Ciclo “Puentes (in)visibles” (Huelva y Sevilla, 4-7 de junio de 2024)

Ciclo “Puentes (in)visibles” (Huelva y Sevilla, 4-7 de junio de 2024)

Los próximos días 4 a 7 de junio, el Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa y el Centro Andaluz de las Letras organizan el ciclo Puentes (In)visibles. Relaciones literarias Portugal-España para favorecer el intercambio literario entre autores españoles y portugueses.

Con la dirección de Antonio Sáez Delgado (Universidade de Évora), la cita reunirá a autores, editores y traductores de ambos países en los distintos actos organizados en Sevilla y Huelva.

Seminário de investigação “Uma tal falta de literatura – Manifestações pós-literárias nos espaços ibéricos” (23-24 outubro)

Seminário de investigação “Uma tal falta de literatura – Manifestações pós-literárias nos espaços ibéricos” (23-24 outubro)

Nos dias 23 e 24 de outubro realizar-se-á na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (sala B112B) o Seminário de investigação ‘Uma tal falta de literatura’ – Manifestações pós-literárias nos espaços ibéricos. Trata-se de uma colaboração entre o projeto DIIA – Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos do Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, e o projeto CALIBRAM (Literatura & Cia: Canon, mediación y branding en los sitemas post-literarios ibéricos).

O objectivo do seminário Uma tal falta de literatura é discutir e aprofundar os temas centrais do projecto CALIBRAM (sacralização, banalização e venalização, canon, branding, mediação, paisagem literária…), considerando as suas aplicações nos diversos espaços culturais ibéricos. Trata-se, afinal, de reflectir sobre as representações e reconfigurações dos sistemas (pós-)literários num mundo globalizado em que a oposição entre capital simbólico e capital económico se dissolve, e no qual a literatura é só mais uma das linguagens que interagem no universo transmedial em que vivemos.

Participarão no seminário os membros do projecto “CALIBRAM – Literatura & CIA: Canon, mediación y branding en los sistemas (pos)literarios ibéricos (ss. XX-XXI)”, assim como membros convidados dos projectos “ESCORE – Escritores, comunidad y reconocimiento” (Universidad Pompeu Fabra) e “LIMCE – La inscripción de la memoria cultural en el espacio público” (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela).

O evento realizar-se-á em formato híbrido; a assistência é gratuita, mediante inscrição prévia.

O programa provisório pode ser consultado aqui.

Colóquio Internacional ‘Tradução de Poesia na Península Ibérica no Século XX

Colóquio Internacional ‘Tradução de Poesia na Península Ibérica no Século XX

A Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora, dirigida por Antonio Sáez Delgado, acolhe no dia 27 de setembro de 2023 o Colóquio Internacional ‘Tradução de Poesia na Península Ibérica no século XX’, organizado por Miguel F. Mochila (University of Puerto Rico).

Esta iniciativa pretende analisar a tradução de poesia entre os diversos sistemas literários ibéricos ao longo do século XX, assumindo-a como índice cultural particularmente significativo, por permitir, adotando uma perspetiva transnacional, observar aspetos, autores, textos e dinâmicas que os cânones nacionais habitualmente omitem.

Pretende-se, assim, abordar e analisar as traduções de poesia existentes entre as várias línguas peninsulares, identificando quem traduz, o que se traduz, porque se traduz e como se traduz.

Os interessados em assistir via zoom devem enviar um email para

Pleibéricos lanza su catálogo de libros

Pleibéricos lanza su catálogo de libros

En junio de 2023, coincidiendo con el tercer aniversario de esta iniciativa, Pleibéricos. Presentación de Libros de Estudios Ibéricos Online ha lanzado un catálogo con el más de centenar de libros que han sido presentados en esta plataforma: Libros Pleibéricos.

En el nuevo catálogo, los libros pueden consultarse por orden alfabético (autor/a o editor/a),  cronológico (según la fecha de presentación en Pleibéricos) o temático. Cada entrada incluye el título del libro, detalles de los autoras/es o editoras/es, portadas y enlaces a las diferentes redes donde se han publicado los materiales: blog, YouTube, Instagram y podcast. En algunos casos, las entradas remiten a la entrevista más larga para el canal de podcast “Estudios Ibéricos” en colaboración con New Books Network en español.

El catálogo de LIBROS PLEIBÉRICOS se puede consultar aquí:


Para la elaboración de este catálogo Pleibéricos recibió el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España.

Más informaciones en:

Blog / Instagram / Youtube /Podcast (AppleSpotify)/NBNes

Polibéricos 2023: Margarida Casacuberta

Polibéricos 2023: Margarida Casacuberta

A Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora, dirigida por Antonio Sáez Delgado, continua com o ciclo Velhos modernos – Novas visões, integrado no projeto POLIBÉRICOS, com a conferência de Margarida Casacuberta (Universitat de Girona), intitulada Las “soledades sonoras” de Víctor Català.

A palestra da professora Casacuberta terá lugar no dia 19 de setembro, pelas 18.00 horas (fuso horário de Portugal). A conferência é aberta e online, e poderá ser acompanhada através do zoom.

Perfil de Antonio Sáez Delgado no “Who is who” de IStReS.

UC Iberian Studies Consortium

UC Iberian Studies Consortium

Roberta Johnson, donor of the UC Consortium

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UC Davis has announced that thanks to a generous gift from Roberta Lee Johnson (BA and MA, UC Davis; professor emerita, University of Kansas), the UC Iberian Studies Consortium has been formed, and will be headquartered at UC Davis. 

The UC Iberian Studies Consortium promotes the study of the languages, literatures, and cultures of the Iberian Peninsula, including Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Euskara/Basque, and Asturian. It was founded in 2011 by Robert Patrick Newcomb (UC Davis) as the UC Comparative Iberian Studies Working Group, and received seed funding from the UC Humanities Research Institute. It has hosted nine meetings at six UC campuses, including UC Davis. Newcomb and Silvia Bermúdez (UC Santa Barbara) have co-directed the group since its founding.

Robert Patrick Newcomb will serve as the Consortium’s inaugural Director, with Silvia Bermúdez serving as Co-Director. The Advisory Board will consist of Eloi Grasset (UC Santa Barbara), Covadonga Lamar Prieto (UC Riverside), and Santiago Morales-Rivera (UC Irvine). Ana Peluffo (Chair, UC Davis Department of Spanish and Portuguese) and Ryan Advincula (Assistant Director of Development, UC Davis College of Letters and Science)  will work with the officers to manage and build upon the Consortium’s endowment. 

The Consortium will hold a meeting at UC Davis in May 2024 to honor the gift, career, and academic interests of Roberta Johnson, who has been a devoted member of the group since its inception.

More information

Robert Patrick Newcomb’s profile at the IStReS Who is Who

Silvia Bermúdez’s profile at the IStReS Who is Who

IStReS database reaches 2500 references

IStReS database reaches 2500 references

In June 2023, the IStReS database has reached and surpassed 2500 references on Iberian Studies, including books, book chapters and journal articles. Among the latest publications added to the database are Enric Bou and Silvia Lunardi’s Iberismo(s), Esther Gimeno Ugalde’s article “Conceptualizaciones del espacio ibérico: posibles aportaciones para los Estudios de Traducción”, or a selection of Conceição Meireles Pereira and David Wacks’ publications.

The work of our latest collaborator in the project, Miriam de Sousa (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, FLUL) has been central in helping the database grow beyond this symbolic number of 2500 references.

The IStReS database is available through the project website, and also directly and freely through Zotero

The ISTRES – Iberian Studies Reference Site project ( offers several tools for researchers in the field of Iberian Studies. One of these tools, central to the project, is a database of scholarly publications after the year 2000 (inclusive), dealing with historic and cultural relations between at least two Iberian “cultural areas” (Spain and Portugal, Portugal and Galicia, etc.).

You can keep up to date with IStReS news by suscribing through the box at the bottom of the page, of by following us on Twitter.



Enric Bou and Silvia Lunardi (eds.). Venice: Ca’ Foscari, 2023

This volume is the result of the debates held at Ca’ Foscari University during the Iberismo(s) study day, aimed at discussing the ethical, theoretical and methodological limits of Iberian Studies and demonstrating their applications. Far from a unidirectional reading, the works gathered here explore the multiple aspects of Iberism, or rather ­Iberisms: different aspects such as the literary, cultural, economic and political ones are taken into account and interpreted on the basis of their plurality – since the diversity of actors, discourses, and contexts makes it impossible to outline a closed narrative.

According to Claudio Guillén, “national literature is […] an institution that is not only insufficient, but also spurious and fraudulent”, hence the commitment to redefine this field of study. Moreover, its analytical perspective is associated with the ‘crisis of Hispanism’ as a ‘uninational’ and monolingual paradigm. Iberian Studies as such do not take root in a simple broadening of the object of research in order to give space – and thus a new location – to the more peripheral realities; it is rather a theoretical and methodological reformulation in constant development, as all the essays in this volume attest.

More information and open access to the volume.

Enric Bou’s profile at the IStReS Who is Who.

Congresso AIEG: ‘Horizontes dos Estudos Galegos e/na Lusofonia’

O XIV Congresso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos (AIEG) terá lugar na Universidade do Minho (Braga/Guimarães, Portugal), de 17 a 20 de abril de 2024.

Sob o título Horizontes dos Estudos Galegos e/na Lusofonia, o XIV Congresso da AIEG pretende ser um espaço para a reflexão da relação entre a Galiza e os estudos galegos com o que se tem denominado de Lusofonia. Como se sabe, já nos inícios da irrupção do galeguismo cultural (e político) no século XIX – e, portanto, em boa medida, também do início do que podemos entender por estudos galegos – Portugal e a sua cultura – o mundo em português em geral – ocuparam uma posição não menor nas elaborações dos galeguistas. Com o passar dos anos, se a chamada questione della lingua, problematizou polemicamente o encontro, o relacionamento, hoje, num novo contexto marcado, entre outros fatores, pela construção europeia, as relações de variado signo aos dois lados do rio Minho ou mesmo do oceano Atlântico e doutras latitudes, experimentam um novo fôlego, muito provavelmente inédito na Época Contemporânea.

Neste quadro, sob uma diversidade de abordagens, este congresso pretende promover o debate sobre as relações culturais e outras entre a Galiza e a Lusofonia que podem partir de questões como: estamos na atualidade perante um novo tempo nas relações de variado tipo entre Galiza-Portugal-Lusofonia?; a chamada Euro-região Galiza-Norte de Portugal é uma entidade com dimensão cultural?; quais são os elementos culturais (língua, história, paisagem, etc.) em que se apoia(va)m as iniciativas de inter-relação?; em que medida os Estudos Galegos devem/podem estabelecer pontes com o espaço poliédrico da Lusofonia?

Línguas do congresso: galego e português (a comissão organizadora poderá aceitar propostas noutras línguas).

Prazo para o envio de propostas: 1 de junho – 1 de outubro de 2023

Mais informação…

Polibéricos 2023

A Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora, dirigida por Antonio Sáez Delgado, organiza um novo ciclo de conferências online Polibéricos. Nesta ocasião, o ciclo terá por tema Velhos modernos – Novas visões, e contará com a participação de Xavier Núñez-Sabarís (Universidade do Minho), Laurie-Anna Laget (Sorbonne Université), Mariana Pinto dos Santos (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Margarida Casacuberta (Universitat de Girona), Aiora Sampedro (Universidad de Salamanca), Nicolás Fernández-Medina (Boston University) e Giorgio de Marchis (Universitá Roma Tre).

Perfil de Antonio Sáez Delgado no “Who is who” de IStReS.

A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies

Luis I. Prádanos (ed.) Tamesis Companions, Boydell & Brewer, 2023.

From the scars left by Franco’s dams and mines to the toxic waste dumped in Equatorial Guinea, from the cruelty of the modern pork industry to the ravages of mass tourism in the Balearic Islands, this book delves into the power relations, material practices and social imaginaries underpinning the global economic system to uncover its unaffordable human and non-human costs. Guiding the reader through the rapidly emerging field of Spanish environmental cultural studies, with chapters on such topics as extractivism, animal studies, food studies, ecofeminism, decoloniality, critical race studies, tourism, and waste studies, an international team of US and European scholars show how Spanish writers, artists, and filmmakers have illuminated and contested the growth-oriented and neo-colonialist assumptions of the current Capitalocene era. Focussed on Spain, the volume also provides models for exploring the socioecological implications of cultural manifestations in other parts of the world.

Contributors to the volume are Eugenia Afinoguénova, Samuel Amago, Daniel Ares-López, Kata Beilin, John Beusterien, Miguel Caballero Vázquez, Jorge Catalá, Glen S. Close, Jeffrey K. Coleman, Jamie de Moya-Cotter, Ana Fernández-Cebrián, Ofelia Ferrán, Tatjana Gajic , Pedro García-Caro, Santiago Gorostiza, Germán Labrador Méndez, Maryanne L. Leone, Shanna Lino, Jorge Marí, José Manuel Marrero Henríquez, Maria Antònia Martí Escayol, Christine Martínez, Cristina Martínez Tejero, Micah McKay, Pamela F. Phillips, Mercè Picornell, Luis I. Prádanos, Cécile Stehrenberger, John H. Trevathan, Joaquín Valdivielso, William Viestenz, Maite Zubiaurre

More information

Encuentro Pleibéricos ‘Literaturas ibéricas’ (16 de febrero, 19h)

Encuentro Pleibéricos ‘Literaturas ibéricas’ (16 de febrero, 19h)

El próximo encuentro de Pleibéricos tendrá lugar el jueves 16 de febrero, a las 19 horas, y estará dedicado a las literaturas ibéricas. El encuentro estará moderado por Katiuscia Darici (Universidad de Turín) y Esther Gimeno Ugalde (Universidad de Viena). Serán presentadas las siguientes novedades editoriales:

La sesión podrá ser seguida a través de YouTube: .

Por otra parte, se encuentra ya disponible la última entrevista de podcast (primera en gallego) del canal de Estudios Ibéricos, en colaboración con NewBooks en Español, realizada por Diego Rivadulla, sobre el volume Ainda invisíveis? Narradoras e margens na literatura galega contemporânea, de Lorena López López.

Jornada ‘Eugénio de Castro nos 100 anos da sua celebração espanhola’

Jornada ‘Eugénio de Castro nos 100 anos da sua celebração espanhola’

A Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora retoma as suas atividades com a organização da Jornada Eugénio de Castro nos 100 anos da sua celebração espanhola, que decorrerá em formato online no próximo dia 25 de janeiro.

Em 1922 e 1923, Eugénio de Castro (1869-1944) foi recebido em Madrid como o máximo representante da moderna poesia portuguesa. Escritores e intelectuais de monta reuniram-se em emblemáticas instituições, como a Residencia de Estudiantes ou o Ateneo madrileno, para celebrar a obra e a figura do poeta português. Cem anos volvidos sobre a consagração espanhola de Eugénio de Castro, reunimos alguns dos mais importantes estudiosos da sua obra para evocar um escritor fundacional e fundamental da moderna poesia portuguesa.

O evento se realizará por zoom, através da seguinte ligação:

Mais informação e programa

Periferias emancipadas – Políticas de la representación espacial en la Iberia reimaginada

Periferias emancipadas – Políticas de la representación espacial en la Iberia reimaginada

Martín López-Vega. Madrid, Ed. Vaso Roto, 2022.

El poeta irlandés Patrick Kavanagh distinguía entre el provinciano y el pueblerino. El provinciano, decía, siempre mira de reojo a la gran ciudad, mientras que el pueblerino nunca duda de la validez artística de su propia tierra. Periferias emancipadas reclama esa validez y propone una nueva mirada sobre aquellas literaturas ibéricas que, al emanciparse de su antiguo centro, se convierten en lugar de vanguardia y experimentación artística; cuestionan el canon y lo reformulan, afirman el poder renovador de la subjetividad.

En este volumen, Martín López-Vega analiza y pone en relieve las valiosísimas aportaciones de las literaturas peninsulares (catalana, vasca, gallega y asturiana) al coro de la literatura universal. 

Más información.

La invasión silenciosa – Presencia portuguesa en las revistas literarias ibéricas (1900-1950)

La invasión silenciosa – Presencia portuguesa en las revistas literarias ibéricas (1900-1950)

Antonio Sáez Delgado, Jordi Cerdà, Xaquín Núñez Sabarís y Jon Kortazar (eds.). Gijón: Trea, 2022.

Probablemente el tópico cultural que ha pervivido a lo largo del tiempo con mayor resistencia en el espacio de las relaciones entre Portugal y España es el que nos habla de dos territorios con una inquebrantable vocación para el desconocimiento mutuo. Uno de los objetivos de este libro es ayudar a desmontar ese tópico, profundamente enraizado en nuestros imaginarios culturales, y favorecer la construcción de una nueva imagen peninsular, basada en la presencia constante de flujos e intereses compartidos en un espacio geocultural marcado genéticamente por el feliz rasgo de la pluralidad.

El tema principal de estas páginas es la presencia portuguesa en las revistas literarias ibéricas de la primera mitad del siglo XX, es decir, es un libro que se asoma a la recepción como campo de operaciones, aunque no renuncia, a partir de ella, a esbozar otro tipo de análisis y conjeturas que nos ayudan a definir las numerosas relaciones que salen a la luz entre escritores de todo el territorio ibérico. Las revistas se convierten, desde esta perspectiva, en un magnífico escenario de operaciones para observar y analizar esa presencia.

Más información e índice en la página de la editorial.



2022 has been a very productive year for IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site). Over the past months, our database has been growing with new bibliographic references (the current number of entries is 2,445) and we have also updated our website. Along with a new web design, we have made changes that will make accessing the IStReS database much easier: it is now possible to search our database using our integrated tool, or directly in our open Zotero library

We are also updating our subscription system, which now will be delivered by Mailchimp. If you would like to be up to date with news about IStReS and about the field of Iberian Studies, please subscribe through the menu that appears at the bottom of every page in the IStReS website. You will receive announcements about upcoming events and recent publications relevant to the field of Iberian Studies (e.g. Call for Papers, recent publications, conferences, symposia).

You can also follow us at our new Twitter account:

We are also happy to welcome a new research collaborator: Miriam de Sousa, doctoral student at the Center for Comparative Studies, who has recently joined our team.

Very best wishes and Happy New Year,

IStReS team

Seminari “La literatura catalana i les literatures ibèriques: influències, recepció i traducció” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 15 i 16 de desembre 2022)

Seminari “La literatura catalana i les literatures ibèriques: influències, recepció i traducció” (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 15 i 16 de desembre 2022)

L’objectiu d’aquest seminari, vinculat al grup de recerca consolidat “Traducció, Recepció i Literatura Catalana” (UPF), és analitzar la literatura catalana del període 1970-2022 des de la perspectiva de les relacions amb les altres literatures ibèriques (gallega, portuguesa, basca, asturiana i castellana). El seminari permetrà de posar en relació diverses recerques en curs sobre la traducció entre les literatures ibèriques, les seves mútues influències i la seva recepció. El seminari no només comptarà amb especialistes en estudis ibèrics, estudis de traducció, literatura comparada i teoria de la literatura, sinó també amb llibreters, editors i traductors. 

La taula rodona serà retransmesa per Zoom.


Iberian Babel: Translation and Multilingualism in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean

Iberian Babel: Translation and Multilingualism in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean

Michelle M. Hamilton and Nuria Silleras-Fernández, eds. Brill, 2022.

This book brings together translation and multilingualism, underlining their connection while addressing their evolving history in medieval and early modern Iberia and the Mediterranean, bringing together translation and multilingualism and studying them from a trans-national point of view. Both translation and multilingualism are an integral part of Iberian culture and have shaped its literary traditions and cultural production for centuries, contributing to the transmission of knowledge and texts, and to the formation of the religious, linguistic, and ethnic identities that came to define medieval and early modern Iberia.

Contributors are Jason Busic, John Dagenais, Emily C. Francomano, Marcelo E. Fuentes, Claire Gilbert, Roser Salicrú i Lluch, Anita J. Savo, and Noam Sienna.

More information and Table of Contents.

Nuria Silleras-Fernández’s profile at the IStReS “Who is who”

CFP IBÉRICAS- Mulheres e mediação cultural no espaço peninsular

CFP IBÉRICAS- Mulheres e mediação cultural no espaço peninsular

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 23 a 25 de Novembro de 2022

Este colóquio pretende aproximar investigadores e investigadoras de diversas disciplinas (estudos literários, teatrais e fílmicos, história, filosofia, estudos feministas ou de género) que trabalhem sobre mulheres cuja obra ou pensamento tenha circulado em diversas áreas geoculturais no espaço ibérico (através da recepção, crítica, tradução ou adaptação); que tenham estabelecido redes pessoais, profissionais, académicas ou criativas além das próprias fronteiras linguísticas ou nacionais; ou que tenham reflectido ou escrito sobre as relações culturais, históricas e políticas intra-ibéricas.

São de interesse para o objeto do colóquio todas as áreas geoculturais e linguísticas da Península Ibérica, incluindo os territórios insulares.

Data limite para envio de proposta: 15 de setembro


Línguas do colóquio: Português, espanhol e inglês

CFP completo (em português)

España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea

España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea

Christian Claesson (ed.). Granada: Comares, 2022.

En este libro se exploran, desde la perspectiva de las especialidades de cada uno de los contribuyentes, las posibilidades y limitaciones de España como el marco para un estudio de la literatura y la cultura de las distintas lenguas del estado.

En un momento en que se está radicalizando la política basada en la identidad nacional, los estudios culturales tienen la oportunidad de ofrecer un relato alternativo: un modelo de convivencia basado en la mutua comprensión de la realidad plurilingüística y pluriliteraria del país, donde las expresiones culturales en los distintos idiomas son partes integrales del panorama nacional. Es en la construcción de ese relato de la convivencia de las letras incluyente en vez de excluyente donde se inserta el presente volumen.

Todos los estudios se centran en la época democrática, particularmente en los últimos diez años, indagando la relación entre las distintas culturas y analizando los puntos de encuentro y desencuentro más importantes.

Descargar índice e introducción

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Second International IberTRANSLATIO Symposium (9th and 10th June 2022)

Second International IberTRANSLATIO Symposium (9th and 10th June 2022)

Writing and Translating within/between Iberian Literatures

Institut für Romanistik (University of Vienna)

Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon)

Following up on the First International IberTRANSLATIO Symposium, which took place in Lisbon (March 2019) and the volume Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, recently published by Liverpool UP (2021), the IberTRANSLATIO group organizes its Second International Symposium on ‘Writing and Translating within/between Iberian Literatures’. 

Our purpose is to delve into the intrinsic and multi-level relationships between writing and translation within and between Iberian literatures. The boundaries between writing and translation are not always obvious or clear-cut, their blurriness extending to the textual artifact (original or translation) and to the writing, and reading, figures of author and/or translator, but also of proofreader and reviser. The Iberian Peninsula offers itself as a particularly relevant case study in view of the number of languages it concentrates and of the proximity – (linguistic), geographical, historical, and affective – that binds them together.

Among others, the symposium will address the following subjects/topics:

  • writers as translators / translators as writers;
  • self-translation practices (rewriting, recreation, adaptation);
  • author / translator relationships (from collaboration to conflictual relations; from correspondence to social media interactions);
  • retranslation and indirect translation across different media;
  • publishers and their role in bridging Iberian literatures;
  • transfiction illustrating intra-Iberian relations.

Full program

More information


The Second IberTRANSLATIO International Symposium will be hosted at the Institut für Romanistik from the University of Vienna.

Department of Romance Studies / Institut für Romanistik (Room: ROM 14, first floor)
Universitätscampus AAKH
Spitalgasse 2 – Hof 8
1090 Vienna

Polibéricos 11 com Elias Torres Feijó (24 de Maio de 2022, 18h)

Polibéricos 11 com Elias Torres Feijó (24 de Maio de 2022, 18h)

Argonautas, Sísifo, Prometeu e cavalos de Tróia: urgências e importâncias no relacionamento galeguista com Portugal

O ciclo de palestras POLIBÉRICOS, organziado pela Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora, continua com a presença de Elias Torres Feijó (U. Santiago de Compostela), que irá proferir a conferência intitulada Argonautas, Sísifo, Prometeu e cavalos de Tróia: urgências e importâncias no relacionamento galeguista com Portugal.

A sessão decorrerá no próximo dia 24 de maio, pelas 18.00 horas (fuso horário de Portugal).

Perfil de Elias Torres Feijó no Who is Who de IStReS.

Curso de Verano “Diálogos Ibéricos. José Saramago: un siglo, un minuto”

Curso de Verano “Diálogos Ibéricos. José Saramago: un siglo, un minuto”

Fundación Yuste, 27-29 de junio de 2022. 40 becas disponibles.

Por tercer año consecutivo, la Fundación Yuste en colaboración con el Gabinete de Iniciativas Transfronterizas de la Junta de Extremadura organiza el Curso de Verano Diálogos Ibéricos que pretende reforzar las relaciones en materia de cooperación lingüística, literaria, cultural y académica.

En 2022 el curso se centrará en la figura de José Saramago con motivo de la conmemoración del centenario del nacimiento del Premio Nobel portugués, que fue nombrado miembro de la Academia Europea e Iberoamericana de Yuste en 1998, ocupando el sillón Rembrandt.

El curso tendrá lugar en el campus de Yuste, los días 27 a 29 de junio.

La Fundación Yuste ofrece 40 becas de matrícula, alojamiento y manutención para participar en el curso. El plazo para solicitar la beca termina el 20 de junio. Toda la información sobre las becas se encuentra aquí y aquí; el formulario para solicitar una beca es este.

Más información sobre el curso…

Iberian interfaces. Literary and Cultural Relations between Spain and Portugal, 1870-1930

Iberian interfaces. Literary and Cultural Relations between Spain and Portugal, 1870-1930

Antonio Sáez Delgado and Santiago Pérez Isasi. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.

This book explores a key historical moment for literary and cultural relations between Spain and Portugal. Focusing on the period between 1870 and 1930, it analyses the contacts between Portuguese and Spanish writers and artists of this period, showing that, at least among the cultural elites, there were intense and fruitful dialogues across political and linguistic borders.

