Ângela Fernandes

Ângela Fernandes

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Theory. Ângela Fernandes is an Associate Professor (Professora Associada) in the Department of Romance Literatures at the Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.In 2009, she received her PhD in Literary Theory from the Universidade de Lisboa. In addition to lecturing at the university, she coordinates the research project “DIIA – Iberian and Iberian Dialogues”, which analyzes the relations between Iberian and Iberian American cultures and literatures. (more…)
Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes

Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Portuguese Studies – Cultural Studies.

Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes is a Professor in the Department of Portuguese and Romance Languages and the former director of the Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos at the Universidade do Porto, Portugal. She was also the founder and director of the journal, Península: Revista de Estudos Ibéricos (2002-2008). Her main areas of study include “Siglo de Oro” Literature and Culture, Iberian Cultural History (Early Modern Age), and History of Religion and Religious Practices (15th-18th centuries).


Joseba Gabilondo

Joseba Gabilondo

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Basque Studies – Gender Studies – Transatlantic Studies.

Joseba Gabilondo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University. He has published several articles on Spanish and Basque nationalism, Atlantic studies, Iberian studies, intellectual discourse, postnationalism, masculinity, feminism, queer theory, globalization, and Hispanic/Hollywood cinema. He has published three books on Basque literature: Remnants of the Nation: Prolegomena to a Postnational History of Basque Literature (2006, in Basque), New York – Martutene: On the Utopia of Basque Postnationalism and the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization (2013, in Basque; National Essay Prize Euskadi), and Before Babel: A Cultural History of Basque Literatures (2016, in English). He has also published two books in Basque on globalization and contemporary politics: Globalizations and the New Middle Age: On the Return of Differences (2015, Unamuno Essay Prize) and On Populism: Global Sovereignty and Basque Independence (2017). (more…)

Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Translation Studies – Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies– Film Studies

