Brad Epps

Brad Epps

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Gender Studies – Film Studies.

Brad Epps is a Professor of Spanish, Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Cambridge and Professorial Fellow at King’s College in Cambridge, UK. Previously, he was a Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures as well as a Professor and former Chair of the Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Harvard University for over two decades. (more…)

Joseba Gabilondo

Joseba Gabilondo

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Basque Studies – Gender Studies – Transatlantic Studies.

Joseba Gabilondo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University. He has published several articles on Spanish and Basque nationalism, Atlantic studies, Iberian studies, intellectual discourse, postnationalism, masculinity, feminism, queer theory, globalization, and Hispanic/Hollywood cinema. He has published three books on Basque literature: Remnants of the Nation: Prolegomena to a Postnational History of Basque Literature (2006, in Basque), New York – Martutene: On the Utopia of Basque Postnationalism and the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization (2013, in Basque; National Essay Prize Euskadi), and Before Babel: A Cultural History of Basque Literatures (2016, in English). He has also published two books in Basque on globalization and contemporary politics: Globalizations and the New Middle Age: On the Return of Differences (2015, Unamuno Essay Prize) and On Populism: Global Sovereignty and Basque Independence (2017). (more…)

Alfons Gregori

Alfons Gregori

Areas of expertise: Catalan Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Fantastic Literature – Popular Music

Alfons Gregori is the Head of the Centre for Catalan Studies at the Institute for Romance Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), where he also completed his PhD dissertation in Comparative Literature. He specializes in Fantastic Literature, Popular Music, Catalan poetry, and in the translation of Spanish and Catalan literatures into Polish. Dr. Gregori has co-edited a book series in Polish on “minor literatures” of the Romance Europe (UAM, 2012; 2015; 2017). He is also a member of the research group Grupo de Estudios sobre lo Fantástico (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and is part of the working team for two research grants: Lo fantástico en la cultura española contemporánea (1955-2017): narrativa, teatro, cine, TV, cómic y radio (FFI2017-84402-P) and La literatura de segon grau: les relacions hipertextuals en la literatura catalana des del Modernisme fins el 1939 (FFI2017-86542-P). (more…)

Leslie Harkema

Leslie Harkema

Areas of interest: Spanish Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Translation Studies Leslie Harkema is Associate Professor and Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Division, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the Baylor University. She specializes in modern and contemporary Spanish and Iberian literature, with particular attention to the work of Miguel de Unamuno, as in Spanish Modernism and the Poetics of Youth: From Miguel de Unamuno to La Joven Literatura (Toronto UP, 2017). She is currently working on a second book-length project, tentatively titled Translation within the Nation: Linguistic Diversity and Literary Modernity in Spain, in which she questions how the multilingual character of the Iberian Peninsula has shaped the Spanish literary sphere since the late eighteenth century. Leslie Harkema’s most relevant contributions to Iberian Studies include her participation in “Resituar la modernidad, el modernismo y la vanguardia en España”, “Speaking in tongues: on Maragall, Unamuno and Pentecost”, or her recent reflection on the crossings of Iberian Studies and Gender Studies in “Haciéndonos minoritarixs. Canon, género, traducción y una propuesta feminista para los estudios ibéricos”.   More information:   Leslie Harkema’s publications in the IStReS database:
Harkema, Leslie J. 2019a. ‘Haciéndonos minoritarixs. Canon, género, traducción y una propuesta feminista para los estudios ibéricos’. In Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos, 137–52. Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica 16. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari.
———. 2019b. ‘Speaking in Tongues: On Maragall, Unamuno, and Pentecost’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 96 (8): 815–33.
Herrero-Senés, Juan, Susan Larson, Andrew A. Anderson, Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles, Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Leslie J. Harkema, Juli Highfill, et al. 2019. ‘Resituar la modernidad, el modernismo y la vanguardia en España: Un debate transatlántico en la Residencia de Estudiantes’. Romance Quarterly 66 (4): 173–86.
Rosario Mascato Rey

Rosario Mascato Rey

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – History and Sociology of Contemporary Spanish Literature – Digital Humanities – Gender Studies – Comparative Literature

Rosario Mascato Rey is “Profesora contratada interina” (interim Lecturer) at the Department of Languages and Literatures in the Universidade da Coruña. She is the Principal Investigator of the SilverageLab (Spanish Silver Age Literature Across Borders) devoted to the study of networks involved in the diffusion of Spanish literature around the world from 1900 to 1940. She is also a member of the research group HISPANIA (Grupo de Investigación en Lengua, Literatura y Cultura Hispánica). Her areas of interest range from Gender Studies and Digital Humanities, to Comparative Literature and History and Sociology of Contemporary Literature.