The book presents the Iberian Peninsula as a complex and multilingual cultural polysystem in which diverse literary cultures coexist and are mutually dependent upon each other. It offers a panoramic view of Iberian literary and cultural history, encompassing not just Portuguese and Spanish literary productions, but also Catalan, Galician and Basque works.

Translated into English by Eleanor Staniforth, from the original Spanish publication, De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930), Granada: Comares, 2018.

More information.

Pleibéricos 20 (17 de maio 2022, 19h – CET)

Especial Día das Letras Galegas

Participantes: Daniel Amarelo (University of Colorado Boulder), Beatriz Busto Miramontes (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Paula Carballeira (escritora e actriz experta en narrativa oral), Pablo García Martínez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Elisa Serra Porteiro (University College Cork).

ModeraciónCatherine Barbour (Trinity College Dublin), David Miranda-Barreiro (Bangor University).


Ligazón YouTube:

Máis información do evento na páxina web e nas redes sociáis (Instagram e Twitter).

Conference “Conversations on Iberian Studies: Challenges and Opportunities”

University of Copenhaguen, 5-6 May 2022

This conference seeks to contribute to the current debate on Iberian Studies, an epistemological, academic, and institutional field that takes the Iberian Peninsula as interconnected, multilingual cultural and literary systems (e.g. Resina 2009; Isasi & Fernandes 2013; Gimeno Ugalde 2017; Solà & Pinheiro 2020).

The global development of Iberian Studies as a field of inquiry challenges national and monolingual traditions and offers a pathway to the future of research and teaching in modern languages. The contributions to this two-day conference present the work of International and Nordic scholars and encourage us to think innovatively about the challenges and opportunities that Iberian Studies presents for the humanities in Denmark.

It will be possible to follow the conference in streaming via Zoom.

Organizers: Ana Vera and Sacramento Roselló-Martínez, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

More information and Conference Programme available here.

Colóquio Internacional ‘Entremezes ibéricos’

Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa (28-29 de Abril de 2022)

No âmbito do projecto ENTRIB: Entremezes ibéricos: inventariação, edição e estudo realiza-se um cóloquio internacional, a decorrer nos dias 28 e 29 de Abril de 2022, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.

Será apresentada a plataforma digital que alberga os resultados alcançados durante a execução deste projecto: um catálogo digital com mais de 4.500 títulos de teatro breve ibérico, juntamente com a edição sinoptica do corpus de entremezes que conheceram versões em diversas línguas ibéricas. 
Local: sala B 112C, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Datas: dias 28 e 29 de Abril de 2022
Horário: das 10:00 horas às 17:30

Acesso ao programa completo.

Dossiê: “Imagens Interditas: censura e criação artística no espaço ibérico contemporâneo”

Dossiê: “Imagens Interditas: censura e criação artística no espaço ibérico contemporâneo”

Revista Diálogos, v. 26 n. 1 (2022)
Ana Bela Morais, Bruno Marques, Isabel Araújo Branco (Eds.)

Foi publicado, na revista Diálogos, do Departamento de História da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (Paraná, Brasil) o dossié Imagens Interditas: censura e criação artística no espaço ibérico contemporâneo, coordenado por Ana Bela Morais, Bruno Marques e Isabel Araújo Branco.

Grande parte do século XX ibérico foi marcado pela censura imposta por regimes ditatoriais (em especial o Estado Novo e o Franquismo) que visavam todas as formas de expressão, principalmente a comunicação social, o cinema e a literatura. Em paralelo surgem fenómenos de resistência, seja abertamente, seja na clandestinidade, que desenvolveram movimentos como o neo-realismo em Portugal e o tremendismo em Espanha. Nesse país, após o fim da Guerra Civil, grande parte dos intelectuais emigraram, construindo, então, uma impressionante literatura de exílio, contando uma versão alternativa à História propagada pelo regime vencedor.

Este dossié pretende dar resposta a algumas das questões relativas a estes mecanismos censórios: Qual a diferença entre as imagens que passam diante dos nossos olhos e aquelas que o imaginário produz? Quais as mais poderosas e “subversivas”? O que justifica, nesse caso, a censura? As imagens em si, os seus propósitos ou os seus usos? São as imagens que são censuradas ou o que pensamos e fazemos depois com elas? A tensão entre visibilidade e invisibilidade, entre imagem vista e imagem imaginada, endereça-nos para as complexas relações entre literatura e artes visuais.

Este dossiê resulta do primeiro Congresso Internacional ‘Imagens Interditas. Cinema e literatura no espaço ibérico – séculos XX e XXI‘, que decorreu a 12, 13 e 14 de Abril de 2021, numa organização do CEComp – Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (Faculdade de Letras da Universidadede Lisboa), em colaboração com o IHA – Instituto de História da Arte (Universidade NOVA deLisboa) e o CHAM – Centro de Humanidades (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidade dos Açores).

Acesso ao site da revista.

Evento “José Saramago na Jangada Ibérica”

Evento “José Saramago na Jangada Ibérica”

Évora / Cáceres, 27-28 de abril de 2022

A Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora, em colaboração com a Universidad de Extremadura, e no contexto das comemorações do centenário do nascimento de José Saramago, organiza o encontro José Saramago na Jangada Ibérica, nos dias 27 e 28 de abril de 2022.

Este evento está destinado a reflexionar sobre a figura e a obra de José Saramago, e da presença de uma dimensão ibérica nos seus livros. O evento terá lugar nas universidades de Évora e Extremadura (Cáceres), e contará com a participação de especialistas como Carlos Reis, Maria Luísa Leal, Perfecto Cuadrado, Cândido Oliveira Martins ou Diego Mesa.

O evento incluirá também a projeção do filme José e Pilar, de Miguel Gonçalves Mendes, e a inauguração da exposição “Voltar aos passos que foram dados”.

Acesso ao programa completo.

VII Congreso Internacional SEEPLU: “Imágenes, paisajes y discursos en la frontera” (2-4 Marzo 2022)

VII Congreso Internacional SEEPLU: “Imágenes, paisajes y discursos en la frontera” (2-4 Marzo 2022)

Con carácter bianual, desde 2006, la Sociedad Extremeña de Estudios Portugueses y de la Lusofonía viene organizando encuentros científicos entre investigadores y especialistas en áreas como la lengua portuguesa, la historia, la literatura y, en general, sobre las culturas que se expresan en portugués.

Esta reunión, convocada desde Extremadura con vocación internacional, se une a la publicación de la revista Limite, editada en colaboración con el Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura, y hace posible la divulgación de un amplísimo caudal de investigaciones en y sobre el ámbito cultural lusófono, objetivo último de la SEEPLU.

Para esta edición, en torno a la experiencia de la frontera, tan relevante en el contexto cultural extremeño y en general luso-español, se invita a la presentación de propuestas en relación a las siguientes mesas de trabajo:

  • Literatura y relaciones literarias (Coord. Mª Jesús Fdez.)
  • La frontera lingüística y sus paisajes (Coord. Juan M. Carrasco)
  • Relaciones históricas en la frontera luso-española (Coord. César Rina)
  • Enseñanza de Portugués LE (Coord. Raquel Gafanha)
  • El turismo y frontera (Coord. Maria Luísa Leal)

El congreso tendrá lugar en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras en Cáceres de manera presencial, si bien será posible la participación vía online a través de la plataforma Zoom.

Data limite para o envio de propostas: 1 de febrero de 2022

CFP del Congreso

Email del congreso:

Katiuscia Darici: “Traslaciones. Identidades híbridas en las literaturas ibéricas”

Katiuscia Darici: “Traslaciones. Identidades híbridas en las literaturas ibéricas”

Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2021

Traslaciones. Identidades híbridas en las literaturas ibéricas se enmarca en los Estudios Ibéricos, por su comprensión de la Península Ibérica como un conjunto de realidades heterogéneas, pero interconectadas, siguiendo una perspectiva postnacional y relacional, a partir de la reflexión sobre el Hispanismo, desde sus comienzos hasta su actual transformación, y la necesidad de identificar nuevas perspectivas hermenéuticas.

Con tal objetivo, el volumen recoge casos emblemáticos de traslaciones lingüístico-culturales dentro del marco teórico de los Estudios Ibéricos y de un Hispanismo renovado, a través del estudio de autores cuya lengua literaria no es necesariamente el castellano.

Se presentan, pues, la traslación como viaje hacia tierras exóticas, como desplazamiento espacial y a la vez teórico del género de la novela (Albert Sánchez Piñol, Pandora al Congo, 2005) o bien los casos de identidades que han experimentado un proceso migratorio (Andrés Neuman, El viajero del siglo, 2009 y Najat El Hachmi, La filla estrangera, 2015).

Más información en la página de la editorial

IV Jornadas sobre Tradução ​de Espanhol para Português e de Português para Espanhol: A Tradução Literária

IV Jornadas sobre Tradução ​de Espanhol para Português e de Português para Espanhol: A Tradução Literária

​3 de Dezembro de 2021
Edição online

Depois do sucesso das três primeiras edições em 2018, 2019 e 2020, as IV Jornadas sobre Tradução Português-Espanhol e Espanhol-Português têm como tema «Tradução de Literatura e Ensaio no Século XXI».

As IV Jornadas juntam investigadores e tradutores de vários países e são abertas a todos os interessados. A Assistência e participação são gratuitas. A sala virtual da jornada encontra-se aqui (código de acceso: 815088).

Mais informação…

Organização: CHAM-Centro de Humanidades (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Núcleo de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) e Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación (Universidad de Granada).

Comissão organizadora: Isabel Araújo Branco, Marco Neves, Ana María Díaz Ferrero e José Antonio Sabio Pinilla.

8th Polibéricos lecture (23 November 2021)

8th Polibéricos lecture (23 November 2021)

The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes a series of online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.

The eigth lecture will be presented by Carlos Reis on 23 November 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title Figuras e figurações realistas em contexto ibérico.

It will be accessible via zoom through this link. The full calendar of the lecture series and the videos from past lectures are available at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the chair of Iberian Studies at Évora.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

Jornadas Internacionais ‘Para uma história digital das literaturas ibéricas’ (18-19 novembro 2021)

Jornadas Internacionais ‘Para uma história digital das literaturas ibéricas’ (18-19 novembro 2021)

O projecto DIIA – Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos do Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa), em colaboração com a iniciativa CEComp-Humanidades Digitais, organiza as Jornadas internacionais ‘Para uma história digital das literaturas ibéricas’ nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro de 2021.

O evento terá lugar nos próximos dias 18 e 19 de Novembro, totalmente online, e será acessível através deste link

O objetivo do evento é reflectir sobre as possibilidades de entrecruzamento entre a história literária, os Estudos Ibéricos e as Humanidades Digitais. O dia 18 estará focado essencialmente na teoria e na prática da história literária no contexto ibérico, e contará com a participação de José María Pozuelo Yvancos, Jon Kortazar, Isabel Branco e Antonio Sáez Delgado. Já o dia 19 estará focado em projectos digitais de recuperação e reutilização do património literário ibérico; nesse dia intervirão Rosario Mascato Rey, José Camões, Sandra Boto e Santiago Pérez Isasi.

O programa completo do evento pode encontrar-se aqui:

Quem assista aos dois dias do evento e assim o solicite, receberá um certificado de participação.

Pleibéricos ‘Estudios vascos’ – 11 de noviembre 2021 (7pm CET)

Pleibéricos ‘Estudios vascos’ – 11 de noviembre 2021 (7pm CET)

Pleibéricos (Presentación de Libros de Estudios Ibéricos Online) vuelve el próximo 11 de noviembre (7pm CET) en directo con un especial dedicado a los Estudios Vascos / Euskal Gaiak. En presencia de algunos de sus autores y editores, se presentarán cuatro libros de temática vasca. El encuentro virtual contará con la participación del escritor Kirmen Uribe.

Enlace al canal de YouTube para seguir la sesión:

11 de noviembre (7pm CET) – Especial Estudios Vascos (en directo)

En la sesión, moderada por Annabel Martín (Dartmouth College), María Pilar Rodríguez (Universidad de Deusto / Deustuko Unibertsitatea), Mari Jose Olaziregi (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco), se presentarán los siguientes libros:

7th Polibéricos lecture (21 October 2021)

7th Polibéricos lecture (21 October 2021)

The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes a series of online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.

The seventh lecture will be presented by Víctor Martínez-Gil on 21 October 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title “Teixeira de Pascoaes, un referente poético portugués para la literatura catalana”.

It will be accessible via zoom through this link. The full calendar of the lecture series and the videos from past lectures are available at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the chair of Iberian Studies at Évora.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

Víctor Martínez-Gil’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

Envejecimientos y cines ibéricos

Envejecimientos y cines ibéricos

Editado por Barbara Zecchi, Raquel Medina, Cristina Moreiras-Menor y María Pilar Rodríguez. Tirant Lo Blanch, 2021

Books | Barbara Zecchi

El aumento generalizado de la esperanza de vida tiene consecuencias tanto positivas como negativas en los ámbitos familiares, sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales, y ha dado lugar en los últimos años a un extraordinario auge de los estudios sobre el envejecimiento en múltiples disciplinas, entre ellas el cine. El volumen Envejecimientos y cines ibéricos reúne trabajos que analizan la relación entre la vejez y su expresión visual en las diversas producciones cinematográficas de la Península Ibérica.

En particular, sus capítulos presentan una diversidad de reflexiones en torno a este tema en algunas importantes películas de “auteurs” (Josefina Molina, Pilar Miró, Isabel Coixet, Pedro Costa, Pedro Almodóvar, Ventura Pons y Albert Serra, etc.); discuten la representación del cuerpo “maduro” (la falta de simetría entre envejecimiento de los actores y envejecimiento de las actrices, la menopausia, la vejez para los sujetos transgéneros, el carácter perecedero de nuestra existencia); se aproximan a la pérdida de la memoria, tanto colectiva y simbólica (memoria histórica) como personal y física (alzhéimer y otras demencias); y finalmente, se centran en la caducidad del celuloide, el envejecimiento del propio cine como medio. Envejecimientos y cines ibéricos se propone romper así con el centralismo de los estudios de cine del Estado español para ofrecer una visión más amplia que tenga en consideración producciones cinematográficas cada vez más relevantes en gallego, euskera y catalán sin olvidarse de establecer nuevos diálogos con el cine portugués.

Índice de contenidos.

Más información en la página de la editorial Tirant lo Blanc.

Vídeo de la presentación del volumen con sus editoras en los eventos Pleibéricos.

Seminario de Investigación “En ocasiones leo muertos” (25-26 de octubre de 2021)

Seminario de Investigación “En ocasiones leo muertos” (25-26 de octubre de 2021)

Enrique Santos Unamuno y Iolanda Ogando, del Grupo CILEM (Universidad de Extremadura) organizan el Seminario de Investigación “En ocasiones leo muertos. Canon, Mediación y branding en el sistema posliterario”.

En este seminario se reflexionará sobre los conceptos de lo postnacional y lo postliterario, y sus aplicaciones a diversos ámbitos disciplinares (la enseñanza de lengua y literatura, la sociología literaria, el turismo literario) y a diversas áreas lingüísticas y geoculturales ibéricas (castellana, portuguesa, gallega, catalana o vasca).

Además de los organizadores, intervendrán Micaela Ramón, Margarita García Candeira o Mercè Picornell, entre otros.

El evento tendrá lugar en formato mixto, y podrá seguirse a través de zoom.

El cartel, programa completo y enlaces a las sesiones pueden encontrarse en este documento.

Colóquio Internacional ‘A invasão silenciosa: presença portuguesa nas revistas literárias ibéricas do século XX’

Colóquio Internacional ‘A invasão silenciosa: presença portuguesa nas revistas literárias ibéricas do século XX’

Universidade de Évora, 6-7 de Outubro de 2021

No âmbito dos estudos levados a cabo pela Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos da Universidade de Évora, em parceria com uma equipa internacional de especialistas, realiza-se entre os dias 6 e 7 de outubro o Colóquio Internacional A invasão silenciosa: presença portuguesa nas revistas literárias ibéricas do século XX.

Este colóquio internacional vem divulgar os resultados da investigação realizada acerca da permeabilização e receção que as diferentes literaturas ibéricas (castelhana, catalã, galega e basca) realizaram das letras portuguesas.

Os dois dias irão englobar mais de uma dezena de comunicações de especialistas de Universidades e Museus de todo o mundo.

Consulte o programa detalhado.

Mais informação…

Sixth ‘Polibéricos’ Lecture (30 September 2021)

Sixth ‘Polibéricos’ Lecture (30 September 2021)

The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes a series of online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and Ameican universities.

The third lecture will be presented by Julio Neira (Universidade Nacional de Educación a Distancia) on 30 September 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title Rosalía de Castro desde más allá del neoiberismo.

It will be accessible via zoom through this link. The full calendar of the lecture series is accesible at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the chair of Iberian Studies at Évora.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

The Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset Reevaluated

The Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset Reevaluated

Carlos Morujão, Samuel Dimas and Susana Relvas. Springer: 2021.

The present text surveys and reevaluates the meaning and scope of Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy. The chapters reveal the most important aspects of his history such as the Neokantian training he went thru in Germany as well as his discovery of Husserl’s phenomenology around 1912. The work also covers his original contributions to philosophy namely vital and historical reason – and the cultural and educational mission he proposed to achieve. The Spanish – and to a certain extent the European – circumstance was the milieu from which his work emerged but this does not limit Ortega’s scope. Rather, he believed that universal truths can only emerge from the particulars in which they are embedded.

The chapter “Ortega’s exiles” includes a renewed look at Ortega’s presence in Portugal between 1942 and 1955, during which he wrote some of his most relevant work.

More information…

Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones

Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones

Edited By Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto and Ângela Fernandes. Liverpool University Press, 2021.

Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones offers a reflection on the dynamics of linguistic diversity and multifaceted literary translation flows taking place across the Iberian Peninsula. Drawing on relevant theoretical perspectives and on a historically diverse body of case studies, the volume’s sixteen chapters explore the key role of translation in shaping interliterary relations and cultural identities within Iberia. Mary Louise Pratt’s ‘contact zone’ metaphor is used as an overarching concept to approach Iberia as a translation(al) space where languages and cultural systems (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish) set up relationships either of conflict, coercion, and resistance or of collaboration, hospitality, and solidarity.

In bringing together a variety of essays by multilingual scholars whose conceptual and empirical research places itself at the intersection of translation and literary Iberian studies, the book opens up a new interdisciplinary field of enquiry: Iberian translation studies. This allows for a renewed study of canonical authors such as Joan Maragall, Fernando Pessoa, Camilo José Cela, and Bernardo Atxaga, and calls attention to emerging bilingual contemporary voices. In addition to addressing understudied genres (the entremez and the picaresque novel) and the phenomena of self-translation, indirect translation, and collaborative translation, the book provides fresh insights into Iberian cultural agents, mediators, and institutions.

The chapters, written by renown scholars and emergent academics, are grouped around three main sections:

  • 1. Iberian and Translation Studies: Theoretical Contact Zones;
  • 2. Fluid Contact Zones: Indirect Translation, Self-Translation, Intersemiotic Translation;
  • 3. Iberian Contact Zones: Crossing Times and Genres.

See Table of Contents.

Contributors: Isabel Araújo Branco, Ana Belén Cao Míguez, Pere Comellas Casanova, Maria Dasca Batalla, Ângela Fernandes, Enric Gallén, Miquel M. Gibert, Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Isaac Lourido, Rita Bueno Maia, Elizabete Manterola, Andresa Fresta Marques, Miguel Filipe Mochila, Robert Patrick Newcomb, Ariadne Nunes, Marta Pacheco Pinto, Antonio Sáez Delgado, José Pedro Sousa, Sara Rodrigues de Sousa

42nd Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies Conference

42nd Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies Conference

1 – 3 September 2021
Open to all

This year, the 42nd Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) conference is hosted by the School of Modern Languages at Cardiff University. It remains as a three-day event, and as customary, will comprise a selection of panels and keynote addresses. For the first time in the ACIS conference’s history, this year’s event will take place entirely online via Zoom to ensure safety and ease of participation for all delegates and speakers. The conference is open to all and for the first time is free of charge to register.

The Association holds an international, multidisciplinary conference in early September every year. The conference circulates between host universities in Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom and papers and panels focus on nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century socio-cultural, economic, and political issues with a particular focus on the Iberian Peninsula and its relations with the wider Lusophone and Hispanic worlds. The atmosphere is a positive and supportive one and established academics, early career academics and postgraduates are all equally welcome.

Further information about the Association may be found on ACIS website.

This year’s thematic areas for papers and panels are Iberia: Memory, Transitions and the Transnational.

Keynote speakers
•    Dra. Teresa Abelló and Dra. M. Lourdes Prades (University of Barcelona)
•    Professor Parvati Nair (Queen Mary, University of London)
•    Professor António Costa Pinto (University of Lisbon)

Host organisers
•    Dr Siân Edwards, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies and Programme Director for Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University)
•    Eleri Davies, Events & Internal Communications Officer (School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University)
•    Supported by postgraduate students Rachel Beaney and Joe Healey (School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University).

Programme convenor
•    Dr Susana Rocha Relvas (Universidade Católica Portuguesa).


This year’s conference is free of charge to attend. Please ensure you register to attend so you may receive all relevant information, joining instructions and links in due course. Please copy the following link into your browser to register:

The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Medieval Iberia. Unity in Diversity

The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Medieval Iberia. Unity in Diversity

Edited By E. Michael Gerli and Ryan D. Giles. Routledge, 2021.

The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Medieval Iberia: Unity in Diversity draws together the innovative work of renowned scholars as well as several thought-provoking essays from emergent academics, in order to provide broad-range, in-depth coverage of the major aspects of the Iberian medieval world.

Exploring the social, political, cultural, religious, and economic history of the Iberian Peninsula, the volume includes 37 original essays grouped around fundamental themes such as Languages and Literatures, Spiritualities, and Visual Culture.

This interdisciplinary volume is an excellent introduction and reference work for students and scholars in Iberian Studies and Medieval Studies.

More information and TOC…

Studi iberici. Dialoghi dall’Italia

Studi iberici. Dialoghi dall’Italia

Célia Nadal Pasqual and Daniele Corsi (eds.). Venice: Ca’ Foscari, 2021.

Born with the intention of overcoming the old framework of the nation-state, in recent years Iberian Studies have opened unprecedented perspectives on the different cultures of the Iberian Peninsula, and on their intertwinings and mutual relations. Attentive to the phenomena of immigration and linguistic minorities, to the colonial past and relations with the Latin American world, but also to the theoretical proposals of Comparatism, Polysystem Theory or Translation Studies, Iberian Studies welcomes debates about literature and the arts, but also about the ideology they convey. This volume examines the state of the discipline, with particular attention to the Italian context.

The volume includes chapters by Santiago Pérez Isasi, Simona Škrabec, Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Katiuscia Darici, Enric Bou or Cèlia Nadal Pasqual, among others. It also includes a commented bibliography of Iberian Studies, and their developments in Italy, selected by Cèlia Nadal Pasqual.

This publication is fully available on Open Access, here.

Call for Papers: ‘Poetics of the Sayable: Framing Crisis and Conflict in Contemporary Spain’ (1 April 2022)

Call for Papers: ‘Poetics of the Sayable: Framing Crisis and Conflict in Contemporary Spain’ (1 April 2022)

Organisers: Dr Maite Usoz de la Fuente (University of Leicester); Prof. Helena Miguélez-Carballeira (Bangor University)

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 September 2021

Conference date: 1 April 2022

Confirmed keynote speakers: Dr David Becerra Mayor (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Dr Helena Buffery (University College Cork)

The relationship between culture, crisis and the political imaginaries of the State has undergone a series of important transformations in post-2008 Spain, which are ripe for critical analysis by the discipline of peninsular Hispanic/Iberian studies. In particular, three historical-cultural developments have been determining in this regard:

  1. the irruption of the theme of the España vaciada (emptied rural spaces) in the Spanish public sphere after the 2008 financial crisis; its political articulation in Spanish depopulated rural areas (Teruel Existe; Soria Ya) and the exacerbation of urban-rural tensions with the Covid-19 pandemic
  2. Basque separatist group ETA’s ceasefire in 2011 and the ensuing memory battles over the legacies of violence
  3. The Catalan Referendum of Independence of October 2017, whose violent and judicialized repression has sparked questions about the ‘fullness’ of Spanish post-Francoist democracy

The aim of this interdisciplinary one-day research event is, therefore, to consider how recent experiences of crisis and conflict in Spain have been culturally framed within the Spanish public sphere. A working premise is that the discourses of Spanish nationalism and unionism, intensified by the arrival into parliamentary politics of far-right parties, provide one such cultural frame (to use Butler’s term) for what is sayable. Focusing on works published from 2010 onwards, we will consider the way in which cultural texts from the Peninsula have reflected crises and conflicts over the past decade; as well as which narratives have been promoted, celebrated and institutionalised, and which have been disavowed, ignored or silenced. The topics that could be explored in the conference include (but are not limited to):

  1. Literary, visual or media representations of España vaciada
  2. Narratives of neo-ruralismo and/or neo-casticismo
  3. Cultural and media representations of the Basque conflict
  4. Cultural and media representations of the Catalan independence referendum and the ensuing political crisis in Spain
  5. Comparative approaches to conflicting narratives and discourses on any of the topics above

Paper abstracts of ca. 250 words should be sent to Maite Usoz de la Fuente ( by 15 September 2021. This event is funded by the Regional Conference Grant of the Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR). Four travel bursaries of up to £100 each will be made available to postgraduate or early career participants – if you wish to apply for a bursary, please indicate so in your abstract, and send a copy of your CV as well as your abstract.

IStReS Zotero library now freely available online

IStReS Zotero library now freely available online

The IStReS team (Iberian Studies Reference Site) is proud to announce that, thanks to a redesign of the Zotero web interface, our bibliographic library is now available in a user-friendly, searchable and even exportable format.

The IStReS library currently collects and systematizes a comprehensive, relational bibliography of over 2,100 titles published in the last two decades in multiple languages —including all Iberian languages— that deal with the polycentric relationships between the different cultures and literatures of the Peninsula throughout history.

