The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes a series of online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.
The third lecture will be presented by Jon Kortazar on 21 April 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title “Perspectiva ibérica de los poetas vascos de la época republicana”.
It will be accessible via zoom through this link. The full calendar of the lecture series is accesible at the website of Polibéricos.
More information on the chair of Iberian Studies at Évora.
Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.
Jon Kortazar’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.