes. She is additionally a Universidade de Vigo M.A. graduate in Spanish Philology (2000) and Galician Philology (2002). Before joining the School of Education in Bragança, she worked at the Education University School in Vigo (Escola Universitaria de Maxisterio) and served as an assistant researcher at the Center of Portuguese Literature, Universidade de Coimbra. She also played an active role in several professional associations such as the Asociación de Cervantistas (treasurer) and the Asociación de Jóvenes Doctores en Hispanismo, BETA (Executive Member).