Thanks to the new Zotero online version, users can:

  • browse over 2,100 references;
  • download full text, when available;
  • display references alphabetically, by date of publication or by author, among many other options;
  • obtain full details of any individual item;
  • search for authors, titles or keywords (using the top search bar or the tags menu at the bottom left);
  • or even export citations or bibliographies in a wide range of formats including APA, Chicago or MLA.

The IStReS bibliographic library is available here.

We are happy to help explain the potential uses of Zotero for researchers! We hope that this new interface will help make IStReS even more useful for scholars working in the field of Iberian Comparative Studies.

For queries please contact us at

Curso de verano ‘Diálogos culturales ibéricos y transatlánticos: el espíritu de las vanguardias, un siglo después’

Curso de verano ‘Diálogos culturales ibéricos y transatlánticos: el espíritu de las vanguardias, un siglo después’

28 de junio a 2 de julio de 2021 (online)

La Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos de la Universidade de Évora, en colaboración con la Universidad de Extremadura, organiza el curso de verano online Diálogos culturales ibéricos y transatlánticos: el espíritu de las vanguardias, un siglo despuésintegrado en el programa del Campus Yuste, promovido por la Academia Europea e Iberoamericana de Yuste y por la Junta de Extremadura.

El curso analizará, desde diversas perspectivas y basándose en diferentes lenguajes artísticos (literatura, artes plásticas, arquitectura, música…), la pervivencia en nuestros días del espíritu de las nuevas propuestas estéticas (y éticas), nacidas en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, que pretendían redefinir el espacio del arte en la sociedad y que conocemos con el nombre de ‘vanguardias’.

Este curso pretende también reforzar las relaciones en materia de cooperación lingüística y promoción del bilingüismo que suponen una oportunidad de desarrollo en las regiones transfronterizas como Extremadura, así como en el ámbito iberoamericano y otras áreas geográficas en las que el español y el portugués son lenguas vehiculares.

El evento, dirigido por Antonio Sáez Delgado (U. Évora) y José Luis Bernal (U. Extremadura), contará con la participación de María Payeras, Joana Cunha Leal, Alejandro Mejías López o Javier Rodríguez Marcos, entre otros.

Las inscripciones (gratuitas) se realizan a través de este link. El programa completo del evento puede consultarse aquí.

Más información en la página de la Fundación Yuste. o de la Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos de la Universidade de Évora.

Pleibéricos 1st Anniversary Event (Pleibéricos 11)

Pleibéricos 1st Anniversary Event (Pleibéricos 11)

Wednesday 23 June, 7 PM CET (6 PM UK/Portugal time)

Pleibéricos marks its first anniversary with a special, multilingual event that will showcase 5 new books in Iberian Studies in conversation with their authors. Exceptionally, this event (the last on in this second season) will have 5 guest moderators and presentations in five Iberian languages. The books presented in this session are:

  • Discursos, identidades y transgresión en la música popular española (1980-2010). El caso del glam rock y sus variantes.
    Autora: Sara Arenillas Meléndez
  • La cuestión vasca, dos miradas: Joseba Azkarraga y Javier Sádaba.
    Autora: María del Olmo Ibáñez
  • Els marges dels mapes: una geografia desplaçada.
    Autor: Àlex Matas Pons
  • Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa.
    Autora: Ana Paula Ferreira
  • Contemporary Galician Women Writers.
    Autora: Catherine Barbour

The event can be followed live on YouTube here: 

Since June 2020, Pleibéricos has hosted 11 monthly live events, launching 45 books in conversation with authors in Catalan, Galician, Portuguese and Spanish. Special events have included a PhD theses showcase and a round table with editors of special book series and journals on Iberian topics. The live events are broadcast on YouTube and then split into shorter videos and podcast episodes focused on individual books.

Pleibéricos was founded and is coordinated and moderated by Prof Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University) and Dr Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna), with additional guest moderators in every event. 

For more information, including links to Pleibéricos’ social media pages and videos, please visit, or follow @Pleibéricos on Twitter, Instagram or any Podcast platform.

Mesa redonda “Entre la investigación histórica y la creación literaria en el mundo hispánico”

Mesa redonda “Entre la investigación histórica y la creación literaria en el mundo hispánico”

16 de junio, 18.30h (hora portuguesa) / 19.30h (hora española), online (via Zoom), acceso libre.

Esta mesa redonda pretende reunir investigadoras de diversas áreas de los estudios hispánicos e hispanoamericanos, que también han producido ficción a partir de materiales y experiencias relacionadas con sus temas de investigación. Se plantearán así cuestiones relativas a las diferencias y semejanzas entre ambas áreas, la relación con la idea de verdad histórica, o el efecto que la producción académica o literaria pueden tener en el mundo.

La mesa redonda contará con la participación de Edurne Portela, Magdalena López, Montserrat Arre Marfull y Raquel Ribeiro, y estará moderada por Ângela Fernandes y Santiago Pérez Isasi.

El acceso a la mesa redonda se realizará a través de este link de Zoom:

El evento está organizado por el proyecto DIIA – Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos (grupo LOCUS) del Centro de Estudos Comparatistas de la Faculdade de Letras de la Universidade de Lisboa.

International Conference ‘A raia na água: Eduardo Lourenço e o mundo hispânico’ (1-2 June 2021)

International Conference ‘A raia na água: Eduardo Lourenço e o mundo hispânico’ (1-2 June 2021)

The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, in collaboration with the Center for Iberian Studies (Guarda), organizes the International Conference A raia na água. Eduardo Lourenço e o mundo hispânico, which will take place online on 1-2 June 2021.

Participants in this conference include:

  • Ana Nascimento Piedade – Universidade Aberta
  • Antonio Sáez Delgado – Universidade de Évora
  • Barbara Fraticelli – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro – Universidade da Corunha
  • Fátima Freitas Morna – Universidade de Lisboa
  • Filipa Soares – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Jerónimo Pizarro – Universidad de Los Andes
  • João Tiago Lima – Universidade de Évora
  • Jordi Cerdà – Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Marco Lucchesi – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Margarida I. Almeida Amoedo – Universidade de Évora
  • Pedro Serra – Universidad de Salamanca
  • Roberto Vecchi – Universitá di Bologna
  • Rui Sousa – Universidade de Lisboa

The conference will be freely accesible through this link:

Eduardo Lourenço (1923-2020), renowned Portuguese philosopher, literary critic, poet and essayist, is the author of an extense and diverse work, including his influential essay O Labirinto da Saudade (1978). He was also the founder and director of the Center for Iberian Studies, at Guarda, which promotes the tightening if links between Spain and Portugal.

More information on the Chair of Iberian Studies.
Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who

Tenth ‘Pleibéricos’ event (19 May 2021) – PhD Thesis

Tenth ‘Pleibéricos’ event (19 May 2021) – PhD Thesis

The tenth Pleibéricos virtual meeting will take place on May 192021 (7 pm CET). The session, devoted to PhD theses (final year) in various areas of Iberian Studies, will be streamed on Pleiberico’s youtube channel. 


  • Matthew Hilborn (Durham University), Spanish Film Comedy under Democracy 1970-2020.
  • Catalina Mir (Universitat de Barcelona), Les escriptores de «La Negra» (1986-1998) i la seva contribució a la novel·la criminal de finals del segle XX.
  • Celia Sainz (UMass Amherst), Imaginarios ecopáticos: culturas visuales ibéricas en el Antropoceno.
  • Paulo Kortazar (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Paisaje en la literatura vasca: tradicionalismo y modernidad.
  • Miguel Mochila (Universidade de Évora), A modernidade difusa: a receção hispânica de Eugénio de Castro.
  • Ana Almar-Liante (U of Texas at Austin), Archivo transfeminista: apropiaciones y transformaciones queer de la cultura española en el siglo XXI.

Moderated by Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University), Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna) and Toni Maestre-Brotons (Universitat d’Alacant),

Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or visit the blog.

Fourth ‘Polibéricos’ lecture (18 May 2021)

Fourth ‘Polibéricos’ lecture (18 May 2021)

The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes a series of online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.

The third lecture will be presented by Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) on 18 May 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title Rosalía de Castro desde más allá del neoiberismo.

It will be accessible via zoom through this link. The full calendar of the lecture series is accesible at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the chair of Iberian Studies at Évora.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

Miradas territoriales sobre la novela negra (30 April 2021)

Miradas territoriales sobre la novela negra (30 April 2021)

Miradas territoriales sobre la novela negra

The online roundtable Miradas territoriales sobre la novela negra (‘territorial views on noir novels’), organized by Stewart King (Monash University) will take place on April 30th, at 6 p.m. (Australian time), 10 a.m. (CET).

Writers Alexis Ravelo (Canarias), Emili Bayo (Cantabria) and Jon Arretxe (Basque Country) will debate on the territorial perspectives in their crime fiction works. The debate will be moderated by Stewart King, and there will be time for questions from the audience.

The event will be broadcasted through the Youtube channel of Instituto Cervantes Sydney. To participate, please register for free through Eventbrite.

Stewart King’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is who’.

Third ‘Polibéricos’ lecture (21 April 2021)

Third ‘Polibéricos’ lecture (21 April 2021)

The ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes a series of online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.

The third lecture will be presented by Jon Kortazar on 21 April 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title “Perspectiva ibérica de los poetas vascos de la época republicana”.

It will be accessible via zoom through this link. The full calendar of the lecture series is accesible at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the chair of Iberian Studies at Évora.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.
Jon Kortazar’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

Ninth Pleibéricos event (22 April 2021, 7 pm CET)

Ninth Pleibéricos event (22 April 2021, 7 pm CET)

The ninth Pleibéricos event will take place on April 22, 2021 (7 pm CET) through this youtube channel. This session, moderated by Esther Gimeno Ugalde and Jesús Revelles, will be devoted to Catalan Studies and will include the presentation of following books:

The session will end with a short poetry reading by Sion Serra Lopes, Rita Custódio and Àlex Tarradellas, editors and translators of Resistir ao Tempo. Antologia de poesia catalã (edição bilingue) (Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, forthcoming).

Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or visit the blog.

‘Banned Images’ Conference (12-14 April 2021)

‘Banned Images’ Conference (12-14 April 2021)

Banned Images. Cinema and Literature in the Iberian Peninsula – 20th and 21st Century will hold its 1st biennial International Symposium (12-14 april 2021, online), organized by the CEC-Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, in collaboration with the IHA – Instituto de História da Arte and CHAM-Centro de Humanidades, from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

The conference will take place at the Faculdade de Letras / School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal), fully online due to the covid pandemic.

Banned Images. Cinema and Literature in the Iberian Peninsula – 20th and 21st Centuries will bring together scholars from a wide range of disciplines within Iberian Studies. The Banned Images Symposium aims at promoting and deepening the understanding of contemporary censorship in the Iberian Peninsula with a scope on the moving image and literature. Proposals with interdisciplinary current approaches, innovative methodologies and sounded results will be welcome.

More information…

Eighth Pleibéricos Event (March 11, 7 pm CET)

Eighth Pleibéricos Event (March 11, 7 pm CET)

The eighth Pleibéricos event will take place on Thursday, March 11 at 7 pm (CET) through this Youtube channel. The session will be moderated by Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University), Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna), and Raquel Medina (Aston University), as guest moderator.

Pleibéricos is an open and multilingual initiative created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic open to scholars and readers interested in learning about the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language.

Five new books will be presented in this Pleibéricos session:

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter and Instagram or visit the blog for more information.

PhD Scholarship in Catalan Studies at TU Chemnitz

With the aim of promoting Catalan research at Chemnitz Iberian Studies, the Chair of Cultural and Social Change, in partnership with the Institut Ramon Llull, invites applications for a PhD Scholarship in Catalan Studies.

The scholarship starts on 15 April 2021 and is tenable for up to three years. With an allowance of 20,000 euros per year it covers living expenses in Chemnitz for the duration of the research and supports full dedication to the doctoral thesis.

Application Requirements:

  • Completion of a study programme which entitles the holder to take up a doctorate at the Faculty of Humanities of Chemnitz University of Technology (Master, Staatsexamen, Magister or equivalent) preferentially from a university outside the Catalan-speaking area.
  • Proficiency in Catalan and German.
  • The candidates should apply with a doctoral project in Catalan Studies, preferably in one of the main research areas of the Chair of Cultural and Social Change: Cultural Studies, Memory Studies, Migration, Social Movements, Democ-ratisation Processes, Nationalism, and Urban Studies.
  • The scholarship holder must submit the PhD thesis to the Faculty of Humanities of Technical University of Chemnitz.
  • The doctoral project should meet the criteria of scientific quality and should be completed within three years.

Application Deadline
20 March 2021

More information…

Second ‘Polibéricos’ lecture (18 February 2021)

Second ‘Polibéricos’ lecture (18 February 2021)

The recently created ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes in 2021 a series of nine online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.

The second lecture will be presented by Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) on 18 February 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title Os proxectos iberistas do galeguismo e do catalanismo: Utopías e realidades.

It will be accessible via zoom through this link.

The full calendar of the lecture series is accesible at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the Chair of Iberian Studies.
Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.
Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’.

Transcultural Spaces and Identities in Iberian Studies

Transcultural Spaces and Identities in Iberian Studies

Edited by Mark Gant and Susana Rocha Relvas

This volume brings together innovative research across the diverse field of Iberian Studies, including insights from economics, society, politics, literature, cinema and other art forms, either in a revisionist perspective or incorporating new data. Reflecting recent developments in the field, the subject matter extends beyond the boundaries of Spain and Portugal, as it also includes transnational and transatlantic interconnections with Europe, Africa and the Americas and its scope ranges from the nineteenth century to the effects of the Catalan independence crisis and Brexit. The 18 chapters here are authored by established academics and early career researchers from the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Japan and the USA. The book will appeal to students, researchers and all who have a particular interest in deepening their understanding of the countries of the Iberian Peninsula.

The volume gathers selected texts presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) held in Lisbon in September 2019, including those from invited keynote speakers.

More information…

Susana Rocha Relvas’s profile in the IStReS ‘Who is Who’

Seventh Pleibéricos Event (2 February, 7 pm CET)

Seventh Pleibéricos Event (2 February, 7 pm CET)

Pleibéricos begins the new year with a special session devoted to book series and journals specializing in Iberian Studies. In addition to presenting their series and journals, the invited speakers will also address the audience’s questions related to the publishing process. The session will be moderated by Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University) and H Rosi Song (Durham University) and will have following guest speakers:

Enric Bou, series editor ‘Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica’ (Ca’ Foscari); Antonio Cortijo Ocaña (editor eHumanista, Journal of Iberian Studies); Bob Davidson, series co-editor ‘Toronto Iberic’ (University of Toronto Press); Elia Domingo Barberá, responsible for manuscripts’ contracts Tirant Humanidades (Tirant lo Blanch); Esther Gimeno Ugalde (co-editor, International Journal of Iberian Studies); Susan Larson, series co-editor ‘Hispanic Urban Studies’ (Palgrave); Ellen Mayock (co-editor, Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature & Film), Santiago Pérez Isasi (co-editor, International Journal of Iberian Studies) and Niamh Thornton, series co-editor ‘Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures’ (Liverpool University Press), Steven L. Torres (co-editor, Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature & Film).

The session will be streamed live on YouTube.

Polibéricos – Online Lecture Series on Iberian Studies

Polibéricos – Online Lecture Series on Iberian Studies

The recently created ‘Cátedra de Estudos Ibéricos’ at Universidade de Évora, directed by Antonio Sáez Delgado, organizes in 2021 a series of nine online lectures by prominent voices in the field of Iberian Studies: Polibéricos – ciclo de conferências online. The invited speakers belong to different European and USA universities.

The first lecture will be presented by Joan Ramon Resina (Stanford University) on 21 January 2021 (18.00, Portuguese time), with the title “Sueño y realidad de los Estudios Ibéricos”, and it will be accessible via zoom through this link.

Other speakers of the series include Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas, Brad Epps, Teresa Pinheiro, Fernando Cabo and Jon Kortazar, among others. The full calendar of the lecture series is accesible at the website of Polibéricos.

More information on the Chair of Iberian Studies.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who

Joan Ramon Resina’s profile at the IStReS ‘Who is Who’

Sixth Pleibéricos Event (December 10, 7 pm CET)

Sixth Pleibéricos Event (December 10, 7 pm CET)

The sixth Pleibéricos event will take place on Thursday December 10 at 7pm (CET). This last session of 2020 will be devoted to new publications on Spanish cinema and will be moderated by Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University) and Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna), with Barbara Zecchi (UMass Amherst), as guest moderator. Live event can be followed through the Pleibéricos’ Youtube channel.

The five books to be presented are:

Pleibéricos is an open and multilingual initiative created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic open to scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language.

“Escribir con dos voces. Bilingüismo, contacto idiomático y autotraducción en literaturas ibéricas”

“Escribir con dos voces. Bilingüismo, contacto idiomático y autotraducción en literaturas ibéricas”

Dolors Poch and Jordi Julià (eds.). València: Universitat de València

Escribir con dos voces [‘Writing with two voices’] offers insights on how language choice influences the production of Iberian bilingual writers, particularly in diglossic situations. This volume aims to contribute to a better understanding of the tension between different linguistic and literary traditions in order to construct a useful model to deepen the comparative study of Iberian cultures. In summary, Escribir con dos voces seeks to shed light on writing processes in Iberian contexts.

This book, coordinated by Dolors Poch and Jordi Julià, includes contributions by authors such as Rexina Rodríguez Vega, Maria do Cebreiro Rábade Villar, Cristina Martínez Tejero, Jon Kortazar, Pere Ballart, Xosé Bolado and Margarida Freixas, among others.

More information on this book can be found here.

III Jornadas sobre Tradução de Espanhol para Português e de Português para Espanhol

III Jornadas sobre Tradução de Espanhol para Português e de Português para Espanhol

Tradução de literatura e ensaio no século XXI”.
November 25 2020 (online), starting at 9.30 (Portuguese time)

After the success of the first two editions, CHAM-Centro de Humanidades (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), the Núcleo de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (Universidad de Granada) organize the III Jornadas sobre Tradução Português-Espanhol e Espanhol-Português, which will be devoted to the translation of literature and essay on the twenty-first century. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the Jornadas will be held online.

The program includes three plenary talks as well as two round-tables with invited literary translators and editors.

Full program and other details are available here.  

YouTube live streaming:

Fifth Pleibéricos Event (November 12, 7 pm CET)

Fifth Pleibéricos Event (November 12, 7 pm CET)

The fifth Pleibéricos event will take place today, Thursday November 12 at 7 pm (CET). The session will be moderated by Santiago Fouz Hernández (Durham University), Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna), and Annabel Martín (Darmouth College), as guest moderator. The live event can be followed through the Pleibéricos’ Youtube channel.

Pleibéricos is an open and multilingual initiative created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic open to scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language.

Four new books and a special issue will be presented in this fifth Pleibéricos session. Here more details about the program:

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter and Instagram or visit the blog for more information.

Online conference “World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation” (6-7 May 2021)

Online conference “World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation” (6-7 May 2021)

The conference “World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation” will explore the multifaceted meanings of the minor from different disciplinary perspectives—as it is represented in literary texts (figuration), as it inflects patterns of mobility and reception (circulation), and as it marks processes of linguistic and cultural transfer (translation). The conference will work towards a critical, more inclusive understanding of the minor, both conceptually and methodologically.

By placing the minor at the centre of the debate and exploring the interactions between its multiple meanings, scales and dimensions, the conference will recalibrate the divergence between major and minor and investigate the implications of this divide for the representation, circulation and translation of minority.

While the conference is wider in scope, the concept of “minor literature” has also been frequently applied (and discussed) within Iberian literatures. This conference therefore offers the possibility of placing those discussions and analysis in a global context.

Important dates:

  • 15 December 2020: deadline for abstract submission
  • 15 January 2021: notification of acceptance
  • 1 March 2021: deadline for online registration
  • 20 April 2021: deadline for paper submission
  • 6-7 May 2021: conference

Conference website

Fourth Pleibéricos event

Fourth Pleibéricos event

The fourth Pleibéricos event took place yesterday, Monday October 19. Guest moderators of this special Portugal session were Ângela Fernandes (Facultade de Letras, Univ. Lisbon) and Teresa Pinheiro (TU Chemnitz). The recorded version of this event can be accessed through Pleibérico’s Youtube channel.

Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.

The following books were presented in this fourth Pleibéricos session:

The next Pleibéricos event will take place on November 12th, at 19h.

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or visit the blog, where all the events are announced.

Imaginar Iberia: Tiempo, espacio y nación en el siglo XIX en España y Portugal

Imaginar Iberia: Tiempo, espacio y nación en el siglo XIX en España y Portugal

By César Rina Simón. Granada: Comares, 2020.

This volume focuses on one of the key aspects of any nationalization process: the construction of a time and a space that serve as landscape for the development of the nation, its heroes and their achievements, and the evolution of the national character through the centuries. These space/time narratives were created in the 19th century in parallel with the consolidation of the nation-state, and with the progressive professionalization of historians and geographers, who were in charge of telling the past of the nation, producing its maps and tracing its borders.

Imaginar Iberia [Imagining Iberia] focuses on the shared Iberian past and on its conceptualization of a unified civilization, as well as on the response that Spanish and Portuguese nationalism offered to this idea. It also analyses the tracing of Iberian borders, which clashed against well installed practices among inhabitants of both sides of the Raya. The study of such processes and debates shows that nation-states were imposed and constructed in opposition to other possible organizational models, even though the new professionals in the fields of time and space presented them as natural and perennial, or as the inevitable result of a teleological evolution.

More information…

IStReS database reaches 2500 references

The IStReS database reaches 2000 entries

Over the past years, IStReS has continued collecting comparative references in the field of Iberian Studies. We are pleased to inform you that the database has now reached 2,000 references.

During these past three years we have had the support of different institutions (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, ULisboa, 2017-20; Boston College, 2016-18 and TU Chemnitz, 2019-20), and collaborators, without whom our task would undoubtedly have been much slower and more difficult. This high number of publications also reflects the vitality of the field of Iberian Studies, which is certainly a reason for celebration.

The “Who is Who” section now offers the profiles of 57 scholars, including their areas of expertise, a short biographical note, links to sites with more information and a list of their publications included in the IStReS database.

We would like to stress that the IStReS database is especially designed for researchers in the field, and our goal is to make it a useful tool. In the following downloadable document, you will find a short user guide, as well as various graphs showing the most significant results based on the analysis of the 2,000 references included in the DB.

We would appreciate it very much if you could spread this news among colleagues who may not know about the tool but who might be interested in it. We also remind you that you can subscribe to receive news of IStReS, adding your email in the menu “Subscribe” that appears in the right column of any News item in the site (including this one).

Third Pleibéricos event

Third Pleibéricos event

The third Pleibéricos event will take place next Thursday 24 September at 7 pm (CET). The event can be followed on Pleibérico’s Youtube channel.

Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.

Following books will be presented on September 24 starting from 7 pm (CET):

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or visit the blog, where all the events are announced.

Harri eta berri: nuevos horizontes de la literatura vasca

Harri eta berri: nuevos horizontes de la literatura vasca

Special issue of Ínsula – Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, 883-4, ed. Jon Kortazar.

Ínsula – Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas has published a double special issue, coordinated by Jon Kortazar, entitled “Harri eta berri: nuevos horizontes de la literatura vasca”. This issue offers an insight into the interconnections and mutual intereferences between Basque literature and other literary systems, inside and outside the Iberian Peninsula.
The issue opens with three articles by Isaac Lourido, Jordi Julià and José Manuel López Gaseni, devoted to the interactions between Basque, Catalan and Galician literatures; next three texts, by Jon Kortazar, Ángel Basanta and Luis García Jambrina, study the influence of Spanish literary prizes and encounters (such as the “Encuentros de Verines”) in the Basque literary system.

The next two articles, “Programa de Estudios ibéricos en Estados Unidos. Crisis y oportunidad” by David Laraway and “Los Estudios Ibéricos: una perspectiva portuguesa” by Santiago Pérez Isasi and Ângela Fernandes, specifically deal with the configuration of Iberian Studies in both sides of the Atlantic, with special attention given to the position of Basque Studies in this wider field.

The next section offers reflection on the internationalization and foreign reception of Basque authors and works. After a theoretical reflection by Garbiñe Iztueta, the cases of Bernardo Atxaga, Kirmen Uribe, Harkaitz Cano and Eider Rodriguez are presented in texts authored by David Colbert, Sally Perret, Aiora Sampedro and Paloma Rodríguez-Miñambres, respectively.
Finally the last three articles offer overviews of three aspects related with contemporary Basque literature: the representation of the Spanish Civil War; its relation with Gender Studies and women’s writing; and the interconnections with other Iberian literatures in the field of Children’s literature.

Jon Kortazar’s profile in the IStReS database

Saudades de Portugal, by Ramón Gómez de la Serna

Saudades de Portugal, by Ramón Gómez de la Serna

Edited by Antonio Sáez Delgado and Pablo Javier Pérez López. Introduction by Antonio Sáez Delgado; Translated by Pablo Javier Pérez López and Miguel Filipe Mochila. Lisboa: Abysmo, 2019.

This volume gathers for the first time the texts that Modernist writer Ramón Gómez de la Serna devoted to Portugal. Ramón fell in love with Portugal just as her aunt, Romantic poet Carolina Coronado, or Mariano José de Larra, alias ‘Fígaro’, an author he admired; or just as his own life partner, Carmen de Burgos, ‘Colombine’. Through the texts included in this volume, the reader gets to know the Portuguese experience of the author of the greguerías, and to peek into the life of Lisboa or Estoril through the lens of an outsider with a very particular point of view.

Second Pleibéricos event

Second Pleibéricos event

The second Pleibéricos event will take place on Monday 13 July at 7pm (CET) through this Youtube channel. Pleibéricos is series of events in which books on Iberian Studies are presented online.

Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or on in the blog, where all the events will be announced.