In the field of Iberian Studies, Mascato’s work has primarily focused on the relations and exchanges between Spanish, Portuguese and Galician literatures and cultures as well as on the reception and translation of Valle-Inclán’s work in Portugal, and the image of Portugal image in Valle-Inclán’s work. Rosario Mascato’s research on Iberian Studies include articles such as “Portugal en Valle-Inclán: Panorámica de una biblioteca” (2010), “Relaciones culturales entre España y Portugal. A propósito de Valle-Inclán en La Gaceta Literaria e Ilustração” (2011), “Corpus e metodologia para o estudo das relações culturais ibéricas: O caso galego-português n’O Commercio do Porto (1927-1936)” (co-authored with Carlos Pazos-Justo, 2015), or “Said Armesto y el proceso para la creación de la Cátedra de Literatura Galaico-portuguesa en la Universidad Central de Madrid (1909-1914)” (2015). She is also the author of Valle-Inclán lusófilo: Documentos (1900-1936) (2012, Portuguese edition published in 2013).

More information: Institutional website, Researchgate, Silveragelab (project)

Rosario Mascato Rey’s publications in the IStReS database:

Mascato Rey, Rosario. 2001. ‘Valle-Inclán y Anglada Camarasa: una conferencia de 1916’. Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea / Anuario Valle-Inclán 26 (3): 183–96.
———. 2010. ‘Portugal en Valle-Inclán: panorámica de una biblioteca’. Bradomín – revista de estudios sobre Ramón del Valle-Inclán e o seu tempo, no. 3: 35–52.
———. 2011. ‘Relaciones culturales entre España y Portugal. A propósito de Valle-Inclán en La Gaceta Literaria e Ilustração’. Anales de la literatura española contemporánea, ALEC 36 (3): 75–102.
———. 2012a. ‘Da “Lusitania” ao “latín galaico”: interacções de Valle-Inclán e o campo literário português’. In Avanços em Literaturas e Culturas Africanas e em Literatura e Cultura Galegas, edited by Petar Petrov, Pedro Quintino de Sousa, Roberto López-Iglésias Samartim, and Elias Torres Feijó. Santiago de Compostela, Faro: Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas (AIL) / Através Editora.
———. 2012b. Valle-Inclán lusófilo: documentos (1900-1936). Páginas Finiseculares 3. Lugo: Axac.
———. 2013. ‘La impronta de Guerra Junqueiro en la producción lírica valleinclaniana: figuraciones estéticas del tiempo comunes a dos autores lusitano’. In Valle-Inclán, poeta moderno no canonizado, edited by Rosario Mascato Rey, 294–309. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña.
———. 2014. ‘De Menéndez Pelayo a Said Armesto: el proyecto ministerial de Romanones para la creación de las “Cátedras de literaturas regionales”’. Boletín de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo, no. XC: 313–24.
———. 2015a. ‘García Martí, Otero Pedrayo e as Obras completas de Rosalia de Castro: novos documentos para a análise’. Agália – Revista de Estudos na Cultura, no. 112: 123–47.
———. 2015b. ‘Said Armesto y el proceso para la creación de la Cátedra de Literatura Galaico-portuguesa en la Universidad Central de Madrid (1909-1914)’. In Víctor Said Armesto e o seu tempo: perspectivas críticas, edited by Carlos Villanueva, Justo Beramendi, Carlos García Martínez, and Margarita Santos Zas, 587–615. A Coruña: Fundación Barrié.
———. 2016. ‘Visões do Atlântico: de Pessoa a Valle-Inclán’. In 100 Orpheu, edited by Dionísio Vila Maior and Annabela Rita. s.l.: Edições esgotadas.
Mascato Rey, Rosario, and Carlos Pazos-Justo. 2015. ‘Corpus e metodologia para o estudo das relações culturais ibéricas: o caso galego-português n’O Commercio do Porto (1927-1936)’. In Estudos da AIL em Teoria e Metodologia – Relacionamento nas Lusofonias II, edited by Elias Torres Feijó, Raquel Bello Vázquez, Roberto López-Iglésias Samartim, and Manuel Brito-Semedo, 127–34. Santiago de Compostela, Coimbra: Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas – AIL Editora.