Esther Gimeno Ugalde is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria, and a member of the research group DIIA (Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos) at the University of Lisbon (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas). Between 2013 and 2018, Gimeno Ugalde was an Assistant Professor at Boston College, and held a previous appointment as the Max Kade post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University. Upon her return to Europe she worked as an Interim Professor (Vertretungsprofessorin) of Iberian Studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany. Together with Santiago Pérez Isasi, she is the co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and co-leads the project IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site). Dr. Gimeno Ugalde is also the promoter, altogether with Santiago Fouz-Hernández, of Pleibéricos, an open initiative to present online new books in Iberian Studies. Her research in the field of Iberian Studies focuses on language choice and multilingualism in cinema and literature, exploring questions related to language and identity. Gimeno Ugalde’s current project studies literary (self-)translation in the Iberian Peninsula, undertaking at the head of her new line of research within group DIIA, IberTRANSLATIO – Iberian Studies and Translation Spaces. Dr. Gimeno Ugalde is also interested in the origins and development of Iberian Studies as a discipline. Esther Gimeno Ugalde has contributed to the field of Iberian Studies with books such as La identidad nacional catalana. Ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932 (single author, Iberoamericana, 2010), Catalunya/CatalunhaRelacions literàries i culturals entre Catalunya i Portugal (co-editor, Humus/Onada, 2013) and Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones (co-editor, Liverpool University Press 2021). She also co-edited the special issue ‘Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal’, published in the International Journal of Iberian Studies (2014). Other publications specializing in this area include “A utopia ibérica n’A Jangada de Pedra (do romance ao roadmovie)” (2011), “Polyglot Iberia – or What Is the Place for Iberian Languages in Current Cinema? Presence (and Absence) of Iberian Languages in Cinema” (2013), “La encrucijada bilingüe en la literatura: Reflexiones sociolingüísticas y literarias en torno a L’últim home que parlava català de Carles Casajuana” (2013), “The Iberian Turn: an overview on Iberian Studies in the United States” (2017), “Lo ‘ibérico’ en los Estudios Ibéricos: meta-análisis del campo a través de sus publicaciones (2000-)” (2019, with Pérez Isasi), “Los estudios ibéricos en la academia estadounidense. Diálogos, posibilidades y desafíos” (2019), “Multilingual Iberia in twenty-first century cinema: Iberian polyglot films and multilingual imagination” (2019), “The IStReS Database: Reflections on the Configuration of the Field of Iberian Studies” (2019), “Intersecção entre os Estudos Ibéricos e os Estudos de Tradução: o exemplo da tradução da literatura catalã em Portugal” (2019), “Ripensare la penisola iberica come zona di traduzione” (2021), “Introducing Iberian Translation Studies as a Literary Contact Zone” (2021), or “Paradoxes and Mediation Pitfalls of the Translational Contact Zone” (2021). More information: Institutional website, Academia.edu Esther Gimeno Ugalde’s publications in the IStReS database:
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther. 2005. ‘La novela policíaca en España y en Cataluña desde la democracia hasta la actualidad’. Quo Vadis, Romania? Zeitschrift für eine aktuelle Romanistik 26: 54–64.
———. 2010. La identidad nacional catalana: ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932. Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispánico = Language and society in the Hispanic world, vol. 26. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.
———. 2011. ‘A utopia ibérica n’’A Jangada de Pedra’ (do romance ao roadmovie)’. In Perspectivas actuais na Lusitanística: Literatura, Cultura, Cinema, Língua, edited by Kathrin Sartingen and Esther Gimeno Ugalde, 93–112. Munich: Meidenbauer.
———. 2013a. ‘La encrucijada bilingüe en la literatura: Reflexiones sociolingüísticas y literarias en torno a “L’últim home que parlava català” de Carles Casajuana’. Revista de Filología Románica 30 (1): 97–115.
———. 2013b. ‘Polyglot Iberia – or What Is the Place for Iberian Languages in Current Cinema? Presence (and Absence) of Iberian Languages in Cinema’. In Looking at Iberia: A Comparative European Perspective, edited by Santiago Pérez Isasi and Ângela Fernandes, 265–92. Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas 56. Oxford / New York: Peter Lang.
———. 2017. ‘The Iberian Turn: An Overview on Iberian Studies in the United States’. Informes Del Observatorio / Observatorio Reports 036-12/2017EN. https://doi.org/10.15427/OR036-12/2017EN.
———. 2019a. ‘Intersecção entre os Estudos Ibéricos e os Estudos de Tradução: o exemplo da tradução da literatura catalã em Portugal’. Gragoatá – Revista dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Letras da UFF 24 (49): 320–42. https://doi.org/ps://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v24i49.34156.
———. 2019b. ‘Los estudios ibéricos en la academia estadounidense. Diálogos, posibilidades y desafíos’. In Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos, 257–74. Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica 16. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari. https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/libri/978-88-6969-324-3/.
———. 2019c. ‘Multilingual Iberia in Twenty-First Century Cinema: Iberian Polyglot Films and Multilingual Imagination’. Edited by Ângela Fernandes, Santiago Pérez Isasi, and Robert Patrick Newcomb. International Journal of Iberian Studies – Special Issue ‘Iberian Studies: New Spaces of Inquiry’ 32 (1): 83–97.
———. 2021a. ‘Paradoxes and Mediation Pitfalls of the Translational Contact Zone’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:21–47. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
———. 2021b. ‘Ripensare la penisola iberica come zona di traduzione’. In Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica, edited by Daniele Corsi and Cèlia Nadal Pasqual, 22:67–84. Venice: Ca’ Foscari. https://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-505-6/003.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, and Marta Álvarez. 2018. ‘Paisajes de la crisis en los cines ibéricos. Introducción’. Iberoamericana. América Latina – España – Portugal 18 (69): 7–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.18441/ibam.18.2018.69.7-12.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, eds. 2021a. Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones. Vol. 23. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/books/id/55064/.
———. 2021b. ‘Introducing Iberian Translation Studies as a Literary Contact Zone’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:1–20. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, and Santiago Pérez Isasi. 2019. ‘Lo “ibérico” en los Estudios Ibéricos: meta-análisis del campo a través de sus publicaciones (2000-)’. In Iberian Studies. Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines, edited by Núria Codina Solà and Teresa Pinheiro, 23–48. Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext 8. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, and Teresa Pinheiro. 2014a. ‘Introduction’. Edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde and Teresa Pinheiro. International Journal of Iberian Studies 27 (2-3-special issue ‘Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal’): 75–83.
———, eds. 2014b. Special Issue ‘Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal’, International Journal of Iberian Studies. Vol. 27 (2-3).
Pérez Isasi, Santiago, and Esther Gimeno Ugalde. 2019. ‘The IStReS Database: Reflections on the Configuration of the Field of Iberian Studies’. Revista de Humanidades Digitales 3: 46–63. https://doi.org/10.5944/rhd.vol.3.2019.23402.
Alfons Gregori

Alfons Gregori

Areas of expertise: Catalan Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Fantastic Literature – Popular Music

Alfons Gregori is the Head of the Centre for Catalan Studies at the Institute for Romance Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), where he also completed his PhD dissertation in Comparative Literature. He specializes in Fantastic Literature, Popular Music, Catalan poetry, and in the translation of Spanish and Catalan literatures into Polish. Dr. Gregori has co-edited a book series in Polish on “minor literatures” of the Romance Europe (UAM, 2012; 2015; 2017). He is also a member of the research group Grupo de Estudios sobre lo Fantástico (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and is part of the working team for two research grants: Lo fantástico en la cultura española contemporánea (1955-2017): narrativa, teatro, cine, TV, cómic y radio (FFI2017-84402-P) and La literatura de segon grau: les relacions hipertextuals en la literatura catalana des del Modernisme fins el 1939 (FFI2017-86542-P). (more…)