These are the books that will be presented on July 13th from 7pm (CET):

The presentations will be held in Spanish

Pleibéricos – Presentaciones de libros de Estudios Ibéricos online

Pleibéricos – Presentaciones de libros de Estudios Ibéricos online

Pleibéricos is designed as series of events in which books on Iberian Studies will be presented online. The first event of the series will take place on Thursday 25 June at 7pm (CET) through this Youtube channel.

Pleibéricos is an initiative open to all the scholars and readers interested in knowing the latest books published in the field of Iberian studies (understood as widely as possible, but with special attention to Cultural studies) in any language – including all Iberian languages.

You can follow @pleibericos on Twitter or on in the blog, where all the events will be anounced.

These are the books that will be presented on June 25 from 7pm (CET):

The presentations will be held in Spanish.

Women in Iberian Filmic Culture

Women in Iberian Filmic Culture

A Feminist Approach to the Cinemas of Portugal and Spain
Ed. by Elena Cordero Hoyo and Begoña Soto Vázquez.
Bristol: Intellect Books, 2020.

Focusing on Portuguese and Spanish cinema, this collection brings together research about women and their status in relation to Iberian filmic culture. The volume contributes to ongoing debates about the position of women in the cinemas of Portugal and Spain from interdisciplinary and feminist perspectives as well as new accounts of film history. It also aims to promote comparisons between Iberian cinemas and visual culture, a topic that is almost unexplored in academia, despite the similar histories of the two countries, particularly throughout the twentieth century.

Though cinema arrived in Spain and Portugal at the end of the nineteenth century, national and industrial problems as well as the dictatorships of Salazar and Caetano (in Portugal) and Franco (in Spain) meant Iberian cinemas were isolated from European cultural trends. Strict censorship in both countries limited the themes and artistic practices adopted, while a specific cinematographic language, in many cases full of metaphors and symbolism, sought alternatives to the imposed official discourse and preconceived definitions of supposed national identities. By contrast, the arrival of democracy from the 1970s onwards widened not just the panorama of film production and criticism, but also opened the film industry to women’s participation in areas historically assigned to men.

More information.

Being Portuguese in Spanish: Reimagining Early Modern Iberian Literature, 1580-1640

Being Portuguese in Spanish: Reimagining Early Modern Iberian Literature, 1580-1640

By Jonathan William Wade. Purdue University Press, 2020

Being Portuguese in Spanish explores the cultural cross-pollination that defined early modern Iberia and reappraises a body of works that uniquely addresses the intersection of language, literature, politics, and identity.

Among the many consequences of Spain’s annexation of Portugal from 1580 to 1640 was an increase in the number of Portuguese authors writing in Spanish. One can trace this practice as far back as the medieval period, although it was through Gil Vicente, Jorge de Montemayor, and others that Spanish-language texts entered the mainstream of literary expression in Portugal. Proficiency in both languages gave Portuguese authors increased mobility throughout the empire. For those with literary aspirations, Spanish offered more opportunities to publish and greater readership, which may be why it is nearly impossible to find a Portuguese author who did not participate in this trend during the dual monarchy.

Over the centuries these authors and their works have been erroneously defined in terms of economic opportunism, questions of language loyalty, and other reductive categories. Within this large group, however, is a subcategory of authors who used their writings in Spanish to imagine, explore, and celebrate their Portuguese heritage. Manuel de Faria e Sousa, Ângela de Azevedo, Jacinto Cordeiro, António de Sousa de Macedo, and Violante do Céu, among many others, offer a uniform yet complex answer to what it means to be from Portugal, constructing and claiming their Portuguese identity from within a Castilianized existence. Whereas all texts produced in Iberia during the early modern period reflect the distinct social, political, and cultural realities sweeping across the peninsula to some degree, Portuguese literature written in Spanish offers a unique vantage point from which to see these converging landscapes.

More information

CFP – AILASA 2020 Conference

CFP – AILASA 2020 Conference

Griffith University, Queensland, Australia, 16-19 June 2020

The Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia organizes its 2020 Conference under the title Visions: Possibilities, performance and the past.

The conference ‘Visions’ seeks to explore the possibilities of seeing Iberian and Latin American worlds through different eyes. It embraces the sense of unsettlement that a vision brings, while understanding the possibility and promise that can derive from that moment of exchange.

Papers are welcome in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Papers and panels should consider the following themes within regions of Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. Considerations of the effects of Iberia and Latin America in Asia, Africa and the Pacific are also welcome:

  • Performance and creative practice
  • Conflict, violent change and resistance
  • Heritage and sites of encounter
  • Interventions and knowledge across history and cultures
  • Imagining lost or alternative futures
  • Literary and filmic encounters with the other
  • Embodiment and embodied interventions
  • Social movements to affect or resist change
  • Religious and charismatic leadership
  • Language, and communication of the ‘world that might be’
  • The struggle for social justice

Abstracts and panel proposals are due by 21 February 2020
More information:

Convegno internazionale “Iberismo: strumenti teorici e studi critici”

Convegno internazionale “Iberismo: strumenti teorici e studi critici”

The International Conference “Iberismo: strumenti teorici e studi critici” will take place at the Università per Stranieri di Siena, on 11 and 12 November 2019. This event aims at deepening the debate about the ethical, theoretical and methodological limits of Iberian Studies, and to show its practical applications.

Scientific committee
Enric Bou, Pietro Cataldi, Daniele Corsi, Beatrice Garzelli, Cèlia Nadal Pasqual, Alejandro Patat

Organizing committe
Daniele Corsi, María Eugenia Granata, Cèlia Nadal Pasqual, Javier Sanz Muro, Francesc Tous, Maria Antonietta Rossi

Conference programme.
More information…

Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines

Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines

Edited by Núria Codina Solà and Teresa Pinheiro. Peter Lang, 2019

The cultural and linguistic diversity of the Iberian Peninsula calls for research practices that go beyond the methodological nationalism of Portuguese and Spanish Philology and History. Iberian Studies is an emerging epistemological field that approaches the complexity of the Iberian Peninsula and analyses its different literatures, identities, cultures and history from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.

Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines provides insights into theoretical debates on Iberian Studies. The case studies included in the volume engage with cultural history, centre and periphery dynamics, memory and nationalism and the renewed interest in the Islamic and Sephardic in 21st century Spain and Portugal.

More information in the publishers’ website.

Teresa Pinheiro’s profile in the IStReS website.

CFP “Versos ibéricos – Intercambios poéticos entre España y Portugal (siglos XV-XVIII)”

CFP “Versos ibéricos – Intercambios poéticos entre España y Portugal (siglos XV-XVIII)”

The University of Seville organizes this symposium, which will take place on January 22-24 2020. Its objective is to study the trends and fluctuations in the exchanges between Portuguese and Spanish poets between the 15th and the 18th century, in relation with their political, historical and linguistic context.

Thematic lines of this conference (always within the indicated chronological frame) include, among others:

– Portuguese poets in Spanish cancioneros and viceversa.
– Bilingual poets, or poets from one country who wrote in the language of the other.
– Mutual influences in the deveopment of certain poetic forms, literary trends and genres.
– Reception of Spanihs poets in Portugal and viceversa.
– Translations between both languages and literatures.
– Publications of Spanish poets in Portugal and viceversa.
– Miscelanea and bilingual manuscripts.
– Etc.

Proposals should be sent to: (indicating name, surnames, affiliation, 5-line CV, email, thematic line of the proposal and a 500 word abstract).

Deadline for proposals: October 10th 2019

More information here.

Murder in the Multinational State. Crime Fiction from Spain

Murder in the Multinational State. Crime Fiction from Spain

By Stewart King. Routledge 2019

Stewart King’s Murder in the Multinational State. Crime Fiction from Spain provides a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between detective fiction and national and cultural identities in post-Franco democratic Spain. Combining criminological theories of crime and community with an analysis of the genre’s conventions, this book challenges the simple classification of Spanish crime fiction as texts written by Spaniards, set in Spain and with Spanish characters. Instead, it develops a dramatic new reading practice which allows for a greater understanding of the role of crime fiction in the construction and articulation of different and, at times, competing, national and cultural identities, including in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia. Murder in the Multinational State provides a stimulating introduction to the key debates on the study of crime fiction and national and cultural identities in the context of a multinational state

More information

Stewart King’s profile in the IStReS Who is who

Article on the IStReS project

Article on the IStReS project

IStRES is pleased to announce the publication of the article “The IStReS Database: Reflections on the Configuration of the Field of Iberian Studies” (Revista de Humanidades Digitales, vol. 3, 2019, pp. 46-63).

Authored by the two coordinators of IStReS, Santiago Pérez Isasi and Esther Gimeno Ugalde, this paper discusses the objectives and methodologies of the IStReS project and presents an analysis of the 1,786 references currently included in the database that offer a more detailed image of the status of Iberian Studies today. The results allow authors to draw some conclusions on the current configurations of the field.

This paper is the first joint publication derived from this project. The article can be accessed here.

CFP – Arts and Models of Democracy in post-authoritarian Iberian Peninsula

CFP – Arts and Models of Democracy in post-authoritarian Iberian Peninsula

The University of Huddersfield organizes, on 28 and 29 November 2019, the International Conference ‘Arts and Models of Democracy in post-authoritarian Iberian Peninsula’.

This two-day conference aims to innovatively question how artistic practices and institutions formed ways of imagining democracy and by what means arts and culture participate in the wider social struggle to define freedom and equality for the post-Estado Novo and post-Francoist period: how did artistic practices instantiate ideas of democracy in this context? Inversely, how did such democratic values inform artistic practice? How did Portuguese and Spanish artists and intellectuals negotiate between creative autonomy and social responsibility? And more broadly, what is the role of culture in a democracy? The core purpose of the conference is to bring scholars together from different subject areas and exploring any artistic practice (literature, visual and plastic arts, cinema and music).

PhD students, early careers and senior researchers are invited to submit an abstract to engage in an interdisciplinary and comparative debate on how the field of culture framed different ideas of democracy in the Iberian post-authoritarian transitions during the 1970s and early 1980s. Papers will be 30-minutes in length with 15 minutes of discussion time, to enable the fullest exchange.

Please submit proposals (300 words) and a short bio to I.ContrerasZubillaga(at) and g.quaggio(at) by Friday 31 May 2019. The programme will be announced in early July.

More information in the conference website.

CFP – 41st ACIS Conference (Lisbon, September 2019)

CFP – 41st ACIS Conference (Lisbon, September 2019)

The Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies will hold its 41st Conference, organized by CEC-Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, in collaboration with CHAM-Centro de Humanidades, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, on 4-6 September 2019.

Proposals for individual papers as well as panels on specific themes (max. four papers per panel) are encouraged. Proposals will be accepted in any of the following languages: English, Spanish or Portuguese. Any proposed panel should be organised by one convenor who will be responsible for inviting the speakers and chairing the session.

Papers and panels must advance understanding of contemporary socio-cultural, economic and political issues and realities and relate primarily to Spain and/or Portugal and transnational issues and processes relating to the Iberian Peninsula within the wider Lusophone and Hispanic worlds.

If you wish to offer a paper, please send your proposal to the ACIS 2019 Programme Convenors (Susana Relvas, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and Jesús Revelles Esquirol, Universitat de Isles Baleares) at the email address: by Friday 17th May 2019. Informal enquiries concerning papers and topics are welcome before the deadlines.

More information

1st IberTRANSLATIO Conference

1st IberTRANSLATIO Conference

IStReS is pleased to announce the 1st IberTRANSLATIO International Symposium – Iberian and Translation Studies: Re-Defining Contact Zones, which will take place on March 28-29, 2019, at the School of Arts and Humanities from the University of Lisbon.

The symposium will explore theoretical-methodological questions dealing with the relation between Iberian Studies and Translation Studies. Drawing on Mary Louise Pratt’s overarching concept of the ‘contact zone’ (1991), the aim of our symposium is twofold: to re-define the multiple ‘contact zones’ between these two fields of inquiry and to investigate ‘contact zones’ between the different Iberian literary systems through translational practices.


Among others, the conference will address the following subjects:

  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to Iberian Studies and Translation Studies
  • Translation as a complex mode of literary circulation in the Iberian Peninsula
  • Translation flows among the different Iberian literary systems
  • Power dynamics and intra-Iberian translation
  • The role of patronage in intra-Iberian translation
  • Intra-Iberian collaborative translation
  • (Iberian) literary authors as translators of Iberian literatures
  • Translation agents and their networks within the Iberian space
  • Self-translation in the Iberian space
  • Translating heteroglot works in the Iberian Peninsula

The academic program includes distinguished scholars from Europe and the U.S.A. and will be complemented by a round-table featuring literary translators.


Organizing Committee: Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna), Marta Pacheco Pinto (CEC, FLUL) and Ângela Fernandes (CEC, FLUL)

More information.


De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930)

De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930)

By Antonio Sáez Delgado and Santiago Pérez Isasi. Granada: Comares, 2018.

This volume focuses on the historical moment in which Iberian literary and cultural relations were most intense: the period between 1870 and 1930, the generation of Antero de Quental, ‘Clarín,’ Eça de Queirós and Emilia Pardo Bazán, all the way until the Iberian modernist and avant-garde movements. An analysis of the contacts between Portuguese and Spanish writers and artists shows how, at least among the cultural elite, the stereotype of these two countries as living with their backs turned on one other is not correct, as there existed fluent and fruitful dialogues across political and linguistic borders.

The methodology applied in this volume is rooted on the most recent developments in the field of Iberian Studies, which is now understood as a subfield of Comparative Literature rather than as an expansion of Hispanic Studies. The Iberian Peninsula, then, is conceived as a complex multilingual and multicultural system, in which diverging literary systems established a fluctuating relationship of mutual interdependence. This network of literary relations and interferences justifies a comparative analysis of Iberian literatures and cultures, such as the one proposed in this text.


More information.

Antonio Sáez Delgado‘s and Santiago Pérez Isasi‘s profile in the IStReS ‘Who is who’

CFP International Conference “Writing spaces, mapping words”

Lisbon, School of Arts and Humanities, 30-31 May 2019

In recent years, literary studies have paid increasing attention to the dimension of space, applying concepts and methodologies adopted from Philosophy, Urbanism, Geography or Social Sciences. From Franco Moretti’s early proposals in his Atlas of the European novel, 1800-1900 (1998) and Bertrand Westphal’s Geocriticism (1999) to Robert Tally’s Geocritical explorations (2011), the relation between literature and space, and between literature and cartography, has been approached from different perspectives. The mapping of fiction, in particular, has attracted much specific discussion and theorization (for instance, by Piatti et al, 2017).

On the other hand, this spatial turn in the Humanities has also been aided by the parallel development of the digital turn: digital technologies and methodologies applied to the Humanities, and more specifically to literary studies, have allowed for new approaches to texts and cultural systems. In the case of literary cartographies, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), even with their practical and epistemological limitations, have helped the development of digital literary cartographies, such as The space of Slovenian Literary Culture, Compostela geoliteraria or Atlas das paisagens literárias de Portugal continental, to name but a few examples.

This conference aims to explore the interconnections between geography, cartography and literary studies, with particular attention to the use of digital technologies (namely GIS) for literary analysis. Proposals that apply these methodologies to Iberian literatures will be given priority, although we welcome papers dealing with any linguistic and geographical context.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Theoretical reflections on the crossings between geography, cartography and literature
  • Spatial configurations in Literary Theory, Literary History and Comparative Literature
  • Geocriticism, literary geography and its applications
  • The spaces of the literary system: production, distribution, mediation, reception
  • Maps and texts, maps in texts, texts in maps
  • Digital Humanities, GIS and digital literary cartographies
  • Network analysis applied to literary networks

Proposal submission: All proposals should be sent to ​ by ​January 11th 2019​​.

More information in the complete CFP.

Conference organized by the Center for Comparative Studies, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon.

Iberianism and Crisis: Spain and Portugal at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

By Robert Patrick Newcomb. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018

Robert Patrick Newcomb’s Iberianism and Crisis examines how prominent peninsular essay writers and public intellectuals, active around the turn of the twentieth century, looked to Iberianism to address a succession of political, economic, and social crises that shook the Spanish and Portuguese states to their foundations.

Bringing into dialogue prominent fin-de-siècle peninsular literary intellectuals, including Joan Maragall, Oliveira Martins, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Antero de Quental, and Miguel de Unamuno, Newcomb engages in a comparative analysis of textual sources across national and regional borders, languages, and literary canons.

More information

Robert Patrick Newcomb’s profile in the IStReS Who is who

IStReS database reaches 2500 references

IStReS’ “Who is who” reaches 50 profiles

We are pleased to announce that the IStReS “Who’s Who” section now includes 50 academic profiles, while the database has now expanded to include over 1600 bibliographic references.

This past year has been one of intense work, but we believe that all the dedication will help to advance the field of Iberian Studies. Connecting so many references and resources along with such a large number of experts demonstrates that our discipline continues to grow and consolidate all around the world.

We would also like to thank the members of our scientific committee, the researchers who have agreed to appear in our “Who’s who”, and those who have contributed with their knowledge and generosity to our project; we would also like to take a moment to thank all the research assistants who have worked or continue to work with us over these past two years, and who have been an essential part of our project.

We would also like to invite you to make use of the database in your research, and to continue sending us your most up-to-date bibliographic references, suggestions for creating new profiles, and news items we can publish (CfP, recent publications, etc.). If you haven’t done so, please subscribe to our news, to stay up to date with all the developments in Iberian Studies.
María Rosa Álvarez Sellers

María Rosa Álvarez Sellers

Areas of interest: Spanish studies – Portuguese studies – Theater – Gender Studies

María Rosa Álvarez Sellers is a Professor at the Universitat de València, where she teaches in the Department of Spanish Philology. She specializes in Spanish and Portuguese literature with a focus on Iberian theatre. Prof. Álvarez Sellers is particularly engaged with female performativity and theatricality.

CFP – 41st ACIS Conference (Lisbon, September 2019)

ACIS 40th Conference in Barcelona: CFP extended

On 5-7 September 2018, the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) will hold its 40th Anniversary Conference, organized jointly by the GREL (àrea de Ciència Política, Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Barcelona), the University of Chester (UK), and the Humboldt State University (USA), at the Universitat de Barcelona.

The deadline to submit individual papers or propose panels on specific themes (max. four papers per panel) has been extended until June 18th, 2018. Relevant proposals should be sent to the Organizational Committee at All papers must seek to advance an understanding of contemporary socio-cultural, economic and political issues and realities in Spain and/or Portugal, or transnational issues and processes relating to the Iberian Peninsula within the wider Lusophone and Hispanic worlds.

Below are some of the suggested thematic areas for papers and panels:

  • Politics, government, and international relations, especially as they pertain to the EU
  • Nationalism, regionalisms, and transnational issues and processes
  • Economics, business, labor, social and welfare issues
  • Cultural production in all its forms (e.g. film, television, journalism, literature, media, advertising, digital communication & social networking)
  • Social and cultural studies (e.g. identity, gender, ethnicity)
  • Leisure, tourism, sport
  • Contemporary history
  • Language, linguistics, and language policies
  • Educational and pedagogical strategies and approaches

For more information, please consult the ACIS website.

Península Ibérica. Nações e transnacionalidade entre dois séculos (XIX e XX)

Península Ibérica. Nações e transnacionalidade entre dois séculos (XIX e XX)

Edited by Sérgio Campos Matos and Luís Bigotte Chorão. V. N. de Famalicão, Húmus / Centro de História, 2017, 346 pp.

The last two centuries have seen radical changes to the relationship between Portugal and Spain, in large part due to shifts in power on the international stage. From the French invasions to the formation of the European Union, Spain and Portugal have each lived through several cultural and economic crises, faced two World Wars, been ruled under fascist dictatorships, and transitioned to democratic regimes. Through all this, the populations of both countries maintained contacts and exchanges of many kinds.

However, many assume even today that the two nations live in a state of precarious coexistence, having become pigeonholed into the image of two neighbors who live with their backs turned against one another. Contemporary historical discourse must reach beyond the shadows of this stereotype, turning instead to the idea of an Iberian plurality as key to defining the dynamics between Portugal and Spain.

Edited by Sérgio Campos Matos and Luís Bigotte Chorão, the recent Península Ibérica: Nações e transnacionalidade entre dois séculos (XIX e XX) (2018) engages with such discourse. With contributions from Enric Ucelay-Da Cal, César Rina, Víctor Martínez-Gil, and Hipólito de la Torre, among many others, this volume seeks to analyze this Iberian relationship through a broader temporal frame. With considerations ranging from the fields of culture and politics to diplomacy and economy, these essays aim toward a better understanding of the historical, political, and cultural meanings of Iberianism and Hispano-americanism and in what ways these may have contributed to the several historiographical debates on the issue.

Sérgio Campos Matos’s profile at the IStReS website.


IStReS database questionnaire

IStReS database questionnaire

We have prepared a short questionnaire that aims at analysing the use of the IStReS website and its database. Our purpose is to determine whether these tools have been applied for researches in the field of Iberian Studies, or to find information about scholars in this field. The questionnaire consists of six short questions, and it would give us valuable feedback about the way this website and our database are being
used. Please take five minutes of your time to fill out the survey.

Thank you on behalf of the IStReS team!

A New History of Iberian Feminisms

A New History of Iberian Feminisms

Edited by Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2018, 544 pp.

A New History of Iberian Feminisms, a publication edited by Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson, offers both a chronological history and an analytical discussion of feminist thought in the Iberian Peninsula, including Portugal, and the territories of Spain – the Basque Provinces, Catalonia, and Galicia – from the eighteenth century to the present day.

Editors Silvia Bermúdez, Roberta Johnson and other contributors reveal the long and historical struggles of women living within various parts of the Iberian Peninsula to achieve full citizenship. A New History of Iberian Feminisms comprises a great deal of new scholarship, including nineteenth-century essays written by women on the topic of equality. By addressing these lost texts of feminist thought, Bermúdez, Johnson, and their contributors reveal that female equality, considered a dormant topic in the early nineteenth century, was very much part of the political conversation, and helped to launch the new feminist wave in the second half of the century.

More information and purchase.

Silvia Bermúdez’s profile in the IStReS “Who is who”

CFP “Beyond borders? New Formulations in Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds”

CFP “Beyond borders? New Formulations in Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds”

The Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies of University College Cork, with the support of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures (CASiLaC), organizes the symposium Beyond Borders? New Formulations in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies’, which will take place in June 28 – 29, 2018 at the University College Cork.

This symposium aims to offer postgraduate and early-career researchers the opportunity to gather in a formative space to transverse spatial, temporal, and linguistic borders and perspectives.

The current situation of the disciplines beneath the epithets ‘Hispanic’ and ‘Lusophone’, studies, although positively emphasises the common linguistic patrimony of diverse territories, also upholds and reproduces the isolation of the colonised spaces and becomes an artificial obstacle for horizontal communication and collaboration. In a world where this predominantly vertical epistemological framework reinforces the hegemony of the cultural production of the centres at the expense of the cultural diversity of the peripheries and the circulation of their ideas, it is imperative to cross spatial, temporal, linguistic and epistemic borders, not only to answer old questions, but to reformulate new ones and to redefine categories. Inspired by the concept of the circum-Atlantic world as understood by Joseph Roach (1996), and extending this perspective to other border areas, this event will focus on making visible the legacy of horizontal collaborations across territories and languages in the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds and beyond.

The symposium will enable exchanges with the keynote speakers Professor Janet Polasky from the University of New Hampshire, USA, and Dr Conrad James from the University of Birmingham, UK. Professor Janet Polasky is a specialist in Eighteenth-century Atlantic revolutions, and comparative, urban, and women’s history. Dr Conrad James’s research explores cultural production in terms of what it reveals concerning the significance of race thinking, the politics of movement, diaspora creativity, and the emergence of new world philosophies.

Proposals for 20-minute papers (max. 200 words), in either English, Portuguese or Spanish, and a brief biographical note should be sent to before March 30th.

Exhibition “Pessoa: All Art Is a Form of Literature” at the Reina Sofía Museum

Exhibition “Pessoa: All Art Is a Form of Literature” at the Reina Sofía Museum

The Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid will be showing the Pessoa. All Art Is a Form of Literature exhibit from February 7th to May 7th 2018.

The title of the exhibition,Pessoa. All Art Is a Form of Literature”, is based off of a quote by Álvaro de Campos, one of the most avant-garde heteronyms created by Fernando Pessoa (Lisbon, 1888–1935), and published in the influential Portuguese magazine Presença. Paulism, Intersectionism, Sensacionism are just some of the terms coined by the poet in his scores of texts. This exhibition draws on these isms to put in place a visual account of the Portuguese scene, bringing together a selection of works by figures such as José de Almada Negreiros, Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, Eduardo Viana, Sarah Affonso and Júlio, among others.

As a counterpart of this exhibition, Museo Reina Sofía is also organizing a series of roundtables titled Pessoa: A Brief History of Modern Art, split into three sessions to examine the major Pessoan contributions, and their possible interpretations, to the present and to an alternative history of modern art. The first session, entitled Different Isms. Pessoa and the Avant-Garde, centres on the poet’s ambivalence towards the prevailing art movements of the time. The second session, Be Plural Like the Universe. Pessoa and Heteronyms, spotlights the practice of heteronyms ­— which number over one hundred — in the writer’s work. The final session, A Book Like the World, touches on the modern idea of art as the creation of a radically new and diverse experience.

More information on the exhibition can be found here. More information on the encounters and their participants can be found here.

Call for Papers – Encounters, Rights, and Sovereignty in the Iberian empires

Call for Papers – Encounters, Rights, and Sovereignty in the Iberian empires

The Call For Papers is now open for the International Conference “Encounters, Rights, and Sovereignty in the Iberian empires, 15th-19th centuries”, which will take place at the University of Evora (Portugal), on the 24th and 25th of May 2018.

Focused on the colonial encounters fostered by the Iberian empire-building processes and on the strategies developed to regulate the rights and lives of native and colonial populations, this conference welcomes proposals that privilege the comparisons and interactions between the Portuguese and Spanish colonizing dynamics, in a timeframe spanning from the early stages of the Iberian colonization to the first outbreaks of independence.

Panel and paper proposals are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Proposals must be sent via the University of Évora event platform, before the 10th of February 2018.

More information in the full CFP (pdf).

For enquiries, please contact us at:

Conference on “Iberian and Latin-American views on Transnationality”

Conference on “Iberian and Latin-American views on Transnationality”

The 1st International Congress of Young Hispanists and Lusitanists will take place from April 4-5, 2018 at CRIMIC – Sorbonne Université (France). The topic of the conference is Miradas ibéricas y latinoamericanas sobre lo transnacional”.

Organized by CRIMIC PhD students, and under the initiative of CRITIC, this conference counts on the scientific support of key figures on Iberian and Latin American Studies at institutional and international level. It is integrated within the lines of enquiry that have shaped the activities organized by CRIMIC in the last few years, such as those concerning the notions of territory and territoriality. These notions are still an open invitation for discussion and, thus, the translational emerges as an unavoidable bridge to study and understand our contemporary world.

Proposals must be sent by email by January 31st.

New facsimile edition of Ribera i Rovira’s Atlàntiques

New facsimile edition of Ribera i Rovira’s Atlàntiques

A new facsimile edition of Ignasi Ribera i Rovira’s Atlàntiques. Antologia de poetes portuguesos has just been published by Ed. Barcino (Barcelona). The anthology Atlàntiques was originally published in 1913 and is one of the most important milestones in the history of the relations between Catalonia and Portugal. For this anthology, Ribera i Rovira gathered works by Portuguese poets from the 19th century onwards, from Almeida Garrett to Teixeira de Pascoaes. Furthermore, he proposed the creation of a new literary and cultural movement using Portugal as a model: the Enyorantisme, a Catalan version of the Portuguese Saudosismo.

This new edition of the anthology includes an extensive introduction by Víctor Martínez-Gil, professor at the Department of Catalan Philology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and one of the most distinguished experts on the literary and cultural relations between Catalonia and Portugal.

More information

Víctor Martínez-Gil’s profile on the IStReS “Who is who” page.

Montserrat Bacardí

Montserrat Bacardí

Areas of interest: Translation studies – History of translation – Catalan studies – Spanish studies – Transatlantic studies – Catalan exile

A graduate in Catalan Philology (BA) and Hispanic Philology (PhD) from the Universitat de Barcelona, Montserrat Bacardí is a Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she is the PI of the Grup d’Estudi de la Traducció Catalana (GETCC) (Contemporary Catalan Translation Study Group). Her areas of expertise include Literary Translation from Spanish into Catalan, Catalan literature under Franco’s dictatorship, and Catalan exile in Latin America. To these topics she has devoted several critical works, such as El Quixot en català (2006, with Inma Estany), Diccionari de la literatura catalana (2008) (ed.), Catalans a Buenos Aires. Records de Fivaller Seras (2009), Una impossibilitat possible. Trenta anys de traducció als Països Catalans (1975-2005) (ed., 2010), Diccionari de la traducció catalana (dir.) (2011), La traducció catalana sota el franquisme (2012), Les traductores i la tradició (2013), Gràcia Bassa, poeta, periodista i traductora (2016), and Traducció i franquisme (ed., 2017).


New report on Iberian Studies in the U.S.

New report on Iberian Studies in the U.S.

The Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the United States at Harvard University recently published a report, prepared by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, entitled, “The Iberian Turn: an overview on Iberian Studies in the United States.”

The objective of this report is to examine the current state of the discipline of Iberian Studies in the United States. The report offers a comprehensive overview of the various institutional frameworks of Iberian Studies in the US and the intellectual practices that influence its configuration.

The full report is accessible in the website of the Observatory.

Esther Gimeno Ugalde’s profile at the IStReS “Who is who”.

‘The paper border: Portuguese literature in Spain in early 20th century’

‘The paper border: Portuguese literature in Spain in early 20th century’

The exhibition, A fronteira de papel – Literatura portuguesa em Espanha no início do século XX, curated by Antonio Sáez Delgado (Universidade de Évora), showcases a selection of books that demonstrate the presence of Portuguese literature in Spain in the early 20th century. Eça de Queirós, Guerra Junqueiro, Eugénio de Castro, Raúl Brandão or Teixeira de Pascoaes are some of the Portuguese writers whose works were translated into Spanish during a period of particularly strong dialogues between both countries.

The exhibition will be open from November 16th, 2017 to January 10th, 2018 at the Casa dos Bicos – Fundação José Saramago, in Lisbon (Portugal).

The curator of this exhibition, Antonio Sáez Delgado, is a scholar who specializes in the literary relations between Spain and Portugal at the beginning of the 20th century. He is also a translator, writer, and literary critic of many important works in the cultural journal Babelia (El País), where he has been reviewing Portuguese books for almost a decade.

Antonio Sáez Delgado’s profile at the IStReS “Who is who”

IStReS database reaches 2500 references

The IStReS database reaches 1,000 documents

The IStReS database, which gathers publications from 2000 onward relating to the field of Iberian Studies, has reached the benchmark of 1,000 documents. These documents include books, book chapters, and articles in scientific journals.
Of these 1,000+ documents, a vast majority deal with Iberian literatures, although many are also devoted to visual and performative arts. The relationship between Spain and Portugal is the topic of almost one third of the publications included in IStReS, although the database also includes comparisons between Catalan and Spanish cultures as well as comparisons of Galician and Portuguese cultures, among others. The corpus of documents included in the database also demonstrates a clear focus on contemporary Iberian Studies, as almost half of the publications devote themselves to 20th century literature and culture.
The IStReS database, as well as the “Who is Who” section (which currently includes more than 30 scholars from both sides of the Atlantic) is continuously in progress and new documents are added regularly. If you have suggestions of possible publications for the database, or names of scholars who have contributed to the field of Iberian Studies, you can send them to us through the “contact” form, or by emailing
Beyond Tordesillas: New Approaches to Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies

Beyond Tordesillas: New Approaches to Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies

Edited by Robert Patrick Newcomb and Richard Gordon.

Ohio State University Press, 2017.

A new volume edited by Robert Patrick Newcomb and Richard Gordon was released in October 2017. Bringing together young and established scholars, Beyond Tordesillas: New approaches to comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies, seeks to consolidate the important research being done on the connections between Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking worlds on both sides of the Atlantic. This volume builds on an understanding that Iberian and Latin American cultures are inherently transoceanic, as early modern eras have been intrinsically interconnected. Beyond Tordesillas discusses how colonization is a global issue, specifically in post-colonial evaluations.

This volume’s contributions range topically across continents, from the Iberian Peninsula to Latin American countries. It also ranges across genres, with studies that analyze fictional narrative, music, performance, and visual culture. Beyond Tordesillas forcefully challenges the disciplinary, and somewhat arbitrary, boundaries that have separated Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies for far too long.

Robert Patrick Newcomb is Associate Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies at University of California, Davis. Richard A. Gordon is Professor of Brazilian and Spanish-American Literature and Culture at the University of Georgia.

Robert Patrick Newcomb’s profile in the IStReS “Who is who”

Lauren Mushro

Lauren Mushro is a fourth year student at Boston College studying Hispanic Studies and Political Science. Her main research interests include 19th and 20th Century Spanish Politics, Gender Studies, and Political Theory. Her senior thesis focuses on Carmen de Burgos, Emilia Pardo Bazán, and narrative gender performance through the use of pseudonyms. In the future, Lauren aims to attend graduate school and receive her PhD.

The Ghost in the Constitution in the Constitution. Historical Memory and Denial in Spanish Society

The Ghost in the Constitution in the Constitution. Historical Memory and Denial in Spanish Society

Written by Joan Ramon Resina.

Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2017.

Embracing a philosophical and ethical dimension, The Ghost in the Constitution. Historical Memory and Denial in Spanish Society provides a deep, thoughtful reflection on the concept of ‘historical memory’ and its political use in Spain. The book analyzes specific ‘traumatic’ historical episodes such as the bombing of Guernica, the post-war exodus to France and internment in concentration camps or exile. It also explores the origins of symbolic violence and “negationism” in the post-Franco era.

Joan Resina is the Director of the Iberian Studies Program at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Relations and Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures and Comparative Literature at Stanford University, United States. Recent books by Resina include Barcelona’s Vocation of Modernity: Rise and Decline of an Urban Image (2008), Del Hispanismo a los Estudios Ibéricos. Una propuesta federativa para el ámbito cultural (2009), and Josep Pla: Seeing the World in the Form of Articles (2017).

Joan Ramon Resina’s profile in the IStReS “Who is who”

IStReS at the conference of Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas

IStReS at the conference of Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas

After launching at the ACIS Conference (Norwich, University of East Anglia, 4-6 September 2017), the IStReS project will also be presented at the conference of the Society for Hispanic Digital Humanities (Sociedad Internacional Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas), which will take place in Málaga from October 18th to October 20th 2017.

The HDH Association gathers scholars from many different scientific areas (Philology, Art, History, Geography, etc.) who use digital tools as a means of research and dissemination of knowledge. This conference will include more than two hundred participants from several European and Latin-American countries, as well as plenary sessions by Laura Borrás, Ángela Pérez Mejías and Juan Luis Suárez.

The IStReS project presentation will be included in a panel on Iberian Studies and Digital Humanities, along with the presentation of the project “Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1870-1930)”.

New profiles in the IStReS “Who is who”

New profiles in the IStReS “Who is who”

The ‘Who is who’ section is growing: in the past few days, we have added profiles of scholars such as Silvia BermúdezStewart KingVíctor Martínez-GilMari Jose Olaziregi or Susana Rocha Relvas. We expect to keep adding new profiles in the following days and weeks.

The ‘Who is who’ section of IStReS aims at offering information on the most relevant scholars in the field of Iberian Studies, showing a list of areas of interest, a biobibliographical note, links to websites with more information and a list of publications included in the IStReS database.

At this early stage in the development of the website and the project, there are obviously many scholars still missing from the ‘Who is who’. We are open to receiving suggestions and comments, both on possible scholars to add to the ‘Who is who, and on publications related to Iberian Studies which are not included in the database yet.

IStReS database reaches 2500 references

Silvia Bermúdez

Areas of interest: Galician Studies – Hispanic Studies – Cultural Studies – Gender Studies.

Silvia Bermúdez is a Spanish and Portuguese Professor as well as a Feminist Studies Professor at the University of California Santa Barbara. Her specialization areas are Contemporary Spanish and Galician Literatures and Cultures, Transatlantic Studies, and Peruvian Poetry. Her subject focuses at UC Santa Barbara include Cultural Productions of the Iberian Peninsula, Perú, and Equatorial Guinea, Feminism, Women’s Studies, Poetic Discourses, and Politics. (more…)

Alejandro Bia

Alejandro Bia is now deputy director of the Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science and a researcher at the Operations Research Center (CIO), both at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) en Elche, Spain.


Maria Graciete Besse

Maria Graciete Besse

Areas of interest: Portuguese Studies – Gender Studies.

Maria Graciete Besse, currently retired, is the former Director of Portuguese Studies and Assistant Director of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, France. Professor Graciete Besse also worked at the Institut Hispanique in Paris and frequently holded visiting lectures at many different universities throughout France and Portugal. In 2004 Maria Graciete Besse founded the Institute for Lusophone Studies at the CRIMIC (Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les mondes ibériques contemporains) of the Sorbonne, which she directed until 2016.


Sandra Boto

Sandra Boto

Areas of interest: Portuguese Studies – Early Modern literature – Romanceiro

Sandra Boto works as Assistant Researcher at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa desde setembro de 2020, desempenhando funções no Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição. Entre 2019 e 2020 foi Investigadora Auxiliar no CIAC/ Universidade do Algarve.She is also executive researcher for the Romanceiro project, a digital database that provides texts and information on Iberian romances from 1828 to 2010.


Enric Bou

Enric Bou

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Theory.

Enric Bou is a fulltime Professor at the Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy; prior to this he was the Chair of Hispanic Studies at Brown University. He received a fellowship from the Research Center for Contemporary History in Barcelona, and his PhD in Philosophy and Arts from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bou previously lectured at Wellesley College, the Universitat de Barcelona, and the Université de Poitiers. Between 2011 and 2012 he was holder of the UC3M-Santander Chair of Excellence at the Universidad Carlos III examining issues of multiplicity and heterogeneity in urban experiences, specifically in the Hispanic world.


Isabel Araújo Branco

Isabel Araújo Branco

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Ibero-American Literature – Spanish Literature – Portuguese Literature – Translation Studies

Isabel Araújo Branco is an Assistant Professor (Profesora Auxiliar) in Spanish Studies, Literature and Translation, at the NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL). She works as a researcher at the CHAM – Centro de Humanidades (NOVA FCSH—UAc), of which she is currently the deputy director. Her main area of interest concerns the origins of the magic realism and the relations between Spanish and Portuguese literatures and cultures, especially during the 20th and 21th centuries.

In 2009 Isabel Araújo Branco earned her Ph.D. in Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University Nova of Lisbon, at the department of Human and Social Studies. In 2015 she obtained the International Scientific Award “Mário Quartin Graça” from Casa da América Latina for her final Ph.D. dissertation, which concerned the reception of the Spanish-American literature in the contemporary Portuguese literature. She curated the Poetry Area for Lisbon 2017, Ibero-American Capital of Culture.

She participates in the project of the portal «Editores y Editoriales Iberoamericanos (siglos XIX-XXI)-EDI-RED» for the Virtual Library “Miguel de Cervantes” and she is also a member of GILCO – Grupo de Investigación en Literatura Contemporánea (Uni. Alcalá). Moreover, she cooperates to the implementation of the Distant Reading for European Literary History Action of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme.

Her publications in the field of Iberian Studies include ‘’«Minotauro» e «Confluências»: two collections about Spanish literature published in Portugal in the 21st century”, (2021), ‘’Los límites del Hispanismo. Nuevos métodos, nuevas fronteras, nuevos géneros’’ (2017) and ‘’Amigos ou inimigos? As relacões ibéricas na obra de José Saramago’’, in Perspectivas actuais na Lusitanística: Literatura, Cultura, Cinema, Língua (2011).


More information: Institutional website;


Isabel Araújo Branco’s publications in the IStReS database:

Branco, Isabel Araújo. 2011. “Amigos ou inimigos? As relacões ibéricas na obra de José Saramago.” In Perspectivas actuais na Lusitanística: Literatura, Cultura, Cinema, Língua, edited by Kathrin Sartingen and Esther Gimeno Ugalde, 77–91. Wiener iberoromanistische studien 1. Munich: Martin Meidenbauer.

———. 2017. “Imágenes de Portugal En Ninguna Necesidad, de Julián Rodríguez.” In Los Limites Del Hispanismo. Nuevos Métodos, Nuevas Fronteras, Nuevos Géneros, edited by Santiago Pérez Isasi, Raquel Baltazar, Isabel Araújo Branco, Rita Bueno Maia, Ana Bela Morais, and Sara Rodrigues de Sousa, 113–22. Peter Lang.

———. 2020. “‘Futuro e “Transibericidade”: José Saramago Em Diálogo Com Ensaístas Catalães.’” In “José Saramago: 20 Anos Com o Prémio Nobel,” edited by Carlos Reis, 299–307. University of Coimbra and Centro de Literatura Portuguesa.

———. 2021. “Minotauro and Confluências: Two Portuguese Series Dedicated to Literature from Spain in the Twenty-First Century.” In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:267–88. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

———. 2022. “Portugal Na Obra de Julián Rodríguez.” In Ejercicio Sentimental. El Universo Literario de Julián Rodríguez, edited by Antonio Sáez Delgado, 91–100. Mérida: Editora Regional de Extremadura.

Fernandes, Ângela, Fátima Fernandes da Silva, José Pedro Sousa, Isabel Araújo Branco, Isabel Dâmaso Santos, Margarida Borges, Rita Bueno Maia, and Sara Rodrigues de Sousa, eds. 2010. Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos: Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de ALEPH. Lisbon: ALEPH – Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Literatura Hispánica & Centro de Estudos Comparatistas da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.

Pérez Isasi, Santiago, Raquel Baltazar, Isabel Araújo Branco, Rita Bueno Maia, Ana Bela Morais, and Sara Rodrigues Sousa, eds. 2017. Los Limites Del Hispanismo. Nuevos Métodos, Nuevas Fronteras, Nuevos Géneros. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Tobias Brandenberger

Tobias Brandenberger

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Gender Studies

Tobias Brandenberger is a Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen, Germany (Full Professor, Ibero-Romance and Ibero-American Literatures). In the past, Brandenberger served as a Professor in the Department of Iberian Literatures and Languages at the Universität Basel, Switzerland. His research focuses on literary gender studies, intermediality, and the cultural and literary relations between Spain and Portugal, as well as the imagology of these relations.

Helena Buffery

Helena Buffery

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Theatre Studies – Translation Studies.

Helena Buffery is currently Vice-Head of College (Research) and Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at University College of Cork, Ireland, having previously worked at the University of Birmingham. Her research and teaching interests include Hispanic theater and performance, translation studies, and Catalan studies. In the past she was the Vice-President of the International Federation of Catalan Associations and the President of the Anglo-Catalan Society. (more…)

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina

Areas of Interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Asturian Literature – Hispano-Islamic Literature – Oral Folk Literature – Comparative Literature

Juan Carlos Busto Cortina is a Lecturer (Profesor Titular) of Romance Philology in the Department of Classical and Romance Philology at the University of Oviedo (Spain), where he implemented the study of Catalan and other minorized literatures from Spain. He is a member of the Seminary on Asturian Philology and the Seminary on Arabo-Romance Studies at the University of Oviedo. He founded the Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana and was Deputy Director of the Bibliographic Bulletin Aljamía.


Ana Belén Cao Míguez

Ana Belén Cao Míguez

Areas of interest: Comparative Literature – History of Translation – Iberian Studies – Cultural Studies

Ana Belén Cao Míguez is an Assistant Lecturer (Professora Auxiliar) in Spanish Studies at the Department of Letters of the Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal), where she is currently coordinating the master’s degree in Portuguese and Spanish Languages Teaching. She holds a BA degree in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Salamanca and in Portuguese Philology from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. After attending the doctoral programme in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, she obtained her PhD in Comparative Literature Studies (Estudos Literários Comparados) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a thesis supervised by Maria Fernanda de Abreu.

Her contributions within the field of Iberian Studies include the publication of several articles and book chapters, most of them focused on the external history of translation between Portuguese and Spanish languages, such as “Theoretical Contact Zones between Translation Studies and Iberian Studies” (2021) and “La traducción de narrativa portuguesa en el siglo XIX” (2020). In addition, Cao Míguez has translated literary works by Mário Cláudio and António José da Silva into Spanish. She is the co-editor of a book on Iberian languages (Ao encontro das línguas ibéricas II, 2020), and she has been also involved in two research projects funded by European Union: RELIPES – Relações Linguísticas e Literárias entre Portugal e Espanha desde os Inícios do Século XIX até à Actualidade (2006-2007) and Q. Theatre – Theatrical Recreations of Don Quixote in Europe (2017-2019).

More information: Institutional website, Institutional repository.


Ana Belén Cao Míguez‘s publications in the IStReS database:

Cao Míguez, Ana Belén. 2007. ‘Diálogos Marginales – Paratextos de la literatura portuguesa traducida al español en el siglo XIX’. In Actas do Congresso RELIPES III – Universidade da Beira Interior – 18, 19, 20 de Abril de 2007, edited by Gabriel Magalhães, 135–52. Salamanca: Celya.

———. 2008. ‘Al margen. Hacia un estudio de la literatura portuguesa traducida al español en el siglo XIX’. In Perfiles de la traducción hispano-portuguesa, edited by Xosé Manuel Dasilva, II:13–58. Vigo: Academia del Hispanismo.

———. 2011. ‘Galgar a muralha. A literatura espanhola traduzida para português no século XIX’. In Traducir en la frontera. Actas IV congreso de la AIETI, edited by Susana Cruces Colado, Maribel del Pozo Triviño, Ana Luna Alonso, and Alberto Álvarez Lugrís, 245–57. Granada: Atrio.

———. 2012a. ‘El turista comprometido. Portugal rehabilitado por los hermanos Giner de los Ríos’. In Imagologías Ibéricas: construyendo la imagen del otro peninsular, edited by Luísa Leal and María Jesús Fernández García, 293–315. Mérida: Gabinete de iniciativas transfronterizas, Gobierno de Extremadura.

———. 2012b. ‘Para un estudio de las relaciones literarias entre Portugal y España: algunas perspectivas históricas’. In Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del Cincuentenario de la AIH, edited by Laura Silvestri, Loretta Frattale, and Matteo Lefèvre, V-Moderna y Contemporánea:26–33. Roma: Bagatto Libri.

———. 2020. ‘La traducción de narrativa portuguesa en el siglo XIX’. In Diccionario histórico la traducción en España (online), edited by Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute.

———. 2021a. ‘José de Urcullu, mediador cultural ibérico / José de Urcullu, Iberian Cultural Mediator’. Revista de Estudos Literários. Revista do Centro de Literatura Portuguesa da Universidade de Coimbra 11-Estudos Ibéricos: Diálogos Plurais: 341–71.

———. 2021b. ‘Theoretical Contact Zones between Translation Studies and Iberian Studies’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:71–90. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Arturo Casas

Arturo Casas

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Galician Studies – Literary Theory – Literary History – Comparative Literature.

Arturo Casas is a Profesor Catedrático (Professor) of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He has a wide set of research interests including Aesthetics, Literary Theory, Literary History, and 20th century Galician and Spanish poetry. Additionally, he is a member of the Institute of Comparative Literature Margarida Losa (Universidade do Porto) and of the Grupo Intermedialidades, coordinated by Rosa Maria Martelo. He is also a member of, Laboratorio Galego de Ecocrítica, coordinated by César Domínguez. (more…)

Jordi Cerdà Subirachs

Jordi Cerdà Subirachs

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Studies.

Jordi Cerdà Subirachs is an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is also the Coordinator of the Minor in Medieval Romance Cultures and Literatures and the Chair of the José Saramago of Instituto Camões at the UAB. He previously taught at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.


Christian Claesson

Christian Claesson

Areas of interest: Comparative Literature – World Literature – Hispanic Literatures – Basque Literature

Christian Claesson is Associate Professor of Hispanic Literature at the University of Lund (Sweden), and holds a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Harvard University (United States). He has extensively studied the post-crisis novel in Spain as well as the points of contact between the different literatures of Spain within the framework of the macro-project ‘World Literatures Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics’ (2016-2021).

Claesson is the editor of Narrativas precarias: crisis y subjetividad en la cultura española actual (Hoja de Lata, 2018) and España comparada: Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea (Comares, 2022). He is currently coordinating the volume Novela post-crisis en la España plurilingüe (fortcoming 2023).

Relevant publications in the field of Iberian Studies include: “One Country, Several Literatures: Towards a Comparative Understanding of Contemporary Literature in Spain” (2018),  “Nongoa da Kirmen Uribe?: On the Belonging of a Basque-Language Writer” (2019) and “Introducción: España comparada” (2022).

More information: Institutional website. Research Portal.

Christian Claesson’s publications in the IStReS database:

Claesson, Christian. 2018. ‘One Country, Several Literatures: Towards a Comparative Understanding of Contemporary Literature in Spain’. In World Literatures: Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange., edited by Stefan Helgesson, Annika Mörte Alling, Yvonne Lindqvist, and Helena Wulff, I, 31–41. Stockholm: Stockolm University Press.

———. 2019. ‘Nongoa Da Kirmen Uribe? : On the Belonging of a Basque-Language Writer’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 96 (7): 763–80.

———, ed. 2022a. España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea. I. Constelaciones 3. Granada: Comares.

———. 2022b. ‘Introducción: España comparada’. In España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea, edited by Christian Claesson, I, IX–XXXV. Constelaciones 3. Granada: Comares.

———. 2022c. ‘Vernacular Resistance: Catalan, Basque, and Galician Opposition to Francoist Monolingualism’. In Vernaculars in an Age of World Literatures, edited by David Watson and Christina Kullberg, 51–80. Cosmopolitan–Vernacular Dynamics in World Literatures. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Pere Comellas Casanova

Pere Comellas Casanova

Areas of Interest: Translation Studies – Iberian Studies – Comparative literature – Catalan literature – Portuguese literature – Galician literature

Pere Comellas Casanova (PhD Universitat de Barcelona) is a Lecturer in Portuguese Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona and a researcher member of GELA (Grup d’Estudis de Llengües Amenaçades, Threatened Languages Study Group). He teaches Translation and Comparative Literature for the Master’s Degree in Translation Theory at the Universitat de Barcelona. Comellas has translated literary works by Portuguese authors such as Eça de Queirós, Gonçalo M. Tavares, Helena Marques, Miguel Sousa Tavares, and José Tolentino Mendonça; by African writers such as Baltasar Lopes, Paulina Chiziane, Germano Almeida, José Eduardo Agualusa, and Mia Couto; and by Galician authors such as Teresa Moure, Marilar Jiménez Alexandre, and Agustín Fernández Paz. In 2005, he received the Giovanni Pontiero translation award for Chiquinho, by Baltasar Lopes, and in 2017 for La confessió de la lleona, by Mia Couto.

Pere Comellas’ areas of expertise in the field of Iberian Studies include Catalan-Galician and Catalan-Portuguese literary relations, as well as literary translation in these contexts.

His most recent works about translation are “La traducció del gallec al català i del català al gallec des de 1975: símptoma d’unes relacions culturals?” (2007), “La traducció portuguès-català, català-portuguès” (2008), “Reflexões sobre alguns aspectos de cinco traduções para o castelhano de ‘A cidade e as serras’ (com breves referências à tradução francesa e à inglesa)” (2012), “La literatura catalana traduïda al portuguès: una relació de baixa intensitat i escassa visibilitat” (2010), “La traducción literaria en el ámbito catalán (y un apunte sobre el aranés)” (2016), and “La traducció a Catalunya (2016-2017)” (2018).

More information in

Pere Comellas’s publications in the IStReS database:

Comellas, Pere. 2007. ‘La traducció del gallec al català i del català al gallec des de 1975: símptoma d’unes relacions culturals?’ In Actas VII Congreso Internacional de Estudos Galegos:  mulleres en Galicia : Galicia e os outros pobos da península. Barcelona, 28 ó 31 de maio de 2003, edited by Helena González Fernández and María Xesús Lama López, 2 (CD-ROM: comunicacións):911–48. A Coruña: Ediciós do Castro / Asociación Internacional de Estudios Galegos / Universitat de Barcelona.

———. 2008. ‘La traducció portuguès-català, català-portuguès’. In Traducción e interculturalidad: actas de la Conferencia Internacional ‘Traducción e Intercambio cultural en la época de la globalización’, mayo de 2006, Universidad de Barcelona, edited by Assumpta Camps and Lew Zybatow, 91–102. Bern / New York: Peter Lang.

———. 2010. ‘La literatura catalana traduïda al portuguès: una relació de baixa intensitat i escassa visibilitat’. In Traducción y autotraducción en las literaturas ibéricas, edited by Enric Gallén, Francisco Lafarga, and Luis Pegenaute, 37–60. Relaciones literarias en el ámbito hispánico 2. Bern / New York: Peter Lang.

———. 2012. ‘Reflexões sobre alguns aspectos de cinco traduções para o castelhano de “A cidade e as serras” (com breves referências à tradução francesa e à inglesa)’. In Avanços em literatura e cultura portuguesas. De Eça de Queirós a Fernando Pessoa, edited by Petar Petrov, Pedro Quintino de Sousa, Roberto Samartim, and Elias Torres Feijó, 175–87. Através Editora / Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas.

———. 2013. ‘Tradución e culturas minorizadas: un punto de vista desde o espazo catalán’. In Lingua e tradución: IX Xornadas sobre lingua e usos, 141–51. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña.

———. 2016. ‘La traducción literaria en el ámbito catalán (y un apunte sobre el aranés)’. In La traducción literaria: nuevas investigaciones, edited by Iolanda Galanes Santos, Ana Luna Alonso, Silvia Montero Küpper, and Áurea Fernández Rodríguez, 154:133–51. Interlingua. Granada: Comares.

Losada Soler, Elena, and Pere Comellas. 2010. ‘Ponto de situação dos estudos de lusitanística na Universidade de Barcelona’. Limite: Revista de Estudios Portugueses y de la Lusofonía, no. 4: 37–48.

Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández

Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández

Areas of interest: Galician Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature

Perfecto Cuadrado Fernández is a Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma, Spain). He is the Coordinator of the Center for Studies on Surrealism of the Fundação Cupertino de Miranda (Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal) and the President of the Association of Spanish Lusitanians (Asociación de Lusitanistas del Estado Español, ALEE). He is also a member of the Institute of Portuguese Studies and the Institute of Studies on Modernism (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), and of the Center for Portuguese Literature (Universidade de Coimbra).


Katiuscia Darici

Katiuscia Darici

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies, Spanish Studies, Catalan Studies

Katiuscia Darici is Lecturer of Spanish Literature and Catalan Language and Literature at the University of Turin.

She holds a Ph.D. in Foreign Literatures and Literary Studies from the University of Verona and in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.She has taught Spanish literature at the universities of Mantua and Verona, and Catalan literature at the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice. She has co-edited the book Historieta o Cómic. Biografía de la narración gráfica en España (2017) and translated from Catalan to Italian the poetry book Fragili naufragi, by Nora Albert (2020).

Her academic interests focus on Iberian Studies as well as Contemporary Literature in Spanish and Catalan. She authored the books “La piel fría” de Albert Sánchez Piñol: una novela “in limine” (2020) and Traslaciones. Identidades híbridas en las literaturas ibéricas (2021). She has published articles or book chapters on Iberian Studies in Italy, Eduardo Mendoza, Albert Sánchez Piñol, Najat El Hachmi, among others. Since 2020 she is member of the “Glocal Perspectives in Iberian Studies” Research Group of the University of Turin (directed by Veronica Orazi).

More information: Institutional website,


Katiuscia Darici’s publications in the IStReS database:

Darici, Katiuscia. Identidades hìbridas en las literaturas ibéricas. I. Bibliotheca Iberica 13. Edizioni dell’Orso, 2021.

———. ‘Literatura transnacional en Cataluña: La filla estrangera de Najat El Hachmi’. Diablotexto Digital 2 (2017): 106–34.

———. ‘Pensare gli Studi Iberici in Italia’. In Biblioteca di                Rassegna iberistica, edited by Daniele Corsi and Cèlia Nadal Pasqual, 22:85–105. Venice: Ca’ Foscari, 2021.

Xosé Manuel Dasilva

Xosé Manuel Dasilva

Areas of interest: Hispanic Studies – Galician Studies – Portuguese Studies – Translation Studies.

Xosé Manuel Dasilva is a Professor in the Department of Translation and Linguistics at the Universidade de Vigo, Spain. His main research areas include the analysis of Galicia, the Luso-Brazilian community, Comparative History, and Self-translation in the Iberian Peninsula. (more…)

Luisa-Elena Delgado

Luisa-Elena Delgado

Areas of interest: Critical Theory – Gender Studies – Spanish Studies – Catalan Studies – Basque Studies – Democracy and citizenship

Luisa-Elena Delgado is a Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Critical Theory and Gender Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Delgado’s research focuses on the formation of Spanish national identity in the contemporary democratic period; an interest developed, for instance in her monograph La nación singular:  Fantasías de la normalidad democrática española (1996-2011) (2014). Her latest research explores emotions and affect in culture, and she recently edited the collection Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History (from the Eighteenth Century to the Present) (2016) alongside Pura Fernández and Jo Labanyi. A Spanish translation and update of that book (La cultura de las emociones) has been published by Cátedra (Madrid) in 2018. (more…)

Conxita Domènech

Conxita Domènech

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Theatre Studies.

Conxita Domènech is a Professor in Iberian Literatures and Cultures of Spanish Literature in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Wyoming, USA. Her main research fields include Catalan and Castilian theater from the Baroque period.

Professor Domènech’s extensive contributions to the field of Iberian studies include publications such as “Los protegidos de Pedro Manrique: Moriscos y bandoleros en la Cataluña del Quijote” (2017), “‘…llenos de pies de piernas humanas’: Don Quijote y Sancho Panza entran en Cataluña” (2017), “La comedia del marqués de los Vélez: La representación de la guerra de secesión catalana” (2016), “Loa de la comedia de Montjuïc: Un diàleg bèl·lic entre Catalunya i Castella” (2016), “Lo Desengany: Una subversión grotesco-erótica de la comedia nueva castellana” (2013), and “La traducció castellana de la cançó catalana trobada a El pintor de su deshonra” (2011). Her recent book, La Guerra dels Segadors en comedias y en panfletos ibéricos: Una historia contada a dos voces (1640–1652) (2016), examines the representation of the Catalan Secession War in Castilian and Catalan plays and pamphlets. With Andrés Lema-Hincapié she is the co-editor of Indiscreet Fantasies: Iberian Queer Cinema (Bucknell UP, 2020).

More information: Institutional website


Conxita Domènech’s publications in the IStReS database:

Domènech, Conxita. 2010. ‘La traducció castellana de la cançó catalana trobada a “El pintor de su deshonra”’. Catalan Review, no. 24: 153–69.

———. 2013. ‘“Lo Desengany”: una subversión grotesco-erótica de la comedia nueva castellana’. Transitions. Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, no. 9: 51–70.

———. 2016a. ‘“La comedia del marqués de los Vélez”: La representación de la guerra de secesión catalana’. Bulletin of the Comediantes 68 (1): 65–84.

———. 2016b. La ‘Guerra dels Segadors’ en comedias y en panfletos ibéricos: Una historia contada a dos voces (1640–1652). Kassel: Reichenberger.

———. 2016c. ‘“Loa de la comedia de Montjuïc”: Un diàleg bèl·lic entre Catalunya i Castella’. Caplletra, no. 60: 15–29.

———. 2016d. ‘Natura i destrucció: Els plecs poètics de la “Guerra dels Segadors”’. Millars: Espai i història 40 (1): 17–38.

———. 2017a. ‘’…llenos de pies de piernas humanas’: Don Quijote y Sancho Panza entran en Cataluña’. In El Segundo Quijote (1615): Nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos después, edited by Conxita Domènech and Andrés Lema-Hincapié. Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.

———. 2017b. ‘Los protegidos de Pedro Manrique: Moriscos y bandoleros en la Cataluña del Quijote’. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 37 (2).

César Domínguez

César Domínguez

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Translation Studies.

César Domínguez is an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he holds the Jean Monnet Chair. He received his BA from the Universitat de València, and his PhD from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. While studying at Brown University, he served as a graduate student in residence. Additionally, Domínguez is the director of the Graduate Program in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at USC and the Vice-President of SELGYC, Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada.

Alexia Dotras Bravo

Alexia Dotras Bravo

Areas of interest: Spanish Studies – Portuguese Studies – Children’s Literature – Cervantes

Alexia Dotras Bravo received her PhD in Spanish Philology from the Universidade de Vigo, Spain where she specialized in Salvador de Madariaga’s work on Cervantes. She is additionally a Universidade de Vigo M.A. graduate in Spanish Philology (2000) and Galician Philology (2002). Before joining the School of Education in Bragança, she worked at the Education University School in Vigo (Escola Universitaria de Maxisterio) and served as an assistant researcher at the Center of Portuguese Literature, Universidade de Coimbra. She also played an active role in several professional associations such as the Asociación de Cervantistas (treasurer) and the Asociación de Jóvenes Doctores en Hispanismo, BETA (Executive Member).


Brad Epps

Brad Epps

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature – Gender Studies – Film Studies.

Brad Epps is a Professor of Spanish, Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Cambridge and Professorial Fellow at King’s College in Cambridge, UK. Previously, he was a Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures as well as a Professor and former Chair of the Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Harvard University for over two decades. (more…)

Sebastiaan Faber 

Sebastiaan Faber 

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Trans-Atlantic Studies – Hispanism – Latin American Studies – Spanish Cinema – Spanish Civil War – Spanish Politics

Sebastiaan Faber is Professor of Hispanic Studies at the Oberlin College. In 1995 he achieved his MA by the University of Amsterdam, with a thesis in Spanish Literature entitled Jaulas doradas y torres de marfil. La integración de los escritores españoles exiliados en México. In 1999 he gained his Ph.D. in Spanish and Spanish-American Literature, with a designated emphasis in Critical Theory, from the University of California; his final dissertation concerned Exile and Cultural Hegemony: Spanish Intellectuals in Mexico (1939-1975). He hold the Chair of Hispanic Studies at the Oberlin College from 2006 to 2010 and from 2016 to 2020.

Moreover, Sebastiaan Faber is the author of Exile and Cultural Hegemony: Spanish Intellectuals in Mexico, 1939-1975 (Vanderbilt University Press, 2002), Anglo-American Hispanists and the Spanish Civil War: Hispanophilia, Commitment, and Discipline (Palgrave, 2008), Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography (Vanderbilt University Press, 2018), and Exhuming Franco: Spain’s Second Transition (Vanderbilt, 2021), translated as Franco desenterrado. La segunda Transición española; he is co-editor of Contra el olvido. El exilio español en Estados Unidos (U de Alcalá, 2009), Transatlantic Studies: Latin America. Iberia, and Africa (Liverpool UP, 2019) and also of The Volunteer, a quarterly magazine published by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA). He regularly contributes to Spanish and U.S. media, including CTXT: Contexto y AcciónLa MareaFronteraDThe NationForeign AffairsConversación sobre la Historia, Jacobin, and Public Books.

His main contributions to the field of Iberian Studies include publications such as ‘Economies of Prestige: The Place of Iberian Studies in the American University’ (2008), and ‘Beyond the Nation: Spanish Civil War Exile and the Problem of Iberian Cultural History’ (2017), in The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies.

More information: Institutional websitePersonal Website

Sebastiaan Faber’s publications in the IStReS database:

Faber, Sebastiaan. 2008. ‘Economies of Prestige: The Place of Iberian Studies in the American University.’ Hispanic Research Journal 9 (1): 7–32.

———. 2017. ‘Beyond the Nation: Spanish Civil War Exile and the Problem of Iberian Cultural History.’ In The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies, edited by Javier Muñoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale, and Manuel Delgado, 427–38. London / New York: Routledge.

———. 2022. ‘Historia literaria y lógica burocrática.’ In España Comparada. Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea, edited by Christian Claesson, I, 17–32. Constelaciones 3. Granada: Comares.

Ângela Fernandes

Ângela Fernandes

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Theory. Ângela Fernandes is an Associate Professor (Professora Associada) in the Department of Romance Literatures at the Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.In 2009, she received her PhD in Literary Theory from the Universidade de Lisboa. In addition to lecturing at the university, she coordinates the research project “DIIA – Iberian and Iberian Dialogues”, which analyzes the relations between Iberian and Iberian American cultures and literatures. (more…)
Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes

Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Portuguese Studies – Cultural Studies.

Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes is a Professor in the Department of Portuguese and Romance Languages and the former director of the Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos at the Universidade do Porto, Portugal. She was also the founder and director of the journal, Península: Revista de Estudos Ibéricos (2002-2008). Her main areas of study include “Siglo de Oro” Literature and Culture, Iberian Cultural History (Early Modern Age), and History of Religion and Religious Practices (15th-18th centuries).


María Jesús Fernández García

María Jesús Fernández García

Areas of interest: Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

María Jesús Fernández García is a Lecturer (Profesora Titular) of Galician and Portuguese Philology in the Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literatures at the Universidad de Extremadura (Spain). Her research interests focus on Portuguese language and literature in relation with other Iberian literatures and languages. Additionally, she has various writings on the theory of Imagology and its application to the Iberian Peninsula.


Joseba Gabilondo

Joseba Gabilondo

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Basque Studies – Gender Studies – Transatlantic Studies.

Joseba Gabilondo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University. He has published several articles on Spanish and Basque nationalism, Atlantic studies, Iberian studies, intellectual discourse, postnationalism, masculinity, feminism, queer theory, globalization, and Hispanic/Hollywood cinema. He has published three books on Basque literature: Remnants of the Nation: Prolegomena to a Postnational History of Basque Literature (2006, in Basque), New York – Martutene: On the Utopia of Basque Postnationalism and the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization (2013, in Basque; National Essay Prize Euskadi), and Before Babel: A Cultural History of Basque Literatures (2016, in English). He has also published two books in Basque on globalization and contemporary politics: Globalizations and the New Middle Age: On the Return of Differences (2015, Unamuno Essay Prize) and On Populism: Global Sovereignty and Basque Independence (2017). (more…)

Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Esther Gimeno Ugalde currently works as an Interim Professor (Vertretungsprofessorin) of Iberian Studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany, and is a member of the research group DIIA (Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos) at the University of Lisbon (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas). Between 2013 and 2018, Gimeno Ugalde was an Assistant Professor of Practice at Boston College, and held a previous appointment as the Max Kade post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University.

Her research in the field of Iberian Studies focuses on language choice and multilingualism in cinema and literature, exploring questions related to language and identity. Gimeno Ugalde’s current project studies literary self-translation in the Iberian Peninsula, an undertaking at the head of her new line of research within group DIAA, IberTRANSLATIO – Iberian Studies and Translation Spaces. Dr. Gimeno Ugalde is also interested in the origins and development of Iberian Studies as a discipline. Together with Santiago Pérez Isasi, she is the co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and co-leads the project IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site).

Esther Gimeno Ugalde has contributed to the field of Iberian Studies with books such as La identidad nacional catalana. Ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932 (single author, Iberoamericana, 2010) and Catalunya/Catalunha. Relacions literàries i culturals entre Catalunya i Portugal (co-editor, Humus/Onada, 2013). Other publications specializing in this area include, “A utopia ibérica n’A Jangada de Pedra (do romance ao roadmovie)” (2011),  “Polyglot Iberia – or What Is the Place for Iberian Languages in Current Cinema? Presence (and Absence) of Iberian Languages in Cinema” (2013), “La encrucijada bilingüe en la literatura: Reflexiones sociolingüísticas y literarias en torno a L’últim home que parlava català de Carles Casajuana” (2013), or “The Iberian Turn: an overview on Iberian Studies in the United States” (2017).

Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Esther Gimeno Ugalde

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Translation Studies – Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies– Film Studies

Esther Gimeno Ugalde is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria, and a member of the research group DIIA (Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos) at the University of Lisbon (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas). Between 2013 and 2018, Gimeno Ugalde was an Assistant Professor at Boston College, and held a previous appointment as the Max Kade post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University. Upon her return to Europe she worked as an Interim Professor (Vertretungsprofessorin) of Iberian Studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany. Together with Santiago Pérez Isasi, she is the co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and co-leads the project IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site). Dr. Gimeno Ugalde is also the promoter, altogether with Santiago Fouz-Hernández, of Pleibéricos, an open initiative to present online new books in Iberian Studies. Her research in the field of Iberian Studies focuses on language choice and multilingualism in cinema and literature, exploring questions related to language and identity. Gimeno Ugalde’s current project studies literary (self-)translation in the Iberian Peninsula, undertaking at the head of her new line of research within group DIIA, IberTRANSLATIO – Iberian Studies and Translation Spaces. Dr. Gimeno Ugalde is also interested in the origins and development of Iberian Studies as a discipline. Esther Gimeno Ugalde has contributed to the field of Iberian Studies with books such as La identidad nacional catalana. Ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932 (single author, Iberoamericana, 2010), Catalunya/CatalunhaRelacions literàries i culturals entre Catalunya i Portugal (co-editor, Humus/Onada, 2013) and Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones (co-editor, Liverpool University Press 2021). She also co-edited the special issue ‘Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal’, published in the International Journal of Iberian Studies (2014). Other publications specializing in this area include “A utopia ibérica n’A Jangada de Pedra (do romance ao roadmovie)” (2011), “Polyglot Iberia – or What Is the Place for Iberian Languages in Current Cinema? Presence (and Absence) of Iberian Languages in Cinema” (2013), “La encrucijada bilingüe en la literatura: Reflexiones sociolingüísticas y literarias en torno a L’últim home que parlava català de Carles Casajuana” (2013), “The Iberian Turn: an overview on Iberian Studies in the United States” (2017), “Lo ‘ibérico’ en los Estudios Ibéricos: meta-análisis del campo a través de sus publicaciones (2000-)” (2019, with Pérez Isasi), “Los estudios ibéricos en la academia estadounidense. Diálogos, posibilidades y desafíos” (2019), “Multilingual Iberia in twenty-first century cinema: Iberian polyglot films and multilingual imagination” (2019), “The IStReS Database: Reflections on the Configuration of the Field of Iberian Studies” (2019), “Intersecção entre os Estudos Ibéricos e os Estudos de Tradução: o exemplo da tradução da literatura catalã em Portugal” (2019), “Ripensare la penisola iberica come zona di traduzione” (2021), “Introducing Iberian Translation Studies as a Literary Contact Zone” (2021), or “Paradoxes and Mediation Pitfalls of the Translational Contact Zone” (2021). More information: Institutional website, Esther Gimeno Ugalde’s publications in the IStReS database:
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther. 2005. ‘La novela policíaca en España y en Cataluña desde la democracia hasta la actualidad’. Quo Vadis, Romania? Zeitschrift für eine aktuelle Romanistik 26: 54–64.
———. 2010. La identidad nacional catalana: ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932. Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispánico = Language and society in the Hispanic world, vol. 26. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.
———. 2011. ‘A utopia ibérica n’’A Jangada de Pedra’ (do romance ao roadmovie)’. In Perspectivas actuais na Lusitanística: Literatura, Cultura, Cinema, Língua, edited by Kathrin Sartingen and Esther Gimeno Ugalde, 93–112. Munich: Meidenbauer.
———. 2013a. ‘La encrucijada bilingüe en la literatura: Reflexiones sociolingüísticas y literarias en torno a “L’últim home que parlava català” de Carles Casajuana’. Revista de Filología Románica 30 (1): 97–115.
———. 2013b. ‘Polyglot Iberia – or What Is the Place for Iberian Languages in Current Cinema? Presence (and Absence) of Iberian Languages in Cinema’. In Looking at Iberia: A Comparative European Perspective, edited by Santiago Pérez Isasi and Ângela Fernandes, 265–92. Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas 56. Oxford / New York: Peter Lang.
———. 2017. ‘The Iberian Turn: An Overview on Iberian Studies in the United States’. Informes Del Observatorio / Observatorio Reports 036-12/2017EN.
———. 2019a. ‘Intersecção entre os Estudos Ibéricos e os Estudos de Tradução: o exemplo da tradução da literatura catalã em Portugal’. Gragoatá – Revista dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Letras da UFF 24 (49): 320–42.
———. 2019b. ‘Los estudios ibéricos en la academia estadounidense. Diálogos, posibilidades y desafíos’. In Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos, 257–74. Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica 16. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari.
———. 2019c. ‘Multilingual Iberia in Twenty-First Century Cinema: Iberian Polyglot Films and Multilingual Imagination’. Edited by Ângela Fernandes, Santiago Pérez Isasi, and Robert Patrick Newcomb. International Journal of Iberian Studies – Special Issue ‘Iberian Studies: New Spaces of Inquiry’ 32 (1): 83–97.
———. 2021a. ‘Paradoxes and Mediation Pitfalls of the Translational Contact Zone’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:21–47. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
———. 2021b. ‘Ripensare la penisola iberica come zona di traduzione’. In Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica, edited by Daniele Corsi and Cèlia Nadal Pasqual, 22:67–84. Venice: Ca’ Foscari.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, and Marta Álvarez. 2018. ‘Paisajes de la crisis en los cines ibéricos. Introducción’. Iberoamericana. América Latina – España – Portugal 18 (69): 7–12.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, eds. 2021a. Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones. Vol. 23. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
———. 2021b. ‘Introducing Iberian Translation Studies as a Literary Contact Zone’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes, 23:1–20. Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, and Santiago Pérez Isasi. 2019. ‘Lo “ibérico” en los Estudios Ibéricos: meta-análisis del campo a través de sus publicaciones (2000-)’. In Iberian Studies. Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines, edited by Núria Codina Solà and Teresa Pinheiro, 23–48. Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext 8. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, and Teresa Pinheiro. 2014a. ‘Introduction’. Edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde and Teresa Pinheiro. International Journal of Iberian Studies 27 (2-3-special issue ‘Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal’): 75–83.
———, eds. 2014b. Special Issue ‘Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal’, International Journal of Iberian Studies. Vol. 27 (2-3).
Pérez Isasi, Santiago, and Esther Gimeno Ugalde. 2019. ‘The IStReS Database: Reflections on the Configuration of the Field of Iberian Studies’. Revista de Humanidades Digitales 3: 46–63.
II Jornadas de Estudios Culturales Ibéricos “New Approaches and Research Practices in Iberian Studies”

II Jornadas de Estudios Culturales Ibéricos “New Approaches and Research Practices in Iberian Studies”

16–18 November 2017, Technische Universität Chemnitz (Germany)

The cultural and linguistic diversity of the Iberian Peninsula (the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia, Spain and Portugal) calls for a redefinition of the practices of national philology that goes beyond Portuguese and Spanish languages and literatures. Iberian Studies is a research field with increasing significance that seeks to reflect the complexity of the Iberian Peninsula and to analyse its different literatures, identities, cultures and history from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. Under the main theme “New Approaches and Research Practices in Iberian Studies,” the II Jornadas de Estudios Culturales Ibéricos will provide a discussion platform for all those working in the field in order to assess its horizons and challenges.

This conference will join academics and young scholars of different disciplines such as cultural studies, history, literary studies or sociology.

The conference will take place at Chemnitz University, 16–18 November 2017.

View conference website


Alfons Gregori

Alfons Gregori

Areas of expertise: Catalan Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Fantastic Literature – Popular Music

Alfons Gregori is the Head of the Centre for Catalan Studies at the Institute for Romance Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), where he also completed his PhD dissertation in Comparative Literature. He specializes in Fantastic Literature, Popular Music, Catalan poetry, and in the translation of Spanish and Catalan literatures into Polish. Dr. Gregori has co-edited a book series in Polish on “minor literatures” of the Romance Europe (UAM, 2012; 2015; 2017). He is also a member of the research group Grupo de Estudios sobre lo Fantástico (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and is part of the working team for two research grants: Lo fantástico en la cultura española contemporánea (1955-2017): narrativa, teatro, cine, TV, cómic y radio (FFI2017-84402-P) and La literatura de segon grau: les relacions hipertextuals en la literatura catalana des del Modernisme fins el 1939 (FFI2017-86542-P). (more…)

Leslie Harkema

Leslie Harkema

Areas of interest: Spanish Studies – Iberian Studies – Gender Studies – Translation Studies Leslie Harkema is Associate Professor and Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Division, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the Baylor University. She specializes in modern and contemporary Spanish and Iberian literature, with particular attention to the work of Miguel de Unamuno, as in Spanish Modernism and the Poetics of Youth: From Miguel de Unamuno to La Joven Literatura (Toronto UP, 2017). She is currently working on a second book-length project, tentatively titled Translation within the Nation: Linguistic Diversity and Literary Modernity in Spain, in which she questions how the multilingual character of the Iberian Peninsula has shaped the Spanish literary sphere since the late eighteenth century. Leslie Harkema’s most relevant contributions to Iberian Studies include her participation in “Resituar la modernidad, el modernismo y la vanguardia en España”, “Speaking in tongues: on Maragall, Unamuno and Pentecost”, or her recent reflection on the crossings of Iberian Studies and Gender Studies in “Haciéndonos minoritarixs. Canon, género, traducción y una propuesta feminista para los estudios ibéricos”.   More information:   Leslie Harkema’s publications in the IStReS database:
Harkema, Leslie J. 2019a. ‘Haciéndonos minoritarixs. Canon, género, traducción y una propuesta feminista para los estudios ibéricos’. In Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos, 137–52. Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica 16. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari.
———. 2019b. ‘Speaking in Tongues: On Maragall, Unamuno, and Pentecost’. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 96 (8): 815–33.
Herrero-Senés, Juan, Susan Larson, Andrew A. Anderson, Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles, Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Leslie J. Harkema, Juli Highfill, et al. 2019. ‘Resituar la modernidad, el modernismo y la vanguardia en España: Un debate transatlántico en la Residencia de Estudiantes’. Romance Quarterly 66 (4): 173–86.
Thomas Harrington

Thomas Harrington

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Nationalism – Iberism

Professor Thomas S. Harrington teaches at the Department of Language and Cultural Studies at Trinity College (Hartford, CT), USA. He specializes in Iberian Cultures and Literatures, and Iberian Diasporas in the Americas with a focus on Catalan diaspora. (more…)

Kirsty Hooper

Kirsty Hooper

Areas of Study: Galician Studies – Hispanic Studies – Cultural Studies

Kirsty Hooper is the Head of the Hispanic Studies Department at the University of Warwick, England. Prior to working at the University of Warwick, Hooper taught at the University of Liverpool for eight years. Her research mainly focuses on Spanish, Anglo-Spanish, and Galician cultural history since 1800, and the use of digital technologies for humanities research. (more…)

Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula (vol. 2)

Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula (vol. 2)

A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian PeninsulaEdited by César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín González and Ellen Sapega.

Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée, 2016.

Volume 2 of A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula brings to an end this collective work that aims at surveying the network of inter-literary relations in the Iberian Peninsula. No attempt at such a comparative history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula has been made until now. In this volume, the focus is placed on images (Section 1), genres (Section 2), forms of mediation (Section 3), and cultural studies and literary repertoires (Section 4). To these four sections an epilogue is added, in which specialists in literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the (sub)disciplines of comparative history and comparative literary history, search for links between Volumes 1 and 2 from the point of view of general contributions to the field of Iberian comparative studies, and assess the entire project that now reaches completion with contributions from almost one hundred scholars.

César Domínguez’s profile in the IStReS “Who is who”

New profiles in the IStReS “Who is who”

Stewart King

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Comparative Literature.

Stewart King is a Senior Lecturer in the Spanish and Latin American Studies Program at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) and received his PhD from La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia). He is also a researcher member of Mujeres y Novela Criminal en España 1975-2010 (MUNCE). (more…)

Jon Kortazar

Jon Kortazar

Areas of interest: Basque Studies – Literary Theory.

Jon Kortazar is a Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy in the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. A renowned scholar in the field of Basque Studies, he has published several articles, books and special issues related to Basque literature, such as Euskal literatura XX. mendean [Basque literature in the 20th century] (2000) or Autonomía e ideología. Tensiones en el campo cultural vasco (2016). He is also the coordinator of a history of contemporary Basque literature, in five volumes, and director of the research group LAIDA – Literatura eta identitatea.


António Apolinário Lourenço

António Apolinário Lourenço

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

António Apolinário Lourenço is a Senior Lecturer (Professor Associado) at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, where he also coordinates the Hispanic Studies section, and is a member of the Executive Commission of the Center of Portuguese Literature. He has extensive publications on Spanish and Portuguese literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. (more…)

Ana Luna Alonso

Ana Luna Alonso

Areas of interest: Translation studies – Galician studies – Galician literature – Reception Studies – Literary Translation

Ana Luna Alonso is a Professor of Translation Studies at Universidade de Vigo, where she has taught since 1995. Alonso specializes in Galician literature, paying special attention to translation of Galician works and literary reception in the Galician context in works such as Traducción de una cultura emergente: La literatura gallega contemporánea en el exterior (co-author, 2012) and Literaturas extranjeras y desarrollo cultural: Hacia un cambio de paradigma en la traducción literaria gallega (Relaciones literarias en el ámbito Hispánico) (co-author, 2015). (more…)

Gabriel Magalhães

Gabriel Magalhães

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Portuguese Studies – Hispanic Studies – Comparative Literature

Gabriel Magalhães is a an Assistant Professor (Professor Auxiliar) in the Department of Portuguese and Spanish Literature at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal and was previously a visiting Professor at the University of Salamanca, Spain (1996-2002). At the University of Beira Interior, he was the director of the Undergraduate Program in Portuguese and Spanish Studies. He is also a member of the editorial board of Suroeste – Revista de literaturas ibéricas. (more…)

Elizabete Manterola

Elizabete Manterola

Areas of interest: Basque Studies – Translation Studies – Self-Translation

Elizabete Manterola is a Lecturer at the Universidad del País Vasco /  Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, from which she graduated with a PhD thesis  on the translations of Basque writer Bernardo Atxaga. She has created  and currently leads the online Basque Literature in translation catalogue ELI (Euskal Literatura Itzuliaren Katalogoa) which gathers information on modern works of Basque literature translated into other languages. Manterola has also coordinated various editions of the program “El escritor y sus traductores”, promoted by EIZE, the Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of Basque Language, and the Etxepare Basque Institute. (more…)

Víctor Martínez-Gil

Víctor Martínez-Gil

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Portuguese Studies.

Víctor Martínez-Gil is a Catalan Philology Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. He previously taught Catalan at the Universitat de Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. One of the most relevant specialists in Catalan-Portuguese literary and cultural relations, he has also translated renowned Portuguese authors such as Mário de Sá-Carneiro, José Saramago, and Herberto Helder.


Rosario Mascato Rey

Rosario Mascato Rey

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – History and Sociology of Contemporary Spanish Literature – Digital Humanities – Gender Studies – Comparative Literature

Rosario Mascato Rey is “Profesora contratada interina” (interim Lecturer) at the Department of Languages and Literatures in the Universidade da Coruña. She is the Principal Investigator of the SilverageLab (Spanish Silver Age Literature Across Borders) devoted to the study of networks involved in the diffusion of Spanish literature around the world from 1900 to 1940. She is also a member of the research group HISPANIA (Grupo de Investigación en Lengua, Literatura y Cultura Hispánica). Her areas of interest range from Gender Studies and Digital Humanities, to Comparative Literature and History and Sociology of Contemporary Literature.

In the field of Iberian Studies, Mascato’s work has primarily focused on the relations and exchanges between Spanish, Portuguese and Galician literatures and cultures as well as on the reception and translation of Valle-Inclán’s work in Portugal, and the image of Portugal image in Valle-Inclán’s work. Rosario Mascato’s research on Iberian Studies include articles such as “Portugal en Valle-Inclán: Panorámica de una biblioteca” (2010), “Relaciones culturales entre España y Portugal. A propósito de Valle-Inclán en La Gaceta Literaria e Ilustração” (2011), “Corpus e metodologia para o estudo das relações culturais ibéricas: O caso galego-português n’O Commercio do Porto (1927-1936)” (co-authored with Carlos Pazos-Justo, 2015), or “Said Armesto y el proceso para la creación de la Cátedra de Literatura Galaico-portuguesa en la Universidad Central de Madrid (1909-1914)” (2015). She is also the author of Valle-Inclán lusófilo: Documentos (1900-1936) (2012, Portuguese edition published in 2013).

More information: Institutional website, Researchgate, Silveragelab (project)

Rosario Mascato Rey’s publications in the IStReS database:

Mascato Rey, Rosario. 2001. ‘Valle-Inclán y Anglada Camarasa: una conferencia de 1916’. Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea / Anuario Valle-Inclán 26 (3): 183–96.
———. 2010. ‘Portugal en Valle-Inclán: panorámica de una biblioteca’. Bradomín – revista de estudios sobre Ramón del Valle-Inclán e o seu tempo, no. 3: 35–52.
———. 2011. ‘Relaciones culturales entre España y Portugal. A propósito de Valle-Inclán en La Gaceta Literaria e Ilustração’. Anales de la literatura española contemporánea, ALEC 36 (3): 75–102.
———. 2012a. ‘Da “Lusitania” ao “latín galaico”: interacções de Valle-Inclán e o campo literário português’. In Avanços em Literaturas e Culturas Africanas e em Literatura e Cultura Galegas, edited by Petar Petrov, Pedro Quintino de Sousa, Roberto López-Iglésias Samartim, and Elias Torres Feijó. Santiago de Compostela, Faro: Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas (AIL) / Através Editora.
———. 2012b. Valle-Inclán lusófilo: documentos (1900-1936). Páginas Finiseculares 3. Lugo: Axac.
———. 2013. ‘La impronta de Guerra Junqueiro en la producción lírica valleinclaniana: figuraciones estéticas del tiempo comunes a dos autores lusitano’. In Valle-Inclán, poeta moderno no canonizado, edited by Rosario Mascato Rey, 294–309. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña.
———. 2014. ‘De Menéndez Pelayo a Said Armesto: el proyecto ministerial de Romanones para la creación de las “Cátedras de literaturas regionales”’. Boletín de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo, no. XC: 313–24.
———. 2015a. ‘García Martí, Otero Pedrayo e as Obras completas de Rosalia de Castro: novos documentos para a análise’. Agália – Revista de Estudos na Cultura, no. 112: 123–47.
———. 2015b. ‘Said Armesto y el proceso para la creación de la Cátedra de Literatura Galaico-portuguesa en la Universidad Central de Madrid (1909-1914)’. In Víctor Said Armesto e o seu tempo: perspectivas críticas, edited by Carlos Villanueva, Justo Beramendi, Carlos García Martínez, and Margarita Santos Zas, 587–615. A Coruña: Fundación Barrié.
———. 2016. ‘Visões do Atlântico: de Pessoa a Valle-Inclán’. In 100 Orpheu, edited by Dionísio Vila Maior and Annabela Rita. s.l.: Edições esgotadas.
Mascato Rey, Rosario, and Carlos Pazos-Justo. 2015. ‘Corpus e metodologia para o estudo das relações culturais ibéricas: o caso galego-português n’O Commercio do Porto (1927-1936)’. In Estudos da AIL em Teoria e Metodologia – Relacionamento nas Lusofonias II, edited by Elias Torres Feijó, Raquel Bello Vázquez, Roberto López-Iglésias Samartim, and Manuel Brito-Semedo, 127–34. Santiago de Compostela, Coimbra: Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas – AIL Editora.

Sérgio Campos Matos

Sérgio Campos Matos

Areas of Interest: Conceptual History – Portuguese and Spanish History – Iberianism
Sérgio Campos Matos is an Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Lisbon. His main research interests are social memory, historiography, nationalism and the relationship between Portugal and Spain from a cultural, social, and political historical perspective. He has authored or co-authored papers in these research area for the Diccionario político y social del mundo iberoamericano, ed. by J. Fernández Sebastián (Madrid, 2009) and The Contested Nation, ed. by S. Berger and C. Lorenz (London, 2008). He is the author of Historiografia e memória nacional no Portugal do século XIX (1846-1898) (Lisbon, 1998) and Consciência histórica e nacionalismo. Portugal (séculos XIX e XX) (Lisbon, 2008). Recently he has edited the Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses (1779-1974). Additionally, he is a co-editor of Historiografia e memórias (séculos XIX a XXI) (Lisbon, 2012) and A Universidade de Lisboa nos séculos XIX e XX (Lisbon, 2013). 


Robert Patrick Newcomb

Robert Patrick Newcomb

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Robert Patrick Newcomb is an Associate Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies at the University of California, Davis, United States. Additionally, he is the founder and co-director of the UC Comparative Iberian Studies Working Group. He received his BA, MA, and PhD from Brown University.


Miguel Filipe Mochila

Miguel Filipe Mochila

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies, Hispanic Studies, Transatlantic Studies, Modernism, Modernity Miguel Filipe Mochila is a Lecturer of Portuguese at the University of Puerto Rico, under a protocol with Instituto Camões I. P. (Portugal). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Évora with a research project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, on the Hispanic reception of the Portuguese poet Eugénio de Castro. Previously he earned a master in Comparative Literature and Poetry by the University of Évora. His final dissertation analised the relation between the literatures and thoughts of Miguel de Unamuno and Vergílio Ferreira. Miguel Mochila’s research focuses on Iberian and Iberian-American writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He has several national and international publications in journals and books connected to these issues. He also translated into Portuguese authors such as Julio Cortázar, Blas de Otero, Juan José Saer, Nicanor Parra and Joan Margarit, among many others. He also collaborates as a critic for the journal Suroeste – Revista de Literaturas Ibéricas. Some of his most relevant contributions to the field of the Iberian Studies include ‘A (De)Construction of Modern Literary Iberia: Translating Eugénio de Castro’, in Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones (2021), ‘The express of originality: Eugénio de Castro in the context of Hispanic modernity’ (2019) or ‘Talvez tudo seja a memória de um ventre perdido. A privação do espaço familiar em Miguel de Unamuno e Vergílio Ferreira’ (2016). More information: Institutional website;   Miguel Filipe Mochila’s publications in the IStReS database: Mochila, Miguel Filipe. 2021a. ‘A (De)Construction of Modern Literary Iberia: Translating Eugénio de Castro’. In Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, edited by Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto and Ângela Fernandes, 91-116. Liverpool University Press. ———. 2021b. ‘Eugénio de Castro Ibérico’. Revista de Estudos Literários, 11: 311-342. ———. 2019a. ‘Eugénio de Castro y Miguel de Unamuno’. In Perspectivas actuales del hispanismo mundial. Literatura – Cultura – Lengua, edited by Christoph Strosetzki, 347-370. Münster, WWU . ———. 2019b. ‘The express of originality: Eugénio de Castro in the context of Hispanic modernity’. International Journal of Iberian Studies – special issue ‘Iberian Studies: New spaces of Inquiry 32: 65-89. ———. 2016. ‘Talvez tudo seja a memória de um ventre perdido. A privação do espaço familiar em Miguel de Unamuno e Vergílio Ferreira’. In Vergílio Ferreira em Évora. Entre o Silêncio e a Palavra Total, edited by Rosa Maria Goulart, Cristina Firmina Santos, Elisa Nunes Esteves and João Tiago Lima, 147-160, Lisbon: Âncora Editora.
Xaquín Núñez Sabarís

Xaquín Núñez Sabarís

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Galician Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Xaquín Núñez Sabarís is an Associated Professor (Professor Associado) in the Department of Romance Studies of the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. He works on his research at the Center for Humanities Studies in that same university, as well as in the research group “Identidade(s) e Intermedialidade(s)”. He is also a member of the research group studying the works of Valle-Inclán at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. His research deals with contemporary Spanish (micro-)narrative, theatre and intermediality, as well as with the pedagogy of literature in a multilingual context. (more…)

Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas

Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas

Areas of internest: History – Galician history – Spanish history – European history – Nationalism – Exile

Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas is a Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He obtained his PhD from the European University Institute (Florence), and between 2012 and 2017, he also taught at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Núñez Seixas specializes in 19th and 20th century national and regional identities in Spain and Europe, in such publications as Entre Ginebra y Berlín. La cuestión de las minorías nacionales y la política internacional en Europa (1914-1939) (2001) or Movimientos nacionalistas en Europa. Siglo XX (1998, 2nd. ed. 2004).


Mari Jose Olaziregi

Mari Jose Olaziregi

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Basque Studies – Gender Studies.

Mari Jose Olaziregi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies at the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and previously served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno Center for Basque Studies. She has also been a Guest Professor at the University of Konstanz, Germany (2010), Koldo Mitxelena Visiting Chair Professor at the University of Chicago (2016) and Bernardo Atxaga Visiting Chair at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (2014 and 2015). She has served as the editor of the Basque Literature in Translation Series at the Center for Basque Studies since 2003, and is the director of the Basque Literature portal. (more…)

Santiago Pérez Isasi

Santiago Pérez Isasi

Santiago Pérez Isasi is a Researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon “Nationalism and Literary Regenerations in the Iberian Peninsula 1868-1936;” he is also the PI of the project “Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1868-1936),” funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). He is the co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective. Moreover, Santiago has published several articles and book chapters on Iberian literary relations, as well as on the theoretical and methodological foundations of Iberian Studies as a field.

Carlos Pazos-Justo

Carlos Pazos-Justo

Areas of interest: Galician Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Carlos Pazos-Justo is a Lecturer (Professor Auxiliar) in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Estudos Espanhóis e Hispano-Americanos) at the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. He is an external member of the research group GALABRA at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and a member of research group GALABRA-UMinho, at CEHUM-UMinho (Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho), where he is also a researcher of the group NETCult (Group for Transcultural Studies). (more…)

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro

Areas of interest: Spanish Literature – Portuguese Literature – Early Modern Spanish Literature – Comparative Studies – Iberian Studies 

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro is Catedrática (Full Professor) of Spanish Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research encompasses the poetry of Siglo de Oro, with an emphasis on Francisco de la Torre, Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Francisco de Medrano and Hernando de Acuña. Her studies focus on the poetic genres like odes, eclogues and sonnets. Prof. Pérez-Abadín Barro is also interested in the poetry of Quevedo and de la Galatea and the Novelas ejemplares by Cervantes. 

Her current research focuses on comparing 16th century Spanish and Portuguese poetry. Her numerous contributions to the field of the Iberian Studies include publications such as ‘Tareas pendientes: la poesía hispano-lusa de los siglos XVI y XVII’ (2011), ‘Una atribución compartida: Camões y Hurtado de Mendoza’ (2019), ‘Historia y poética en un soneto hispano-portugués’ (2021), ‘Una atribución compartida: Camões y Hurtado de Mendoza’ (2019), ‘Mucho a la Majestad sagrada agrada: un soneto en eco en los cancioneros hispano-portugueses’ or Iberae fidicen lyrae : anotaciones de poética peninsular (2022).

More information: Institutional

Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro’s publications in the IStReS database:

  • Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad. 2011. “Tareas pendientes: la poesía hispano-lusa de los siglos XVI y XVII.” Edad de Oro, no. XXX: 257–96.
  • ———. 2016. “A la margen del Tajo, en claro día: procesos de reescritura en un soneto de Camões.” In Actas do CEL. Filologia e Literatura, edited by Maurizio Perugi, 4:99–130. Lisbon/Genève: Colibrí.
  • ———. 2017a. “La oda hispano-portuguesa del siglo XVI: topoi morales.” Edited by Aude Plagnard and Jaime Galbarro García. e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes, no. 27-Special issue ‘Literatura áurea ibérica’.
  • ———. 2017b. “Quevedo en el repertorio luso-castellano: los sonetos.” Criticón, no. 131: 109–31.
  • ———. 2018a. “Fortitudo et sapientia: variaciones de un tópico en la oda peninsular (António Ferreira y Luis de León).” Edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro and Martha Blanco González. Criticón, no. 134-Special issue ‘Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII:  aproximaciones críticas’: 77–95.
  • ———. 2018b. “La oda estacional hispano-portuguesa: secuelas horacianas y conexiones vernáculas en ‘Eis nos torna a nascer.’” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95 (8): 931–55.
  • ———. 2019. “Una Atribución Compartida: Camões y Hurtado de Mendoza.” Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Society 24 (2): 162–90.
  • ———. 2021a. “Historia y poética en un soneto hispano-portugués.” In Entre Italia, Portugal y España: ensayos de recepción literaria, edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro, Rita Marnoto, David González Ramírez, and Martha Blanco González, 229–90. USC editora. Clave 3. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
  • ———. 2021b. “Mucho a la Majestad sagrada agrada: un soneto en eco en los cancioneros hispano-portugueses.” Neophilologus 105 (1): 39–56.
  • ———. 2022. Iberae fidicen lyrae : anotaciones de poética peninsular. Clásicos Hispánicos 30. Madrid – Frankfurt: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.
  • Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad, and Martha Blanco González, eds. 2018a. Special issue “Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII:  aproximaciones críticas”, Criticón. Vol. 134. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi.
  • ———. 2018b. “Textos y autores luso-castellanos de los siglos XVI y XVII.” Edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro and Martha Blanco González. Criticón, no. 134-Special issue ‘Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII:  aproximaciones críticas’: 5–34.
  • Pérez-Abadín Barro, Soledad, Rita Marnoto, David González Ramírez, and Martha Blanco González, eds. 2021. Entre Italia, Portugal y España: ensayos de recepción literaria. USC editora. Clave 3. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago Pérez Isasi

Santiago Pérez Isasi

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Santiago Pérez Isasi works as Principal Researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon, where he currently develops his research on “A digital meta-history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: methodological exploration and prototype”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Between 2015 and 2020 he was also the PI of the project ‘Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1868-1936). He is the co-author of De espaldas abiertas. Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930) (2018, with Antonio Sáez Delgado) and co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (2013, with Ângela Fernandes) and Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos (2019, with Cristina MArtínez Tejero). With Esther Gimeno Ugalde, he is also co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and coordinator of the Iberian Studies Reference Site.

Santiago Pérez Isasi’s main contributions to the field of Iberian Studies include several articles and book chapters on Iberian literary relations, as well as on the theoretical and methodological foundations of Iberian Studies as a field, such as “¿Hacia unos Estudios Ibéricos 2.0? Críticas, debates y caminos abiertos” (2020), “On the polysemic nature of Iberian Studies” (2019), “Nacionalismos políticos y renacimientos literarios: apuntes para una perspectiva ibérica” (2017) or “Cartografias do espaço cultural ibérico. Uma proposta de desenvolvimento digital” (2019).


Teresa Pinheiro

Teresa Pinheiro

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Galician Studies – Portuguese Studies – Cultural Studies.

Teresa Pinheiro is a Professor for Iberian Studies at the Institute for European Studies of Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany. She graduated from the Universität zu Köln and the Universidade de Lisboa with degrees in German and Portuguese Studies and received her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at the Universität Paderborn, Germany in 2002. Her research fields include emigration, representations of collective identity, and the politics of memory in the Iberian Peninsula. She is Reviews Editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies and is currently working in a digital project on the Second Spanish Republic.


Aude Plagnard

Aude Plagnard

Areas of interest: Spanish literature – Portuguese literature – Epic Poetry – 16th and 17th century literature

Aude Plagnard obtained a PhD in Spanish literature from the Sorbonne University in Paris and is currently Maîtresse de conférences in Comparative Literature at Université Paul-Valéry in Montpellier. She holds a Lucienne Domergue fellowship at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study to develop a research project on the cultural and political relations between Spain and Portugal in the modern age, based on their literary production. Her research interests primarily focus on modern epic in Romance languages, the narration of recent history in prose and verse, and the political implications of historical fiction. She also supervises the digital edition of texts related to the polemic about Góngora’s poetry within the framework of the Pólemos project (coord. Mercedes Blanco, OBVIL, Sorbonne Université).

Aude Plagnard has contributed to the field of Iberian Studies through her research on the common Iberian cultural space in the modern age, with special attention to epic poetry. Some of her most relevant publications in the field include Une épopée ibérique. Alonso de Ercilla et Jerónimo Corte-Real (1569-1589) (Casa de Velázquez, 2019), the co-edition with Jaime Galbarro García of a special issue on ‘Literatura áurea ibérica’, in e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes (2017), or more recently the chapters “Venga otro saltico de cabras: Manuel de Faria e Sousa, enemigo lector de Luis de Góngora” and “El portugués a la luz de la nueva poesía” (2021), on a collective volume on the national and international reception of the polemic on Góngora and ‘gongorism’ (El universo de una polémica: Góngora y la cultura española del siglo XVII).

More information: Institutional website;

Aude Plagnard’s publications in the IStReS database:

Plagnard, Aude. 2012. ‘Fortuna de Jerónimo Corte-Real en España: la traducción del “Segundo cerco de Diu” por Pedro de Padilla’. Criticón, no. 116: 137–45.

———. 2015. ‘Geografias épicas nas obras de Jerónimo Corte-Real, Alonso de Ercilla e Luís de Camões’. Veredas: Revista da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, no. 23: 9–26.

———. 2016a. ‘Des épopées imitatives et refondatrices ? Le cas d’Alonso de Ercilla et de Jerónimo Corte-Real’. Épopée – Le Recueil Ouvert, no. Section 2.

———. 2016b. ‘Le portugais et la cour des Habsbourg d’Espagne : usages nobiliaires, circulations écrites et pratiques littéraires’. In Les cours : Lieux de rencontre et d’élaboration des langues vernaculaires à la Renaissance (1480-1620), edited by Jean Balsamo and Anna Kathrin Bleuler, 271–95. De lingua et linguis. Geneva: Droz.

———. 2016c. ‘Venus y el desnudo heroico. Una disputa entre Luís de Camões y Jerónimo Corte-Real’. Edited by Roland Béhar. Atlante – Revue d’etudes Romanes, no. 5-Special issue ‘La Parole inconvenante Limites et transgression dans les lettres romanes du XVIe siècle’: 99–123.

———. 2017a. ‘A conversão de Manuel de Faria e Sousa ao antigongorismo na constituição de um campo literário lusocastelhano’. e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes, no. 27.

———. 2017b. ‘Como la blanca flor o roxo lirio: variaciones portuguesas sobre el símil heroico de la flor cortada’. In Serenísima palabra. Actas del X Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro, edited by Anna Bognolo, Florencio del Barrio de la Rosa, María del Valle Ojeda Calvo, Donatella Pini, and Andrea Zinato, 287–300. Venice: Ca’ Foscari.

———. 2017c. ‘¿Epopeyas imitativas y refundadoras? El caso de Alonso de Ercilla y Jerónimo Corte-Real’. Revista Épicas Año 1 (2): 1–20.

———. 2018. ‘A descrição da máquina do mundo : Francisco Garrido de Villena e Luís de Camões’. Edited by Soledad Pérez Abadín Barrio and Martha Blanco González. Criticón, no. 134-Special issue ‘Letras hispano-portuguesas de los siglos XVI y XVII: aproximaciones críticas’: 115–40.

———. 2019a. ‘Del Turia al Tajo. Lisboa, amor y música en la invención de la Valencia moderna’. In L’invention de la ville dans le monde hispanique (IXe-XVIIIe siècle), edited by Louise Bénat-Tachot, Mercedes Blanco, Araceli Guillaume, and Hélène Thieulin-Pardo, 453–71. Paris: Éditions hispaniques.

———. 2019b. ‘Polimetría en la épica quinientista’. Bulletin hispanique. Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux, no. 121–1: 119–60.

———. 2019c. Une épopée ibérique. Alonso de Ercilla et Jerónimo Corte-Real (1569-1589). Madrid: Casa de Velázquez.

———. 2020. ‘El Templo da memória de Manuel de Galhegos: un epitalamio heroico en la raya de España y Portugal’. Bulletin Hispanique 1222 (2): 605–44.

———. 2021a. ‘Catálogos de reyes en el Portugal “dos Filipes”’. In Entre Italia, Portugal y España: ensayos de recepción literaria, edited by Soledad Pérez Abadín Barrio, Rita Marnoto, David González Ramírez, and Martha Blanco González, 337–66. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

———. 2021b. ‘El portugués a la luz de la nueva poesía’. In Universo de una polemica : Gongora y la cultura espanola del siglo XVII, edited by Mercedes Blanco and Aude Plagnard, 531–53. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.

———. 2021c. ‘Les premières Vies portugaises et espagnoles de Luís de Camões. “L’illusion biographique” d’une poésie mondialisée’. In Le Grand Écrivain et sa première Vie. “L’illusion biographique” (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), edited by Maria Zerari, 19–55. Paris: Garnier.

———. 2021d. ‘Manuel de Faria e Sousa y la Quinta de Santa Cruz (Maia, Portugal)’. Edited by Jesús Ponce Cárdenas and Antonio Sánchez Jiménez. Creneida. Anuario de Literaturas Hispánicas 1 (9): 165–97.

———. 2021e. ‘Venga otro saltico de cabras: Manuel de Faria e Sousa, enemigo lector de Luis de Góngora’. In Universo de una polemica : Gongora y la cultura espanola del siglo XVII, edited by Mercedes Blanco and Aude Plagnard, 287–301. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana – Vervuert.

Plagnard, Aude, and Jaime Galbarro García. 2017a. ‘Literatura áurea ibérica. La construcción de un campo literario peninsular en los siglos XVI y XVII’. Edited by Aude Plagnard and Jaime Galbarro García. e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes, no. 27-Special issue ‘Literatura áurea ibérica’.

———, eds. 2017b. Special issue ‘Literatura áurea ibérica’, e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes. Vol. 27. Paris.

Josep Miquel Ramis

Josep Miquel Ramis

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Spanish Studies – Translation Studies – Reception Studies

Josep Miquel Ramis received his MA and PhD in Translation and Interpretation Studies from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Additionally, he was a fellow of the “Formación de Profesorado Universitario” at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation from 2007 to 2011. In the past, he was a lecturer at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and he currently works at the Universitat de Barcelona. Dr. Ramis is also a member of the inter-university research group TRILCAT, Grup d’Estudis de Traducció, Recepció i Literatura Catalana. Ramis’ extensive research focuses on Translation and Receptions Studies and Contemporary Catalan Literature. Many of his publications analyze the literary self-translation of Catalan authors such as Sebastià Juan Arbó and Josep Palau i Fabre among others. (more…)

CFP for the International Colloquium “Iberian Studies from the periphery. Epistemological challenges and new perspectives in Galician, Basque and Catalan Studies”

CFP for the International Colloquium “Iberian Studies from the periphery. Epistemological challenges and new perspectives in Galician, Basque and Catalan Studies”

Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa. 8-9 March 2018

The international consolidation of Iberian Studies, and its probable expansion in the near future, should make us reflect on the relocalization that this new frame of work implies for Galician, Basque and Catalan studies. This international coloquium intends to be a chance to rethink both Iberian Studies from the “periphery”, and also the Galician, Basque and Catalan areas of study in the light of the most recent analytical trends.

Confirmed speakers include Arturo Casas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Joseba Gabilondo, Michigan State University, and Mercè Picornell, Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Submission of proposals:

Proposals should include full name, academic afiliation and email; title and abstract of the proposal (200-250 words); up to 5 keywords, and short biographical note (100 words max.)

Proposals must be sent before November 15th 2017, in .odt or .docx format, to:

As a rule, case studies presentations will not be accepted, unless they offer a solid theoretical-methodological background that supersedes the specific individual analysis, seeking to reach broader conclusions on the topics of the conference.

Accepted languages: all romance Iberian languages

Full information and CFP:

Susana Rocha Relvas

Susana Rocha Relvas

Areas of interest: Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature

Susana Rocha Relvas is a Researcher at CEFi Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto, Lisbon). She obtained her MA at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon, with a dissertation on António Sardinha e suas relações culturais com Espanha, recolha, transcrição e análise da correspondência espanhola e hispano-americana (1998), and her PhD at the same university with a dissertation on O Pensamento de Leonardo Coimbra: afinidades e convergências no espaço ibérico e ibero-americano (2009). Her main lines of research include Culture and Religion, Comparative Literature, Iberian Studies (including transatlantic relations), History of Intellectuals and History of Ideas, libertarian movements and pedagogical innovations in the Ibero and Ibero-American space.

Joan Ramon Resina

Joan Ramon Resina

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Cultural Studies – Literary Theory.

Joan Ramon Resina is the Director of the Iberian Studies Program at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Relations and Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures and Comparative Literature at Stanford University, United States. He received an M.A. and the PhD in Comparative Literature at U.C. Berkeley. Prof. Resina specializes in modern European literatures and cultures with an emphasis on Catalan and Spanish traditions. (more…)

Jesús Revelles Esquirol

Jesús Revelles Esquirol

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Literary Theory Jesús Revelles Esquirol is an Associate Teacher at the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics from the Universitat de les Illes Balears. He graduated in Literary Theory and Humanities from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and obtained a Ph.D. from the same institution with the doctoral thesis “Direcció Lisboa: Portugal en la vida i l’obra de Josep Pla” (2006). His research focuses on Josep Pla, contemporary nonfictional Catalan prose, the concept of Iberianism and Catalan-Portuguese literary and cultural relations during the 20th century. Jesús Revelles Esquirol’s contributions to the field of Iberian Studies include publications such as “L’iberisme de Joan Maragall. Un projecte germinador” (2011), “Cambó, Pla, Gaziel i els contacts lusocatalans” (2010), “L’àngel atlàntic. Eugeni d’Ors i Portugal” (2015), “Felanitx-Palma-Lisboa: la implicació balear en la tradició iberista catalana” (2015), “Sepharad com a utopia iberista” (2015), “Missió catalana a Lisboa, Joan Estelrich, 1921” (2016), “Bautizar la utopía: Iberia como solución catalana a España” (2017) and “Humberto Pelágio y las mediaciones luso-catalanas de principios de siglo xx. Una aproximación” (2019). More information: Institutional website; Academia   Jesús Revelles Esquirol’s publications in the IStReS database:
Revelles Esquirol, Jesús. 2010. ‘Cambó, Pla, Gaziel i els contacts lusocatalans’. In Uns apartats germans: Portugal i Catalunya = Irmãos afastados: Portugal e a Catalunha, edited by Víctor Martínez-Gil, 149–68. Palma de Mallorca / Lisbon: Lleonard Muntaner Editor / Instituto Camões.
———. 2011. ‘L’iberisme de Joan Maragall. Un projecte germinador’. In Joan Maragall, Paraula i pensament., edited by Josep-Maria Terricabras, 203–15. Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
———. 2014. ‘Joan Estelrich a Galícia. Els contactes peninsulars de la mà dreta de Francesc Cambó’. Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca 19: 87–98.
———. 2015a. ‘Felanitx-Palma-Lisboa: la implicació balear en la tradició iberista catalana’. In Les Illes Balears: Literatura, llengua, història, arts / Les Îlles Baléares: Littérature, langue, histoire, arts – Actes du VI.e Congrès International de l’Association Française des Catalanistes (Université Paris-Sorbonne, 4-5 de Octobre 2013), edited by Mónica Güell, 81–88. Canet: Trabucaire.
———. 2015b. ‘L’àngel atlàntic. Eugeni d’Ors i Portugal’. In Eugeni d’Ors, potència i resistència, edited by Xavier Pla, 123–25. Barcelona: Institució de les Lletres Catalanes.
———. 2015c. ‘Sepharad com a utopia iberista’. Indesinenter. Anuari Espriu 10: 187–96.
———. 2016. ‘Missió catalana a Lisboa, Joan Estelrich, 1921’. In El món d’ahir de Joan Estelrich. Dietaris, cultura i acció política, edited by Xavier Pla, 189–215. Valencia: Universitat de València.
———. 2017. ‘Bautizar la utopía: Iberia como solución catalana a España’. In Procesos de nacionalización e identidades en la península ibérica, edited by César Rina Simón, 373–84. Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura.
———. 2019. ‘Humberto Pelágio y las mediaciones luso-catalanas de principios de siglo xx. Una aproximación’. Tintas. Quaderni di Letterature Iberiche e Iberoamericane. 8: 65–80.


Juan Miguel Ribera Llopis

Juan Miguel Ribera Llopis

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Comparative Literature – Travel Literature

Juan Miguel Ribera Llopis is a Professor of the Catalan Philology Department at the Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain, specialized in Comparative Literature, History and Geography, and Languages of Urban Spaces. His interests include Catalan literature and culture, Iberian Studies and Travel Literature.


César Rina Simón

César Rina Simón

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Nationalism – 19th-20th century – Memory and Trauma

César Rina Simón is Lecturer of History at the Universidad de Extremadura. His research specializes in the topics of democracy and dictatorship, and also on 19th and 20th century Iberianism. He has published extensively on these subjects, for instance in La construcción de la memoria franquistas en Cáceres. Héroes, espacio y tiempo para un nuevo estado, 1936-1942 (2012) or Los imaginarios franquistas y la religiosidad popular, 1936-1949 (2015).


Rexina Rodríguez Vega

Rexina Rodríguez Vega

Areas of Interest: Translation Studies – Iberian Studies – Galician literature – Self-Translation – Bilingualism in Literature

Rexina Rodríguez Vega is a Lecturer at the Department of Spanish at the Universidade de Vigo. Rodríguez Vega holds a PhD in Romance Philology and has worked as a literary critic in journals such as A Nossa Terra, Grial, and the Anuario de Estudos Literarios Galegos. As a literary author, Rodríguez Vega has also written several works of fiction, such as Cardume (2007), Dark Butterfly (2012) and Nadie duerme (2017). (more…)

José Antonio Sabio Pinilla

José Antonio Sabio Pinilla

Areas of interest: Translation Studies – History of Translation – Translation Theory – Literary Translation – Iberian Studies

José Antonio Sabio Pinilla is Associate Professor at the Department of Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada, where he teaches translation from Portuguese into Spanish and Translation theory and history. He is also a member of the research group Lenguas y Culturas (HUM 354), funded by the Junta de Andalucía, and a founder of the ‘Jornadas sobre Tradução de Espanhol para Português e de Português para Espanhol’, organized annually since 2018 by the University of Granada and the Nova University of Lisbon.

He holds a Spanish Philology (1980) and Romance Philology (1982) as well as a PhD in Romance Philology (1987). He translated into Spanish a selection of short stories from Contos Analógicos by Maria Isabel Barreno and from O Barão by Branquinho da Fonseca,  as well as the novels Diálogos à margem do Tejo and O Professor Periri by Francisco José Magalhães.

His main research areas comprise Theory and History of translation in the Iberian context, (Literary) Translation between Spanish and Portuguese and Contrastive Studies between Spanish and Portuguese. He also specializes in the Spanish translations of Os Lusíadas by Camões.

Some of his works are key contributions to the field of Iberian Translation Studies, especially Las antologías sobre la traducción en el ámbito peninsular. Análisis y estudio (co-authored with Pilar Ordóñez López, 2012) and Historiografía de la traducción en el espacio Ibérico: textos contemporáneos (co-edited with Pilar Ordóñez López, 2015). Other relevant recent contributions include: “Francisco Acuyo en portugués. Cuatro poemas para una antología” (2010), “Andanzas y desventuras de las traducciones del Quijote en portugués” (2018), “El relato de la traducción ibérica: una aproximación historiográfica” (2018), “História das traduções de “Os Lusíadas” em castelhano” (2021), “Traducciones entre lenguas peninsulares en el siglo XVI” (2021), “Portugal y España: Contactos” (2022), etc.


More information: Institutional website, Researchgate

José Antonio Sabio Pinilla’s publications in the IStReS database:

Fernández Sánchez, María Manuela, and José Antonio Sabio Pinilla. 2011. ‘Algunas reflexiones acerca del relato canónico de la historia de la traducción y algunas incidencias en el ámbito peninsular’. In Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación, edited by Ricardo Muñoz Marín, 1:69–80. Granada: AIETI.

Ordóñez Lopez, Pilar, and José Antonio Sabio Pinilla, eds. 2015a. Historiografía de la traducción en el espacio Ibérico: textos contemporáneos. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

———. 2015b. ‘Tradición filológica, literaria y comparada’. In Historiografía de la traducción en el espacio Ibérico, edited by Pilar Ordóñez Lopez and José Antonio Sabio Pinilla, 17–26. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Sabio Pinilla, José Antonio. 2001. ‘El concepto de provecho en los prólogos de las traducciones peninsulares del cuatrocientos’. In Literatura y cristiandad: homenaje al profesor Jesús Montoya, 673–83. Granada: Universidad de Granada.

———. 2003. ‘La traducción del portugués en España: Enseñanza y perspectivas profesionales’. In Panorama actual de la investigación en traducción e interpretación, edited by Miguel Ángel García Peinado and Emilio Ortega Arjonilla, II:121–37. Granada: Atrio.

———. 2007. ‘Hierarquia linguística e tradução entre línguas próximas’. Mundo eslavo: revista de cultura y estudios eslavos 6: 207–19.

———. 2010a. ‘Francisco Acuyo en portugués. Cuatro poemas para una antología’. Hikma 9: 209–31.

———. 2010b. ‘Las antologías sobre la traducción en España y Portugal: revisión crítica’. Sendebar – Revista de traducción e interpretación 21: 7–20.

———. 2017. ‘The Philological Underpinning of Translation Studies in Spain and Portugal’. In The Age of Translation. Early 20th-Century Concepts and Debates, edited by Maria Lin Moniz and Alexandra Lopes, 45–66. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

———. 2021a. ‘História das traduções de “Os Lusíadas” em castelhano’. In História da tradução: potências de um diálogo, edited by Andrea Cesco, Gilles Jean Abes, and Juliana Bergmann, 157–77. Florianópolis: Rafael Coppetti Editora.

———. 2021b. ‘Traducciones entre lenguas peninsulares en el siglo XVI’. TRANS. Revista de Traductologia, no. 25: 89–106.

———. 2022. ‘Portugal y España: Contactos’. In ENTI (Enciclopedia de Traducción e Interpretación), edited by Javier Franco Aixelá, Ricardo Muñoz Marín, and Carla Botella Tejera. Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI).

Sabio Pinilla, José Antonio, and Pilar Ordóñez Lopez. 2012. Las antologías sobre la traducción en el ámbito peninsular. Análisis y estudio. Relaciones literarias en el ámbito hispánico 6. Berna: Peter Lang.

———. 2018. ‘El relato de la traducción ibérica: una aproximación historiográfica’. Costellazioni. Revista di lingue e letterature, La Sapienza, Roma, 7: 63–85.

Antonio Sáez Delgado

Antonio Sáez Delgado

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature.

Antonio Sáez Delgado (Universidade de Évora) is an Associate Professor (Professor Associado com agregação) in the Linguistics and Literature Department as well as the School of Social Studies at the Universidade de Évora, Portugal. He received his PhD in Hispanic Literature and Philology at the Universidad de Extremadura, Spain, in 1999. Sáez Delgado holds the Giovanni Pontiero Translation award from the Instituto Camões, Portugal and the Eduardo Lourenço Award from the Iberian Studies Center at the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. He additionally is a researching member of “DIIA – Iberian and Iberian Dialogues.”


Mario Santana

Mario Santana

Areas of interest: Catalan Studies – Hispanic Studies – Cultural Studies – Film Studies

Mario Santana is an Associate Professor of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies at the University of Chicago, USA, where he is the faculty coordinator for the Catalan Studies Program.  He received his PhD in Spanish Literature from Columbia University. In the past he has been visiting professor at Harvard University and CUNY.


José Miguel Sardica

José Miguel Sardica

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Portuguese Studies – Political History – Cultural/Press History – Compared History

José Miguel Sardica is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Human Sciences and of the Institute for Political Sciences at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and is presently a member of the Board of the Scientific Society at the same university. Additionally, he is a member of the Directive Board of the Inter-University Doctoral Program in History. His general research interests include 19th and 20th century Portuguese and international history in fields such as politics, culture, and media. (more…)

Núria Silleras-Fernández

Núria Silleras-Fernández

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Catalan Studies – Cultural Studies – Gender Studies.

Núria Silleras-Fernández is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Colorado-Boulder, USA. She specializes in Medieval and Early Modern Iberian literatures and cultures (13th to 16th centuries), Cultural and Intellectual History, Gender studies, Catalan Studies, and Mediterranean Studies. (more…)

Elias J. Torres Feijó

Elias J. Torres Feijó

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Galician Studies – Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Literary Theory.

Elias J. Torres Feijó is a Lecturer (Profesor Titular) of Portuguese language, literature, and culture at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He is the director of the Galabra Research group, which focuses on Galician literature and culture in relation to other Iberian and Lusophone cultures. Additionally, he received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award for his dissertation, “Galicia in Portugal, Portugal in Galicia through literary journals” (1996).


Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo

Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo

Areas of interest: Portuguese Studies – Spanish Studies – Early Modern literature – Philosophy – Quixote – Chivalric romance

Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo is lecturer at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; previously he was researcher at the Universidade do Porto. From 2012 to 2015, he lectured at the University of Dublin, in Ireland. Vargas Díaz Toledo has been involved in several research groups, including, but not limited to, the Seminar on Medieval and Renaissance Philology at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and the Research Centre of the Faculty of Letters of the Universidade de Lisboa (CLEPUL), and SMELPS, from the Instituto de Filosofía da Universidade do Porto. He also leads the project Almoroul’s Universe:, an online database on 16th to 18th-century Portuguese chivalric literature. His more influential publications include: Amadís de Gaula y el nacimiento de los libros de caballerías (co-author, 2009), Os livros de cavalarias portugueses dos séculos XVI-XVIII (2012), and Diálogos, de Francisco de Moraes (ed.) (2017).


Iván Villarmea Álvarez

Iván Villarmea Álvarez

Areas of Interest: Film Studies — Film History — Iberian Cinemas — Portuguese Cinema— Spanish Cinema — Galician Cinema

Iván Villarmea Álvarez is an Assistant Professor of History of Film at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain) and Associated Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He is the author of Documenting Cityscapes. Urban Change in Contemporary Non-Fiction Film (2015) and co-editor the volumes Jugar con la Memoria. El Cine Portugués en el Siglo XXI (2014, with Horacio Muñoz Fernéndez) and New Approaches to Cinematic Space (2019, with Filipa Rosário). Founding member of the Compostela Film Society since 2001, he also contributes to the online film journal A Cuarta Parede since 2011 and has served as Vice-president (2020-2022) and Secretary (2022-2024) of the Association of Moving Image Researchers (AIM).

His most crucial contribution to the field of Iberian Studies is the introduction of the concept of “Iberian austerity cinema”, which he has developed in several publications related to his post-doc research project: “Crisis-scapes. Representations of the Great Recession in Iberian Films (2006-2021)”.

More information: Ciência Vitae,

Iván Villarmea Álvarez’s publications in the IStReS database:

Muñoz Fernández, Horacio, and Iván Villarmea Álvarez. 2014. ‘Un Cine Nacional para una Época Transnacional’. In Jugar con la memoria. El cine portugués en el siglo XXI., edited by Horacio Muñoz Fernández and Iván Villarmea Álvarez, 198–210. Shangrila. file:///C:/Users/Gabri/Downloads/Un_Cine_Nacional_para_una_Epoca_Transnac%20(4).pdf.

Villarmea Álvarez, Iván. 2018. ‘Rostros y espacios de la austeridad en los cines ibéricos (2007-2016)’. Iberoamericana 69 (17): 13–36.

———. 2019. ‘Paisagens Vividas, Trabalhadas, Truncadas. Iconografia da Periferia Urbana no Cinema Ibérico da Austeridade’. Rebeca. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual 2 (8): 15–34.

———. 2020. ‘It Could Happen to You: Empathy and Empowerment in Iberian Austerity Cinema’. In Cinema of Crisis. Film and Contemporary Europe, edited by Thomas Austin and Angelos Koutsourakis, 150–63. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. file:///C:/Users/Gabri/Downloads/It_Could_Happen_to_You_Empathy_and_Empow%20(1).pdf.

———. 2022. ‘Historias de vida y paisajes alegóricos: estrategias de representación documental en el Cine Ibérico de la Austeridad’. Revista Cine Documental 24: 118–54.

David Wacks

David Wacks

Areas of Interests: Medieval Iberian literature and culture, Sephardic Studies, Mediterranean Studies

David Wacks is a Professor of Spanish at the Romance Languages Department of the University of Oregon (USA). He holds a BA in English Literature (Columbia University), a M.A. in Spanish Literature and Language (Boston College), and a Ph.D. inHispanic Literatures and Languages (University of California at Berkeley).

His research focuses on Medieval Iberian literature and culture, Sephardic Studies, and Mediterranean Studies with a special interest in multilingual practices. He is the author of Framing Iberia: Frametales and Maqamat in Medieval Spain (Brill 2007), Double Diaspora in Sephardic Literature 1200-1550: Jewish Cultural Production before and after 1492  Indiana University Press 2015), and Medieval Iberian Crusade Fiction and the Mediterranean World (University of Toronto Press: 2019) and co-editor of Wine, Women and Song: Hebrew and Arabic Literature in Medieval Iberia (Juan de la Cuesta 2004), Marginal Voices: Studies in Converso Literature of Medieval and Golden Age Spain (Brill 2010), among others. He also conducts research on Biblical exegesis in 13th century Alfonso X’s General Estoria.

More information: Institutional website; Research gate; Blog

David Wacks’s publications in the IStReS Database:

  • Hamilton, Michelle M., David A. Wacks, and Sarah Portnoy, eds. 2004. Wine, Women and Song: Hebrew and Arabic Literature in Medieval Iberia. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta.
  • Wacks, David A. 2004. “Between Secular and Sacred: Abraham Ibn Ezra and the Song of Songs.” In Wine, Women and Song: Hebrew and Arabic Literature of Medieval Iberia, edited by Michelle M. Hamilton and Sarah J. Portnoy. Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs.
  • ———. 2005. “Don Yllan and the Egyptian Sorceror: Vernacular Commonality and Literary Diversity in Medieval Castile.” Sefarad 65 (2): 413–33.
  • ———. 2006a. “Reconquest Colonialism and Andalusī Narrative Practice in the Conde Lucanor.” Diacritics 36 (3–4): 87–103.
  • ———. 2006b. “Reading Jaume Roig’s Spill and the Libro de Buen Amor in the Iberian Maqama Tradition.” Routledge, July, 597–616.
  • ———. 2007. Framing Iberia: Maqamat and Frametale Narratives in Medieval Spain. Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 33. Leiden / Boston: Brill.
  • ———. 2009. “Is Spain’s Hebrew Literature ‘Spanish’?” In Spain’s Multicultural Legacies: Studies in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead, edited by Adrienne Martin and Cristina Martínez-Carazo, 315–31. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs.
  • ———, ed. 2010a. Multilingual Medieval Iberia: Between the Tongue and the Pen (EHumanista Volume 14, Part I). Vol. 14. Santa Barbara: University of California Santa Barbara.
  • ———. 2010b. “Toward a History of Hispano-Hebrew Literature in Its Romance Context.” Edited by Antonio Cortijo Ocaña. EHumanista – Journal of Iberian Studies 14-Part I: Multilingual Medieval Iberia: Between the Tongue and the Pen (Special Section): 178–207.
  • ———. 2012. “Vernacular Anxiety and the Semitic Imaginary: Shem Tov Isaac Ibn Ardutiel de Carrión and His Critics.” Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 4 (2): 167–84.
  • ———. 2013. “Vidal Benvenist’s ‘Efer ve-Dinah’ between Hebrew and Romance.” In A Sea of Languages: Literature and Culture in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean, edited by Suzanne Akbari and Karla Malette, 217–31. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • ———. 2014. “Cultural Exchange in the Literatures and Languages of Medieval Iberia.” Sephardic Horizons 4 (1).
  • ———. 2015a. “‘Crónica de Flores y Blancaflor’: Romance, Conversion, and Internal Orientalism.” Narrative Culture 2 (2): 270–88.
  • ———. 2015b. “Popular Andalusi Literature and Castilian Fiction: Ziyad Ibn ‘Amir al-Kinani, 101 Nights, and Caballero Zifar.” Revista de Poética Medieval, no. 29: 311–35.
  • ———. 2016. “Translation in Diaspora: Sephardic Spanish-Hebrew Translations in the Sixteenth Century.” A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula 2: 351–63.
  • ———. 2017. “An Interstitial History of Medieval Iberian Poetry.” In The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies, edited by Javier Muñoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale, and Manuel Delgado, 79–92. London / New York: Routledge.
  • ———. 2019. “Whose Spain Is It, Anyway?” In Who’s Middle Ages? A Reader, edited by Andrew Albin, Mary C. Erler, Thomas O’Donnell, Nicholas L. Paul, and Nina Rowe, 181–90. New York: Fordham University Press.
  • ———. 2022. “Aljamiado Retellings of the Hebrew Bible.” Postmedieval 13 (3): 419–34.
  • ———. 2023. “Medieval Iberian Romance.” In The New Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance, edited by Roberta L. Krueger, 167–79. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wacks, David A., and Antonio Cortijo Ocaña. 2010. “Multilingual Iberia. Between the Tongue and the Pen. Introduction.” Edited by David A. Wacks. EHumanista – Journal of Iberian Studies 14-Part I: Multilingual Medieval Iberia: Between the Tongue and the Pen (Special Section): i–xii.
Ulrich Winter

Ulrich Winter

Areas of interest: Iberian Studies – Hispanic Studies – Cultural Studies

Ulrich Winter is a Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Philipps-Universität-Marburg (Germany). He received the PhD in Romance Literature at Heidelberg University. Prof. Winter specializes in European and Comparative literatures, Cultural Theory and Visual Culture. He is a member of the research group MHLI – Historical Memory in Iberian Literatures. (more…)